Test Drive Nissan Teana since 2008 Sedan


Perhaps the theater is the most Japanese car from all that is supplied to export. The car from the bumper to the bumper is pushed by the culture and mentality of the country, which has brewed.
Bold experiment
You will not find it in either European, nor in the American catalogs of the company. Teame is designed for the domestic market and the countries of Southeast Asia. How did this exotic appear in Russia?
From its European Model Gamma, Nissan has just nothing to offer. Desperate to gain a foothold in the business class, Japanese firms left this market niche. But in order not to lose a tip of the cake in Russia, they began to supply business sedans to us, originally developed for North America.
And they did not lose. Camry has been a bestseller for several years in a row. In Mitsubishi, looking at the success of a competitor, they decided to try happiness with galant. Everyone was waiting for Nissan to launch American Maxim in Russia, with a small blood adapted for European standards. But Japanese Teana appeared instead.
Experiment, I must say bold. After all, Japanese cars for the domestic market are very original not at all like for Europe and America. It is possible that the issue of buying
Teamea will be reduced to whether you can accept her oriental philosophy.
How much is
The price of basic Teamean-Elegance is very attractive $ 30,990. But for the large and heavy sedan of the business class of a 2-liter 136-strong motor, and even with a machine gun, frankly enough. Yes, and safety equipment such a machine is equipped modestly: only two pillows.
As a reference point, it is better to take the version of Laxori with a 2.3-liter 173-strong V6 value at a price of $ 34,500 with a velor interior or $ 35,400 with a leather, supplemented by electric adjustment and memory of the driver's seat settings. Compassion of $ 1300 per skin with electrification can be considered a gift.
And yet the optimal appearance of a 2.3-liter machine in the top version of the premium for $ 37,900 is presented. In addition to many other pleasures in it, the VDC dynamic stabilization system appears, which, as it turned out, the Teev is needed.
Finally, for $ 44,990 you can buy a premium with a 3.5-liter 245-strong V6 and a stepless variator instead of a hydromechanical machine. The car, of course, is dynamic, richly equipped. But it has too many notorious Japanese identity. And the capabilities of the 3.5-liter motor, as the test showed, is redundant for this car.
What is the Teana, it is clear from the price list. Formally, it refers to a prestigious business class. But only a real Japanese business class is infinity-M and Lexus-GS, which are one and a half times more expensive. They and its main rivals of Camry with galant are not even in the first, but rather in the second business league. These are just big barges without any complaints. That is how they should be perceived without installing the requirements of the requirements too high.
Outside and inside
Unlike Americanized Camry and Galant, Teana does not pretend to be a shapeless spam. The car may like or not to like, but individuality is indisputable in it. Monumental shapes with an abundance of chrome decor were characteristic of expensive Japanese cars of 2030-year old designed for the domestic market. However, the combination of soft surfaces and sharp faces introduce into this patriarchal nostalgia Tolik avant-garde. Thene looks unusual and dearly definitely more than its money. The replacement of Nissan's emblem on infinity will come.
Inside, the same national flavor, salted on the contrast of the classics and avant-garde. As if came from the 70s, a flat front panel with a visor on the entire width is symmetrically divided by a canopy central console in the style of high-tech. Not European polished furniture is used as a decorative finish, but a matte red tree. In the top version of the premium, it is so much that the salon is perceived by the living room in oriental style. It is not enough that the carved figures of the dragons.
In the 3.5-liter version there is another element of the national identity of the passenger-sided ottoman with a retractable support for the legs and the built-in massager. Sat down, tested. Indeed, legs can relax on weight, and two couples of fists alonely munuer and between the blades.
It is not clear only for whom this luxury is intended. If you buy a car in private use and spend money on a massage chair, then first for the driver, and only then for the passenger. If you use the Teana-3.5 as a staff (its rear sofa with heating and the music control panel allows such an option), the leg support and the massager should be rear. And so it turns out that the royal throne will use the guard.
It turns out that this is still equipping of the staff. Just according to the Japanese etiquette, the boss can ride both behind and near the driver. But what's the Japanese etiquette, if you sell the car in Russia? After all, the useless passenger Ottoman is worth the money, but to refuse her if you want to buy a 3.5-liter premium, it is impossible.
By the way, about the staff. On the one hand, a huge stock of space in the legs, an automatic sunscreen curtain and a soft sofa with a chic folding armrest (it is long because it is made at the same time with the head restraint). It would be higher than the ceiling, and would be a complete suite. But that the life of the passengers with honey does not seem, the thesons are very weakly insulated with the bottom and wheeled arches. The driver and front passenger do not notice this. But the inhabitants of the sofa ride, as if in a tin can, listening to the rustling of spikes along asphalt, the rustling of water and the drum fraction of the pebbles.
The level of interior decoration fully corresponds to what can be expected from a large sedan worth only 3040 thousand. The red tree looks expensive only in the photos. Upon closer look at a cheap laminate. The quality of the skin, plastic and sounding of music by the standards of the business class is so-so. And the decor made of black rough plastic on the spokes of the steering wheel and the front panel on the side of the passenger is worthy unless almers.
The quality of the assembly as a whole is quite worthy. But ... the front armchairs under the weight of the saddle of the loft in sled. The lid of the clothes pocket, that to the left of the steering wheel, closes loosely (this is especially noticeable with light upholstery). A soft pad of the penetration of the front panel is laid on the rigid base of the wave. Door frame seals easily. If the frame slightly approximate or for it, the seal comes out of the castle and does the rope ... It is clear that Nissan is not infinity, but still ...
Behind the wheel
Once again I will take the electrically regulatory buttons of the chair, but I can't pick up a comfortable landing at all. First, there is not a very good seat. It is too soft and formless, and the upper part of the back for some reason bent back. As a result, sit as in a canvas chaise lounge, and the spin from the blades and is above hanging in the air. Passengers liked the back of the back, collapsed, as on Perina, and rest. But the driver needs to work.
Secondly, the steering column is adjusted only on the angle of inclination (this is in the business class!), That does not allow you to feel optimal on the steering wheel and pedals. Large and longitudinal movement of the chair. I don't feel this with my height of 178, but colleagues under the meter ninety place at the limit.
If ergonomics are unsuccessful for people, you can try to explain the fact that the Teana is a car for Japan, then the skews in the configuration find excuses are much more difficult. Why even in the most expensive version for 45 thousand no rain sensor and intra-alone mirror with auto-process? Why is the radio tape recorder, and the volume of its sound does not change together at speed? After all, these comfortable little things have long become the norm even for small ages. But nearby Ottoman's chair.
As if apologizing for punctures, The Teana offers the driver two chic bonuses a magnificent Fijn dashboard with neon backlight and, most importantly, a colored rear-view color chamber. Such such a thing, and the Moscow taxi drivers of the participants of the international illard (rally by rear). With her, even on the Volga, it is not that the prize of a taxi championship of the world win.
In his homeland, the Krash tests according to the JNCAP technique, which is somewhat different from EuroNCAP. According to the results of two frontal and lateral blows, the car scored the maximum possible 5 stars for protecting the driver and front passenger. True, it concerns machines with six airbags, which in the Russian specification appear, starting with 2,3-liter Laxori. The basic elegans-2.0, we will remind, please only with frontal.
For the carriage of children in the Teev, you can use the wheels with conventional fasteners of isofixes in the car is not provided. Since the front passenger pillow is not turned off, in front of the wheelchair is allowed only to face forward, in the course of the movement.
From active safety media, VDC should be noted, bixenon headlights with side illumination (it turns on automatically when the steering wheel is rotated) and the rear view chamber. All this useful electronics is the prerogative version of the premium.
We ship suitcases
According to the standards of the business class of Teame, it offers an average volume (476 liters) and the convenience of the trunk. In height, he could be more, if it were not for the foam liner around the head of the floor. But for the sake of its full size, some loss of volume can be forgiven.
With the transformation of things are worse. In the back of the sofa, only a small hatch for the carriage of the lengths itself does not make up the back. But, unlike Camry, the compact loops of the trunk cover do not eat the inner volume and do not swing. However, on the inner upholstery of the lid for some reason, the handles in the dirty weather have to be swallowed.
On the roads ...
If the car is absolutely japanese, then the car is absolutely Japanese, then on the chassis qualities one hundred percent American. Not absolutely not driving, designed for a calm, measured ride.
In civil regimes, Nissan is very good. It confidently keeps on a straight line, quickly and accurately performs commands with the steering wheel, adequately and effectively slows down. Particularly impressive riding comfort. There are almost no aerodynamic noises. Motors will not even be accelerated, and at idle and sometimes trying to start them. The suspension completely does not notice the road trifle and only on large irregularities begins to show some discontent. In general, quiet, and smooth, yes God's grace. Knowing how much car costs, the best and wish is not necessary.
But you will just go a little faster, the thence is replaced. After 140 km / h, the car is taken on the sides and swing like a barcas on the wave, and the suspension is not enough power intensity. She begins to skip the vibration salon from unsourished masses and catch the trobs on large irregularities. Therefore, regardless of which motor under the hood is only sufficient 2.3 liters or hurricane three and five, it is simply not want to drive faster 140.
But the most unpleasant instability of behavior in emergency situations. With a sharp braking on a mix when one side is on ice or snow, and the other on the asphalt starts to baptize and it is necessary to actively catch the steering wheel. It seems that ABS is not the most perfect.
In addition, Teamena is distinguished by an excessive leaning towards driving. When trying to dodge the obstacle or when the gas is discharged in turn, it fell aparts and, cropped to the outer rear wheel, starts revenge on the tail when the front wheels are still confidently held for the asphalt.
With the disconnected VDC, the skid develops sometimes so quickly that in the absence of contralace preparation, it is very difficult to cope with it. Since an abnormal situation can be caught by surprise even a calm driver, Teana should be purchased only with VDC.
Which of the motors to choose? The possibilities of 2.3-liter V6 are quite enough, especially to take into account that the Teana is not adapted to aggressive ride. The machine-combined machine, although simple 4-speed, works very well. Switches smoothly and timely, while it allows the car to quickly follow the gas pedal. In general, the option is optimal.
Chumova 3.5 V6 conquers not so much by the dynamics, how much the work of the stepless variator. It is almost completely deprived of the unpleasant features of such boxes to keep the engine on some revolutions, annoying the driver by monotony. This is observed only with intensive acceleration. In all other modes, the tachometer arrow is freely walking on the scale, and the box imitates the work of the classic machine, and very good. There are variator and manual mode with six fixed gears, which allows you to effectively slow down the engine.
In addition, the CPD of the variator is significantly higher than the machine. In a rather hard test mode, a 3.5-liter machine consumed only 1314 l / 100 km almost like 2,3-liter. Be instead of the variator, the machine, the motor would have eaten 1617 liters. In general, the 3.5-liter version is good in everything. Except that the chassis capabilities do not correspond to the engine capabilities.
... and without them
When looking at the side of Teame, it does not seem very lying on the ground. But, making his way through the courtyards, the car was constantly chirking a belly about snow crests between rings, already polished by the protection of the crankterns of other machines. Only my Nissan had no protection eating ground clearance.
As the measurements have shown, there is nothing to eat there. Even without protection under the brush of the Teana, only 120 mm gap. Accordingly, if you install a steel sheet below, the lumen will be reduced to about 100 mm. Add a long database, low thresholds and bumpers. With such a geometry, it is not that in the winter to get out in winter even in Moscow to ride problematic.
Operation, service
There is a factory guarantee for three years or 100,000 km of run, which will come before. At the same time, the warranty conditions are quite acceptable, not infringe upon the interests of a bona fide user.
The maintenance of Nissan cars are engaged in 42 branded technical center in 22 cities of Russia. The service deficit is not particularly observed. At least in Moscow, it is worth waiting for a queue at no more than a week.
The cost of planned, as you can see, rather big. But these are real numbers, taking into account the planned replacement of all consumables, and not just the oil with the filter, how some automakers are shy. But the price of spare parts from Nissan is really high. It is because of this, insurance companies declare high rates for the Teana at risk. However, for Camry, they are even higher at risk of hijacking.
We decided:
The TEA car is not only very distinctive, but also very contrasting. In something he is undoubtedly good, but in something below average. To be liked by the Teana, you must know exactly that its advantages are important for you, and the disadvantages are not fundamental.
Comments on photo materials
Photo 2 and 3. in the Teev-3.5 inhabitants of the rear sofa can use heating, control music and sunscreen curtain
Photo 4. In the designs of the Laxori with a leather interior and premium for surcharge in $ 1000, a hatch with an electric drive is offered
Photo 8. The Ottoman Chair with Massager is definitely convenient. Only for whom it is intended?
Photo 9. CD changer is put in a glove box
Photo 10. Seat heating buttons are hidden under a hanging cliff of the central console, which is not very convenient. Quality sound magnetol medium
Photo 11. Pockets on the front panel closes loosely
Photo 12. The leather driver's seat is equipped with the memory of the settings for two people, and the clothing pockets with folding covers
Photo 13. For rear passengers Adjustable deflectors
Photo 14. This is a real armrest, and not a short step, as in many cars
Photo 15. Contactless access system allows you to keep the key in your pocket
Photo 16. Instead of the usual handbrake foot pedal of parking brake
Photo 17. Controls: 1. Buttons of electric windows. 2. Memory button settings of the driver's seat. 3. The remote control and folding mirrors; Switches VDC, headlight washer, rear curtain electric drive. 4. Alarm switch. 5. Climate control. 6. CD magnetol. 7. Seat heating switches.
Photo 18. Dashboard: 1. Tachometer. 2. Speedometer. 3. Run meter. 4. Fuel level pointer. 5. Daily mileage reset button. 6. Instrument brightness brightness control. 7. ACP mode indicator.
Photo 19. Compact loops do not occupy the volume of the trunk and do not swing. But on the inner handle saved
Photo 20. The trunk in volume is decent, but the sofa backs are not folded. For the carriage of long periods there is only a small hatch
Photo 22. Engine: 1. Glass washer tank. 2. Cooling system expansion tank. 3. Hydraulic steering tank. 4. Tank of the main brake cylinder. 5. Rechargeable battery. 6. Block relay and fuses. 7. Oil Property AKP. 8. The plug of the oil-tank neck of the engine. 9. Oil engine probe. 10. Radiator cork.
Photo 24. Solid, dear appearance
Photo 25. Work of the variator
Photo 26. Rear View Camera
Photo 27. Very little road clearance
Text: Alexander Konov
Photo: Maxim Goncharov

A source: Journal Buy Auto [05/2007]

Nissan Teana malfunctions since 2008

Nissan Teana malfunctions: details
TEANA since 2008
Management and suspension system
Brake system
Heated air and air conditioning
Start and Charging System
Electrical components and other
Body stability to corrosion