Test drive Nissan Maxima 2000 - 2004 sedan

Nissan Maxima QX

$10 000
The nature and properties of this model are perfectly expressed in its name. The maximum of comfort and reliability, but also the maximum price. All this is Nissan Maxima QX.
The second -generation Nissan Maxima saw the light in the fall of 1994, and since 1995, its sales in Russia began. The choice of engines in the Russian secondary market is most often limited by a pair of gasoline six-cylinder engines: 2-liter with the VQ 20DE index and a 3-liter VQ 30DE. They can be equipped with a mechanical or automatic gearbox. In the Russian secondary market, Maxima is most often found in European performance, and among them there are many cars that were bought in Russia through official dealers. Their technical biography is usually transparent because most cars have service books. However, recently cars from Europe have appeared on the market. They are equipped mainly by 2-liter engines, since 3-liter, alas, are expensive at today's customs prices. According to the tenth and eleventh signs of the VIN code, you can find out the market for which the car was produced. The uo letters mean that the car is European, but if the letter -combination of ZO was discovered, keep in mind that you have an option that is most likely made for the UAE or Kuwait. The assurances of the seller in Japanese origin will confirm the presence at the beginning of the VIN Signs JN1.
Modern repair technologies allow you to hide traces of very serious damage, and sometimes even the most competent wiper will not be able to determine whether the car was repaired or not. Indirect information can be obtained through the marking of glasses, but not the fact that the glass was changing due to the accident, and was not simply broken. You can, of course, dig up under the rugs in the cabin and trunk, look around the skin ... And if the sidewalls were repaired? Or the front of the body?
It is best to send the car to professional body diagnostics. Often a consequence of surgical intervention is the lack of the correct angle of the collapse of the wheels. Its parameters are installed at the factory and cannot be adjusted. If something is wrong, then the headache for the rest of your life together with this car is provided.
INNER WORLD. The cold motor is obliged to start within 0.5 seconds. Of course, when the engine is running on the dashboard, nothing should flash or glow, except perhaps the control lamp of the handbrake. However, such exemplary behavior should be skeptical, since there are frequent cases when, instead of an expensive SRS system, a special microcircuit-symractor of the safety pillow is installed in the machine.
European Maxima QX is equipped very richly. Checking the work of all kinds of electrical options in the cabin, we are most closely puzzled by the serviceability of electric drives of the seat adjustments and their heating. Only non -working heating will require a considerable, several hundred dollars, the amount for restoration.
We pay attention to the clutch pedal, which is especially true on cars with 3-liter engines. If she noticeably crawled up, then with the final calculation, consider $ 350 to replace the entire kit.
We add to the gas and listen to what the exhaust will answer. Excessive decibels - a hint of an emergency replacement of the system. This will cost fifty dollars for work, not counting the details: the reception of the pipe is $ 700, the resonator is $ 200, the muffler is $ 260 and the catalyst is $ 735.
Warm -up.
So, the motor works. Let's look at the tachometer. The heating mode lasts 1-2 minutes. and corresponds to 1500 --2000 about/min., Then the arrow is required to drop to 750--800 rpm. Press and release the gas pedal. For a split second, the revolutions should be recorded at 1100, then fall. The engine does not have the right to twitch at idle. If the convulsions are present, then keep in mind that the most harmless reason for this - the spark plug - will tear out from your budget at least $ 120 per set of original platinum, with installation work. The remaining possible problems of the engine will cost much more. It is impossible to identify them by ear or visually, and if you have suspicions, then spend $ 40 on full diagnostics of the motor - save an order of magnitude more.
The whistle and the noise accompanying the work of the motor most likely come from the tensioning roller of the generator drive belt, air conditioning and the steering hydraulic power steering pump (the video is $ 47, the work is $ 20). But the hum and howling of the Gur pump itself will cost much more - $ 530 with work. The clatter of the hydraulic compensators should encourage you to serious negotiations for discounts: eating, as you know, it makes no sense to change them, and a set of 24 pieces with work will cost $ 1300, where you will give $ 400 only for work.
In the process of a test drive, do not be too lazy several times sharply press on the gas in motion. A characteristic ringing of piston fingers will report the death of a detonation sensor, which, as practice shows, does not live longer than 4-5 years. Its price is small, only $ 20, but the replacement work is almost twice as expensive. The feeling of impact at the time of turning on the mode D and pronounced thoughtfulness when switching gear in the movement by car with automatic transmission can be considered an alarming symptom. Coming expenses cannot but impress-$ 4600 for a new box plus $ 200 for withdraw, take it off. And the diagnosis of automatic transmission costs only $ 17.
Maxima - the machine is heavy, powerful, and the costs of the suspension wear out quickly enough even with neat operation. According to the knocks and other sounds from the bottom, it is almost impossible to understand their mood, and the soundproofing of the model is at a height. The price of various elements ranges from $ 15 to $ 55, the cost of work is located within the same limits. But in the complex they can make a very noticeable amount. Therefore, if, when examined, you noticed some oddities or heard extraneous sounds from the suspension, we recommend contacting the technical center for diagnosis. Only $ 19 will help save ten times more.
Combat scars.
In conclusion, let's look at the hood. In front of the engine cooling radiator is a oil radiator similar to a coil. From the salt on our roads, his tube quickly turns on and begins to sniff, and you can’t do without replacement. The seller’s desire to save on trifles is sometimes manifested in the installation of foreign consumables on the machine and filling cheap oil. By the way, the presence of protection of the motor compartment can be regarded as a reason for a serious diagnosis of the motor - Nissan does not produce and does not recommend installing such products on its cars. Our consultants believe that they violate the thermal balance of the engine and lead to problems. As well as non-original filters, especially air, due to which, for example, aeromassmeter can fail. And this is a very expensive device.
In the end, it would be nice to check the brakes. On all four wheels, they are disk, and calipers usually have to acidify. Repair and replacement will result in not one hundred dollars.
It may seem strange that a used five-seven-year-old Japanese car at a price overtakes many eminent European one-days. But, as one of our consultants said, practically nothing breaks in them. And most owners and servicemen are in solidarity with him. To some extent, the reliability of Maxima compensates for a rather high cost of maintenance of spare parts compared to Europeans. Maxima has another important advantage - a low criminal attractiveness compared to European analogues. But before drawing up documents, we advise you to check the customs history: cars with 3-liter engines were often imported and registered even in those years bypassing customs.
Text Andrey Timofeev, photo Alexey Ilyin
We thank the technical centers autoimport, (095) 118-3410, and RTDS-service, (095) 332-2523, for technical consultations.
Nissan Maxima QX 2.0 V6 (fur./Auth.) 3.0 V6
Working volume (cubic meter cm) 1995 2988
Power (L.S.) 140 193
Maximum speed (km/h) 201/181 230/210
Acceleration to 100 km/h (sec.) 11.3/14.1 8.3/9.6
Fuel consumption (l per 100 km)
city \u200b\u200b10.9/12.1 12.1/12.6
highway 7.2/9.2 7.4/7.1
Prices for AM Nissan Maxima QX in Moscow (for April 2002)
1995 $ 9.3-11.3 thousand.
1996 $ 8.9-11.3 thousand.
1997 $ 10.3-15.6 thousand.
1998 $ 13.5-16.5 thousand
1999 $ 14.5-19.5 thousand
Prices for consumables and some spare parts (dealerships)
Oil filter $ 7.5
Air filter $ 14.5
Fuel filter $ 14
Spark plugs (K-T) $ 87
Brake pads, per./Ass. $ 63/50
Brake discs, per./Ass. $ 75/70
Front suspension lever $ 170
Steering tip $ 7
Division of $ 910
Hydracks (pcs.) $ 38
Rear shock absorbers $ 110
Front stand $ 270
Supporting bearings of the rack $ 25
Calipers, per./Ass. $ 600/480
Stabilizer stand $ 22

Source: "Autopilot"

Nissan Maxima 2000 test drives - 2004

Nissan Maxima 2000 - 2004 malfunctions

Nissan Maxima malfunctions: Detailed information
Maxima 2000 - 2004
Control system and suspension
Brake system
Air heating and air conditioning
Launch and charging system
Electric components and so on
Corrosion body stability