Test drives Nissan Leaf since 2010 Hatchback

Nissan Leaf Electric Car Test Drive. Wonderful imperceptible in the best sense
Techinari and fans of science fiction (including your faithful servant), more often than others who induce the dreams of flying cars and other wonders of technical thought, are not really the bulk of buyers of new cars. Recent hot debates that have broken around Chevrolet Volt have shown that most consumers are interested in how electric vehicles are comparable to conventional gasoline ...
Test drive of the newest electric car Nissan Leaf
Behind the wheel of a new electric car, I want to say that the electric vehicles are uncomfortable. Even if you manage to find the charging point, the process will take 20 minutes. When I drove an electromotive Nissan Leaf drove into the territory of the Ebin service station, was already noon. My car, as well as serving staff, was needed a lunch break: from ...
Nissan Leaf. Dove
Nissan Leaf. Price: not defined. On sale: n. Toyota has developed a hybrid prius, Nissan went even further, presenting the world the serial electric vehicle! Test Pilotmikhail Medvedev, 34 years old, car journalist, driving experience 14 years old, personal car - Mazda 3 days car, which in ...

Video Test Drives Nissan Leaf since 2010