Nissan Teana test drive since 2008 sedan

Nissan Teana test drive: for economical businessmen

Nissan Teana (2008 - the second generation) causes conflicting responses. Many (especially in Russia) combination of words of a business class and economy seem to oximorone. However, it is possible that the crisis will force people to change their ideas.
Unlike its predecessor Maxima model, Nissan Teana Design, in my opinion, is emphasized retro-conservative. It causes clear associations with American dreadnoughts and European sedans of prestigious brands of the sixties of the century, which I am still not used to perceiving as the past.
True, this design led to the fact that the raised hood line closes the review forward and down, and on Russian roads it is still better to see what you are in. However, the range of seats adjustments is quite wide, including in height, and nothing prevents the rise higher so that the review becomes decent. Moreover, the seat adjustments are enough to get comfortable even without adjusting the steering column along the length of the length is enough tilted.
If you continue the conversation about the seats, then they make a good impression. The departing chair facilitates the driver of the process of landing in the car. However, it would be strange to see a lack of concern for ergonomics on a business class car. Developed lateral support is consistent with the vigorous behavior of the car on the highway. But more on this is slightly lower, but for now we will return to the salon.
Seats and upholstery are made of white leather (the second black decoration option offered to customers). Of course, you will have to clean the salon more often, but the white salon looks impressive. The impression is somewhat spoiled except that an openly cheap in appearance plastic under a tree. But what to do a real tree would be too expensive. Plus, Teana’s designers did not seem to want to create too obvious competition between this model and the Infiniti family inside the company. It is quite enough that Teana borrowed from the luxury unit an air ionizer and an excellent audit system. The sound quality of my inexperienced ear seemed very, very high.
A good sound insulation system contributes to the normal perception of sound. Even if there is studded rubber, the noise in the cabin does not bother, and in the summer it will be even better.
Hidden under the hood V-shaped six with a working volume of 2.5 liters and a capacity of 182 hp. (The version of 250xv participated in the test drive) corresponds quite well, in general, not the most easy car (the mass of the equipped about one and a half tons). According to the passport, acceleration up to 100 km/h in this version takes 9.6 seconds, which is quite enough for those who are not a stubborn seeker of sensations like that it jumped out of me.
Teana's dynamics arranged me. Understanding all the non -cherryfulness of such comparisons, I still want to say that in terms of dynamics, this car caused me certain associations with Mercedes machines: it does not have the same way to aggressive driving style - although it can ride so ... The latter was checked by accelerations, braking and sharp turns in the desert areas of the highway. Here good lateral support of the seats and came in handy.
Two factors contribute to unwillingness to drive. Firstly, the variator. Since there is no gear shift, the right hand does not twitch to the handle with thought, I will do it faster. Secondly, this is a suspension. Yes, she does not block all frequency ranges (this is simply impossible technically), but gives the impression that its developers traveled for a long time on Russian roads. Even at the railway crossings of these natural vibration stands of the Moscow Region, the moment of intersection of irregularities is usually perceived only by the sound and easy to sway the machine. And when the vibration penetrates the salon, only the arms and legs feel the soft chair does not allow concussions to the rest of the body.
There are no complaints about the steering. It is moderately acute and sensitive. True, maneuvering in narrowness seemed to me not very convenient, but this can most likely be explained by the fact that I had not driven on such large machines for a long time. The radius of TEANA turning is 5.7 meters, which is quite decent for a 2775 mm wheelbase. It is convenient to move back: a parking television camera, equipped with an indicator of the trajectory and tags tags to an obstacle, greatly facilitate this maneuver.
For some time, or rather, after I faced serious review problems, I began to pay attention to the sprayration of the car. It should be noted that Nissan Teana has everything in order with this. Even after a trip of 250 km long along the streets of Moscow and the roads of the Moscow Region, which do not shine with cleanliness, I did not have a desire to visit the sink immediately.
Let's get back to issues of the economy. The fact that the developers of Teana clearly paid special attention to this can be judged by the engine. It is designed for the use of 92nd gasoline, which will save on fuel.
The dynamics of the car are interesting. In May 2008, when entering the Russian market, Nissan Teana cost about 840 thousand rubles in minimal configuration. Now on the price tags of dealers you can see the figure of 906 thousand rubles (for a version with an engine of 3.5 liters. 1224 thousand rubles). However, almost all sellers give discounts, which can be about 70 thousand rubles. It turns out that, despite inflation, Nissan Teana can be bought even cheaper than a year ago.
In January and February, the volume of official sales of Nissan Teana in Russia amounted to an average of 540 cars per month. It seems that if the automaker and dealers will pursue an adequate pricing policy, these numbers may increase.


Source: Business car club

Nissan Teana malfunctions since 2008

Nissan Teana malfunctions: Detailed information
Teana since 2008
Control system and suspension
Brake system
Air heating and air conditioning
Launch and charging system
Electric components and so on
Corrosion body stability