Nissan Patrol test drive since 2010 SUV

Completely new Nissan Patrol

The new Nissan Patrol acts as a means of combating large distances multiplied by bad roads, but does not know what dirt is ... You can only envy the guys from the military-industrial complex. After all, how: the demand for armored vehicles has fallen is not a problem ...

The PR department quickly organizes a couple of provocations and pays an independent press, the marketing department drives lobbying mechanisms, and now the tank columns are exported by democracy. Not life of a fairy tale.

Probably if the Nissan Motor Corp. She could afford something similar, for example, at night under the guise of repairs to destroy asphalt, so as not to drive otherwise on an all -terrain vehicle, she would continue to produce cars with uncertain bridges. But this, alas, is impossible. Demand for them is falling. So the companies had to bend under a changeable world and equip the sixth generation of Patrol with a completely independent suspension, elegantly wiping his main competitor with sandpaper paper.

Girls forward
Frankly: I did not like the previous Patrol. His front bridge proudly declared himself on every pothole on the asphalt. The new generation on the road works three times better. Moreover, we are talking about quite specific roads in the foothills of Altai. It was there, in absolutely real Russian conditions, that they conducted an official test drive.

The quintessence of sensations from the trip is as follows: the new Patrol is much better suited for the role of an expedition car than its condo predecessors. It's not even that it is more comfortable. It just allows you to get to the destination much faster with lower costs of nervous and physical forces. Cherry qualities at the level of the crossover.

This means that you should not expect from the novelty of some fantastic smoothness of the course and who has it today? But at the same time, the suspension and steering allow you to quickly drive along a bad road. Even if it is replete with turns and even if the potholes are so large-scale that some kind of passenger German would leave half of his Bilsteins in them. In addition, the steering wheel of Patrol is by no means empty, the brakes are adequate all in place, sit down and go directly to the horizon. Moreover, the salon is quiet and Bose music. The chairs of the subhalimsky, with an abundance of adjustments. And the places behind, in the second row, really much can be set off on the way five. As for the third row, we tested it with long legs do not fit there. That is, he, as usual, is children for younger offspring of a large family from the Arab Emirates. And, by the way, with the third series raised in the trunk there is a place for five 100-liter backpacks. Although I'm not sure that there are many lovers of hiking among the new Patrol buyers ...

And firewood with you
In place of Nissan, I would offer three engines for the new model: large, very large and diesel. But so far, alas, there is only a large V8 5.7 with direct fuel injection, regulation of gas distribution phases and the degree of valve opening. The motor does not cause any questions. It does not need to be spurred and promoted, in it there is enough traction in it for the driver to forget about the mass of the car and it, by the way, can reach 3500 kg in maximum meaning ... True, the appetite is appropriate: we almost drained 100 for 400 kilometers of a suburban route. --litter tank. At the same time, they did not develop space speeds: if we were stopped, then even deprivation of rights would not have to be afraid. A curious nuance: after a test drive on the way to Barnaul, we noticed how the neighbors on the road movement waved our hands and shout something. At first we even stopped and examined the car, but did not notice anything suspicious. I just like it, then the people are novelty! We decided. And then it turned out that in a demonic way, a board hit the rear right brake hose right from the asphalt. On the move, she rubbed on the inner sidewall of the tire, burned and smoked. But only on the go. By the time we managed to find it by the smell, we drove 100 kilometers ... and no negative moments were noted in dynamics. The reinforced brake hose, by the way, survived, but the wheel most likely had to be thrown away.

Cettlements of the anti -wings system are four: road, sand, stones, snow. There is no dirt. But there is a locking rear differential

Automatic pen
Unlike its predecessor, the sixth Patrol is a constant all -wheel drive, implemented through a multi -disc clowing that automatically redistributing the stream of power. There is a low row with a gear ratio of 2.679 everything in an adult way, no parquet.

The gearbox is modern, advanced, and therefore it is boring to talk about it. Yes, a 7-speed automatic transmission. No, the switching is not felt. Of course, there is an imitation of manual mode. And by the way, it is honest: if you have removed the machine from the control, he will not move to the next step, whatever the momentum. Yes, here's another funny stroke: outwardly, the selector looks like a manual handle. And in general, Patrol was finished well with a well -based claim to chic.

The rear sofa Patrol is spacious as the first row of the amphitheater in the large

The buttons come
The interior in design and materials is much closer to the new generation Infiniti QX, with which Patrol divides the aggregate base than to the predecessor. Reducers were clearly rooted above the decorative panels, the plastic is solid, the skin is thick, the helm is impressive. In short, everything is at the level. And a large sensory multimedia screen is located correctly, high and convenient. True, they clearly overdo it with something. Let's say ten buttons on the steering wheel is a clear overkill. Unless children of the generation of Indigo can learn how to use this economy.

And I am also sure that the designers began to play a little with the instrument shield. Where so much? Can you argue about the usefulness of the voltmeter, but the oil pressure indicator? The consumer really should follow this even? And how will humanitarian drivers regard the high pressure of the oil as a good deed or as a sign that the motor is about to explode?

What is dirt?
The off-road part of the test was not provided. Maybe, of course, so I myself do not believe that someone, taking the car for 3 million, will joyfully climb on it to knead Guano. I’ll reveal the secret: the Patrol computer does not know what dirt is. The list of his programs is only snow, sand, stones and road. Nissan experts recommend choosing snow on the dancing roads, as close to wet loams, and maybe just as averaged. In the sand mode, the computer generously gives out the torque almost immediately after pressing the gas pedal, and in the case of stones, on the contrary, to the last keeps the engine in the lean. Of course, the corresponding braking of the skid wheels occurs. Probably ... We will definitely take Patrol for our own test and get to know him better, but for now we will have to be content with theory.

However, I am now confident due to the appearance of Patrol's electronics did not become less passable. Contrary to all fears, the passages of the suspension is like a stretch of Ulanova. It is difficult to lift the wheel into the air, I had to specially move into a roadside ditch, imitating diagonal hanging. My companions are actively sad, we won’t leave, but Patrol has a differential friction differential with the possibility of hard blocking in the rear bridge, so through this ditch I traveled with demonstrative stops and swaying a couple of times, to the joy of the video operator.

How hard the new suspension is, there is no way to judge yet, but I will not mourn the old one in any case. Including because I know a person who, on the previous Patrol, periodically bent bridges on public roads preferred, you know, quickly drove and jumped from time to time.

Step to the left flight
There are two modern systems for lovers to drive on the new Patrol: active cruise control and assistant retention in the strip. The first makes movement along the highway simply lulling if the car is inhibited in front of the car, Patrol also slows down, up to a complete stop. And it also accelerates itself, to a given limit. The second function from the category of protection from the fool. It monitors marking and reacts to its intersection without the turnover on. It is well planned: if the driver dozed off and the car began to go out into the oncoming lane, the electronics first tries to attract attention with baking (in my opinion, too timid for such a dangerous situation), and then brakes the right wheels, gently returning Patrol to the lane. Of course, this useful function can be turned off by a Russian driver, it will outstand the continuous supply of alarm signals ...

Author: Savva Safonov, photo Nissan Motor


Source: Magazine 4x4 [December /2010]