Nissan Patrol test drive since 2010 SUV

Giants? Lilliputs?

The large varnished lads was forced to bite off -road and bread to be evil water who survived?

Large SUVs real kings of roads. They are the largest, status and brutal among all cars that are officially represented in our market. Nevertheless, we found in sandy quarries under Voskresensky the same on whose background even Land Cruiser 200, Nissan Patrol and Cadillac Escalade Hybrid seem to be lilliputs.

Outside and inside
This test should answer a few questions. Firstly, what is more economical in this class: diesel, gasoline or hybrid power plant? Secondly, what is the secret of Kruzak's popularity? Thirdly, can mastodons like our heroes be comfortable on the tight streets of Moscow? But you will find answers to these questions at the end of the material, but for now everything in order.

You can argue about who looks cooler in our Trinity for a long time. Personally, I am prettier than Escalade. A rock with its chrome disks with a diameter of 22 inches, with a physiognomy of a couple of terms of the club’s guard in some kind of bronks and endless flat sides makes each sitting inside feel like Jay-Z or at least a flour. How do you not know who it is? Do you definitely need Escalade? Patrol and Land Cruiser of the latest generations attached a friendliness mask, but they are still serious guys. Some giant Pokemon, which, if they are angry and begin to throw them, and turn into an icy statue of the offender. But enough about appearance, in the end everyone has their own tastes. Time to move to the salon.

The interior of a car that costs more than 3 million rubles (and this, by the way, is almost $ 110,000), should hit with luxury and wealth of equipment, but Land Cruiser is not amazing. The tree seems plastic, the skin is artificial, and the plastic as if they were taken from the inexpensive golf-class sedan. Stop-stop! Maybe I don't understand something? This car diverged last year with a circulation of 10,000 copies, forcing competitors to drink validol and sprinkle with ash head. So, there is certainly something special in it! But more on that later.

Once in the Nissan salon, understanding the army of fans of Kruzak is even more difficult. Soft, expensive skin, a tree that looks like a tree, and a lot of options. Two monitors for rear passengers against one for Escalade and not a single Toyota, a navigation system with a three-dimensional image of the main attractions, a circular review system with 4 cameras, active cruise control, three-zone climate control, heating the steering wheel, and the roof deflectors creating air The veil with open windows, here it is, premium! After all this luxury, both Cadillac, and even more so Toyota seem to be ascetic monastic cells. Patrol is so luxurious that there are doubts about the advisability of the existence of the corporal infiniti QX56.

But Patrol is not only luxurious, it is also thought out. So, the cooled boxing cover between the front seats is leaning back and forth, allowing them to use it and passengers of the second row. There is a lot of space behind: you can sit calmly, put your foot on your foot. The most interesting thing is that there is enough space on the third row, and the trunk does not remain nominal. Real bus! On the third row, Land Cruiser and Escalade can also sit with sufficient comfort, but in this case there are only memories from the TOYOTA trunk, and CADILLAC will offer only a modest nook for a pair of packages from a supermarket.

As for Escalade, it resembles the luxurious Cadillac of the past: a thin steering wheel, an automatic transmission poker, absolutely flat armchairs, landing with bent legs, like on a chair. Maybe it’s not very convenient, but you immediately understand that you are in Cadillac. But the lack of space above your head cannot be justified even by a large hatch, because it is still a big SUV! Yes, and there is not much space behind as in Nissan.

The first acquaintance with Escalade was shocked and brought the appearance of the first gray hair. It’s scary with habit! You do not know how to take up a thin steering wheel, besides, it is absolutely free from any reactive effort. The body sways, the wheels respond muffledly when it gets into each bump, and the heavy rear bridge breaks the car from the trajectory at the joints. The car walks along the road and does not obey the steering wheel at high speed. A terrible disappointment, but I was waiting for a meeting with him! But everything has changed the next morning. Cadillac carried me on a cruise control along the M5 Ural highway, in the cup holder of the gambling, 2pac dubasil from the speakers, and I was drowned in a soft chair. Such an American style of movement in space immediately allowed a large Caddy to feel at ease and show in all beauty.

Escalade is not for those who are fussing. As soon as the steering movements become measured, and the right leg ceases to desperately put pressure on the gas, the rock brings high. Yes, large wheels steal part of the comfort, but it can always be returned by ordering 18-inch discs. In the light of the morning lanterns, the emblem on the steering wheel seems to be made of gold, and the tree on the steering wheel once again reminds of the status. With nothing to do, you start to delve into the menu of the on -board computer, and at that moment Cadillac shocks the second time. This time the surprise is pleasant. Fuel consumption is 11.5 liters! When leaving Moscow, we oversaw the indications of the average fuel consumption, we must understand who is the best economy in our Trinity. The concrete ring forced to overtake the wagons, raising the consumption to almost 14 liters. And then we drove into Voskresensk with its morning jags, and fuel consumption disappeared. Hybrid! Moving exclusively on electricity, Escalade Hybrid has killed up to 12.7 liters. Not bad for a car weighing for three tons!

Unpleasantly struck the Land Cruiser, whose diesel V8 was not less than 13 liters even on the highway, not to mention the city where the cost figures reached 13.6 liters. As for Nissan Patrol, it was expected to be a rare glutton. Removing from the highway, we recorded the consumption of exactly 20 liters, which, after the traffic of Voskresensk, increased to 24 liters. The problem is not that the owner of the patrol will not have enough money for gasoline. Just in a dilated urban rhythm, a large Nissan consumes 2730 liters of gasoline. In this situation, the capital's tank is not enough even 400 km. Who wants to settle at the gas station? But it is not possible to go to Patrol calmly.

The most powerful V8 with a volume of 5.6 liters will catapult mastodon up to 100 km/h in a miserable 6.6 seconds! This is 6 tenths faster than Skoda Octavia RS, which won SportCAR according to the year according to our magazine last year! After Cadillac Nissan gives the impression of an almost car. He obeys the steering wheel well, is less fenced, it slows down better. Although in the behavior of both there are general features due to the same design. The uncertain rear bridge is what determines the behavior of these machines. He breaks the stern from the trajectory, deprives the machine for the passage of the passage of the full transverse waves of the primer, and when the bedridled police officers are traveling, it makes the body tremble, like the fuselage of a small aircraft before take -off.

Is the driver of a large SUV is doomed to deal with the rolls, an empty steering wheel and carriers from the trajectory? No, if he bought Land Cruiser. In the Toyota movement instantly removed all questions about why it is so popular. Learn, competitors! Regardless of what is happening under the wheels, Land Cruiser is calmly rushing forward, as if along the rails. Coursework sustainability is exemplary! Brakes are the best in the trio, and the smoothness of the course is on top. Of course, small 18-inch wheels with chubby (60%profile) tires played their role, but also the suspension engineers must be said to be thank you. Where Cadillac sneaks so as not to shake his passengers, and Nissan rumbles loudly with wheels, forcing to slow down, Land Cruiser flies forward without analyzing the roads. Bumps, pits, waves of cervical sand, the rails are all for him. Now it is clear why rich people in the provinces are so fond of. Think about: in Primorye, the two -hundredth most popular new car!

The main minus of the diesel Toyota against the backdrop of competitors is a lack of dynamics. 235 l. With. It is not always enough to dynamically move 2640 kg of equipped mass in a space. Specific power at the level of golf class machines with motors of 1.61.8. And the sensations from overclocking are approximately the same, although the two hundredth passport is only slightly slower than Escalade. But there is so much traction that on the Toyota trailer can easily pull a rather big yacht. Interestingly, it is on the diesel Land Cruiser that it accounts for 80% of sales.

Resurrection careers are interesting in that after the completion of work in them, Christmas trees planted Christmas rows, which form the labyrinth of alleys that converged from the right angle. Having rolled out plenty, we tried to return to the lane, but the road was blocked by the solid depth of the ditch. Denis Halfin, sitting at the wheel of Patrol, hesitated nothing to storm. Patrol only hooked the soil with a bumper and calmly overcame the obstacle. Denis involved the entire off -road arsenal, but then admitted that Nissan, according to his feelings, would have traveled in road mode of the transmission. Land Cruiser overcame the ditch playfully. Yes, he has less entry angles and clearance, but the heavy Patrol pushed soft soil, facilitating the task for Toyota. But Cadillac saved. The low lip of the front bumper and a hybrid drive that included either an electric motor, then the ICE, then both at once, led to the fact that Cadilla almost settled. But experience and dexterity did their job: Escalade got out of the trap. Nevertheless, Cadillac is not a full -fledged SUV, but rather a giant crossover.

It turned out to be easy to answer the questions posed at the beginning of the article, although some answers were surprised. Within the framework of this test, the most economical, judging by the testimony of the side complifers, was a hybrid. In second place diesel, and the gasoline engine in outsiders. And the secret of the popularity of Land Cruiser in its amazingly balanced nature. He is comfortable, talented on off -road, reliable and unsurpassed in handling. Nevertheless, Patrol becomes the winner of the test. He is the most powerful and luxurious. And to ride it in Moscow for a continuous pleasure. Its powerful motor allows you to accelerate instantly to wedge into the stream, thanks to excellent visibility, dimensions are easily felt, and numerous cameras and parctronics allow you to easily and at ease to park the giant. At the same time, Nissan is the only one who can be used for driving with the driver. And Cadillac is a style, charm and charisma. Yes, it is controlled worse and not so comfortable because of giant wheels, but if I were a buyer, I would choose it. A rock either love or hate. I love.


Source: Cars