Test Drive Nissan Micra 5 Doors since 2010 Hatchback

From three to five

The formal reason for this test was Chevrolet Aveo debut in three-door version
A similar modification of Toyota Yaris appeared in the row and finally appeared in Russia. And they will be a kind of good old Nissan Micra, now for six years offering us from three to five doors.
Updated Chevrolet Aveo looks solid, or rather, aggressively predecessor. True, a huge shield of the falseradiator lattice with a hypertrophied family cross would be even better, not spoer his substrate with a number sign. But the headlights from the flagship sedan Epica and the ventilation grilles at the base of the front racks borrowed in the Cadillac model range, they came to the way. Like the plastic body kit, which is not only decorative, but also an applied function, protecting the thresholds from those flying from under the front wheels.
In the spring of 2006, the second generation of Toyota Yaris in the spring of 2006, and even more so the veteran of the Nissan Micra market in the expanded representation do not need. (The recent appearance of three-door Yaris could be considered to be news, it is distinguished by it from the usual version of something, except for the price and number of doors.) We only note that ideologically, these machines are in many ways, offering the maximum internal volume with relatively modest external dimensions (although in The case with Micra practicality was still partially brought sacrificing original design).
The interior of the updated Aveo has changed slightly. Designer breakthroughs here are still not noticeable, but persistence with which Koreans adhere to traditions in some details, to God, worthy of better use. (These are we, in particular, about stealless switches, stubbornly inherited each new model at the old woman Nexia.) Although by and large, claims to the driver's location Aveo a bit. I would like to finally adjust the steering wheel on the flight, a more ergonomic chair in which the back would better transfer many hours of traffic jams. And tell me for the mercy, to whom it occurred to keep the rear view mirror from the driver's side magnifying glass?!
Against the background of the coal-black desert Aveo, the MICRA cream salon with cordially decorated and richly decorated elements of the finish of doors and torpedo seems to be paradise bunks. (True, such a striking contrast provides only the top version of Tekna, and in the cheaper versions of the MICRA execution is much more boring). The driver's seat is quite comfortable and may even have an adjustable lumbar backup. The steering wheel, however, is regulated only in height.
The materials that constitute the interior of Yaris are expensive, however, do not adhere to the quality of the assembly. Not that to ergonomics. Despite the possibility of adjusting the column in two directions, low drivers want to stretch the steering wheel slightly, and raise it higher than it. Alas, but the ranges of settings are not different. (However, in itself the appearance of a telescopic steering column is already a real breakthrough.) But the seats are convenient, the electronic dashboard, as if soaring in black depths of the panel, inspires the mystical horror (Ai, Shaitan!), And the number of branches for smallness (at the disposal of the driver and The front passenger is about a dozen) forces to recognize yaris genius of practicality.
The comfort for the rear passengers is leading again yaris. Here, perhaps, the most comfortable seat, parts of which can be moving forward-back, and also the tilt of the backs change. The tunnel on the floor is almost impaired that it cannot but rejoice the holder of the central place (although if he is not a child among adults, it will still be in shoulders).
The back seat of Micra is also moving (in the absence of passengers, the trunk can be increased by 120 l), but it is harder to be embedded back: prevents low opening and high threshold. And sit closely: the legs rest in the back, and the head in the ceiling.
But if the inhabitants of the rear seats of Micra and Yaris, thanks to the settings of the chairs, are hypothetically able to win the living space from lackless suitcases, the Aveo passengers remain to be considered only for the mercy of Korean designers. And they, composed of a rigid budget framework, secured the landing places tightly, entirely and completely subordinate the interests of the gallery, whims of begging. Well at least a wheel base aveo is somewhat more than that of competitors
However, it is time to announce the results of the running tests, after them, as usual, a brief description of the Russian lines of the power units of our heroes. Good news for fans of Korean Chevrolet: both renewed Aveo motors have become more powerful. Upgraded 1,2-liter engine produces 84 hp. Against the previous 72, and 1,4-liter top version forced already up to 101 hp This, by the way, the most powerful unit in our today's Trinity. As a transmission, MCP-5 or ACP-4 dorestayling car are offered, which have not changed notable changes.
From the engines of the same volume, Nissan still removes 80 and 88 hp. respectively. The composition of the gearboxes has not changed: the base 5-speed mechanic or an optional 4-step automaton.
Yaris on the Russian market and at all one-only 1,3-liter 87-strong engine aggregative with MCP-5 or (in senior configuration) with a robotic 5-speed multimode transmission.
On the Nizakh Aveo 1.2 with a manual box weak lack of torque. However, unscrewing the motor to the ringing, it is possible to achieve an acceptable acne from the Korean. Of course, if it is possible to intuitively feel the switching algorithm: the lever (which is in neutral, that on the transmission) dangles like a flower in the hole.
No more positive emotions delivers Yaris with a robot that is unpleasant that stumbles when overclocking about each gear shift. (True, if the Toyota box is output from the usual, economical mode by pressing the ES button, the switching occurs faster, and the gas pedal becomes responsive.) You can, of course, switch the transfer manually, but why should I get to the pseudo automatic then?
In general, the four-stage machine MICRA was most adequate. The box is pleasantly surprising by safer. And by reducing the number of gears to three (the Over Drive Off mode is activated by a small button on the selector handle), you can count on a very dynamic ride.
Yes, and manageability is generally good. Key definitions of Micra and Yaris characters softness and predictability. Both cars willingly come in turns and are well kept the road even at the limit of the coupling properties of the tire. The difference is only in the nuances. For example, Micra is sharp responding to hard irregularities, and Yaris on the rut. Help electric power steering in both machines is too intrusive, but the Baranca Nissan is still slightly more informative.
The steering wheel of Aveo is frankly empty in zero, and the reactive force is not quite natural. However, to understand where the car goes, of course, you can. In the corners of the body, more desirable, but on asphalt waves, the car does not swing, and most of the flaws of the canvas easily curly with a rather power-intensive suspension.
However, the unconditional champion of smoothness by Yaris: His ability to overcome deep potholes can envy more adult cars. Although Micra called a stool language does not turn
Be that as it may, all subjective estimates of a car objectively overlaps one very significant factor Price. She, as they say, explains a lot. For example, the presence of Chevrolet Aveo in the Top-25 of the Russian market (17th place in the first half of the year with the result of 18,733 sold cars) and the absence of the remaining participants in this test in this ranking. And on the absence of Micra and Yaris in the body line so popular in our family of sedans (Aveo takes mainly in this body) this incision is not easy. Money rules ball. At least in this segment.
And while Chevrolet Aveo hatchbacks will cost from 311,200 rubles, and Nissan Micra and Toyota Yaris from 400,200 and 480,000 rubles, respectively, the Japanese should hardly hope to change the existing status quo.
Crash Test Chevrolet Aveo
The only Crash test Chevrolet Aveo according to the EURONCAP method was carried out in 2006 and brought, to put it mildly, disappointing results: the car could not dial two full-fledged stars. Especially crushing turned out to be the consequences of a frontal collision (3 points of 16 possible). The mannequin driver hit his breasts about the hub and rim of the steering wheel, and knees about the front panel and the ignition castle. In addition, the legs were threatened due to the clutch pedals mixed back. The benefit of Aveo was well protected by children's passengers (four stars out of five) and successfully resist the beat side (15 points).
Toyota Yaris Test Test
In the ranking EURONCAP Toyota Yaris earned five stars, typing 35 points. Moreover, 15 (94%) was obtained for the frontal blow, and for side 18 points (100%). Passengers-Children protects three stars out of five, and the experts have a two stars from four for the safety of pedestrians. Already in the basic configuration of the machine equipped with front and side safety pillows, belt pretensioners, ISOFIX and ABS fasteners. Security curtains and a knee cushion for driver in more expensive versions. There are no stabilization systems.
Crash Test Nissan Micra
Nissan Micra has passed EURONCAP tests in 2003. The car was awarded a four-star rating, obtaining 25 points in the amount of 25 points, of which 9 (56%) were awarded for the frontal blow, and for side 15 points (83%). The relatively low results of the frontal test are explained by the penalty for the fact that the pillow could not prevent the contact of the chest and the head of the driver with the steering wheel (fortunately, mesmer). Safety of pedestrians experts rated in 12 points (33%). In this discipline, Micra earned two stars out of four. Children's tests did not provide for the then regulations.
Chevrolet Aveo.
+ Interesting design, decent engine, quite spacious trunk.
- non-informative clutch pedal and MCP lever, mediocre course smoothness.
Toyota Yaris.
+ Practical and spacious interior with compact dimensions, generous equipment.
- Robotic transmission, boring gray interior, small trunk.
Nissan Micra
+ Decent dynamic qualities, pleasant design, practicality.
- Automatic without manual control, non-optimal transformation of the rear seats.
Andrei Tsybulsky
Photo by Armen Maitarjyan

A source: Mkmobile Magazine [September / 2008]

Video Test Drives Nissan Micra 5 doors since 2010

Video crash tests Nissan Micra 5 doors since 2010

Crash test Nissan Micra 5 doors since 2010

Crash Test: Details
Driver and passengers
Active security system