Mitsubishi Galant test drive since 2008 sedan

A sea of \u200b\u200bcalm

It took him a long year and a half to get to Russia. Moreover, bypassing the Japan itself: the ninth generation gallant is a purely American car.
Fall will help us!
I remember very well the model of the previous, eighth generation. This was, I will tell you, sharks - with an aggressive face and other pronounced personality. However, sooner or later everything, even the best and freshest, may dump completely and irrevocably. And three years ago, Galant disappeared from car dealerships.
It was a shame then terrible: the old Galant died, but I did not become a new life. At least we never appeared. And in vain - Lancerovodes needed a sedan, as they say, for growth. And such a car, as it turned out, is in nature: behind the ocean, in the States, Galant has been sold quite calmly for a year and a half as. True, this is a car that was invented for America, collected in America and sell everything in the same America. But, fingers, why Russia, in fact, is worse? There will be its own Galant and the Russians!
Speak Russian?
The press release dedicated to the exit of the Galant to our market refers to the 308th changes in the design of the car during its adaptation to Russian conditions. Although, in my opinion, they rather tried to deactericize the car than to Russify.
Outwardly from is almost indistinguishable - except that our site has a platform under the euro at the euro, and the rear optics are different. But it is quite obvious: the design of the car is not Japanese at all. Now fashionable, expressive machines are fashionable, and Galant is too calm. However, he looks, of course, very in his own way. However, this originality is unemotional - at least, if you look directly in the face: the smile of a chrome -based trim of the radiator grille is some kind of stretched.
The feed view is much more interesting - the designers somehow combined brutality with dynamism. It turned out quite spectacular, but at the same time, the feeling that Galant’s backbone is too raised does not leave - as if completely inappropriate spacers had been introduced into the rear suspension. And wide rear racks ate visibility.
But the interior is unconditionally good. Ergonomics does not raise questions: all parts of the body intuitively find the necessary governing bodies. It would be possible to complain about the lack of adjustment of the steering wheel by departure - but in principle this does not interfere with the feeling of a well -established driver. Moreover, in the more expensive version of Insti -installation, the machine is characterized by a leather interior and no less leather steering wheel with the buttons of the control of the audio system. The sound, by the way, is what: the 6-disk chainer plus the amplifier is eight speakers of the loudest sound. I was not impressed with the sound quality: it burye noble, but rudely: I would not listen to the fullest.
Palpation of Torpedo showed that it was made of supple, slightly rubber material, and a pleasant to the touch. The central console is edged with plastic aluminum, along the entire front panel the decor is launched under an unnaturally gray tree. Moreover, which is surprising - this, it would seem, the paradoxical combination does not at all look like a vulgar overwhelm. Well, of course, the presence of the skin only enhances the sensation of quality.
And not only the quality of the cabin, but also its number, especially on the back sofa, was surprised. Together here you can stretch your legs! I really did not expect, to be honest. But when the third sticks here, the buzz will inevitably be broken, especially since sitting in the middle means to be at risk to enter the back of the head in contact with the ceiling.
Among other things, I terribly liked the button for turning on the accident. I don’t know why - I just liked it. I guess I'm too emotional personality ...
The trunk opens up the button - right from the ignition key. Or a lever to the left of the driver's seat. But he cannot boast of spaciousness - as well as the width of the opening, and loading height. And there is no possibility of transformation: except for a small hatch hidden behind the armrest of the rear seat, there is no other way to use the united space of the trunk and the salon in Galanta, alas,.
Sport is harmful
We, like all future galleys, had a car with a 2.4-liter engine of 158 liters. With. With a 4 -speed machine - other options for Russia are not provided. If you go slowly, Galant is extremely affectionate and delicate. He moves smoothly and, not letting the engine unwind, carefully switches the gears - almost in perfect silence. You can rule carelessly, with one hand: in the near -mesh zone, the sensitivity of the steering is small. As a long ride in the paving stones showed, the smoothness of the course is not exemplary, but the suspension is clearly ready to demonstrate an outstanding energy intensity. I think Galant will without any tension swallow even the most tasteless rails and disgusting potholes. And the brakes seemed slightly harsh, but quite adequate in effort and ease of control. In the drizzling rain on the uneven suburban highway, Mitsubishi with 120 km/h stopped exemplary, without the slightest departments to the side.
But God forbid you to start making an active driver out of yourself! That's what Galant cannot stand. If, say, you decide to imagine yourself a traffic light, then the car is still ready to play with you in this not too entertaining one - in its opinion - the game. The power of the motor is enough for average vigor: acceleration is confident - but nothing more. The automatic machine is adaptive, and the programs in it, if you remember, by current standards are not at all (although by American, one must think, just right). Therefore, I can’t say that the box suffers from indecision: by and large, the machine is quite accurately choosing the right moment for the next switch. But in manual mode to nimble much more appropriate - your brains are still better than boxed. I will definitely note a plus that in the InVeCS II-Sports-mod manual allows you to effectively slow down the engine, and when the maximum speed is reached during acceleration, it will not switch upward.
But if for a calm, balanced driver Galant will instantly become his own, then there is no rally car of the car. She despises active steering openly. It is worth rebuilding sharply, and instead of the expected change of a row, you will receive a body roll: this is a fee for American smoothness. If, with a straightforward movement, try to warm up the tires, quickly twisting the steering wheel to the left and right, the car will behave at all gallantly: it easily rushes its spectacular ass to overtake the front wheels. So accidentally put the car across the road - a couple of trifles. And the stabilization system did not even smell here. And there is no particular joy to catch the obstinate galant - the steering wheel is long and does not shine with informativeness. European and Japanese cars do not behave like that. So - calm, only calm!
However, I repent, at the wheel I often forgot that the large, solid business class cruiser is not Lancer-Evolyushn. And intended for comfortable movement in space - not for racing from a row in a row. Maybe my age is to blame? Or the close-blue lighting of devices with a large speedometer marked up to 220 ...
With the advent of Galant, the Mitsu lineup for Russia certainly expanded. However, the mixture of Japanese and American leaves the Korean feeling: for example, the same Hyundai-NF is practically in no way inferior to the new flagship of Mitsubishi. And in some ways even surpasses him. However, both of them are of the same field of berries and in their roles - a life -common car - are certainly good.
Even being adapted for Russian conditions, the car itself makes you adapt to itself and imposes a American driving style. This is a kind of psychological unloading room on wheels: with a leisurely driving, you may not experience ecstasy from management, but you will get to where you were gathered, with the maximum possible comfort for this money. And although there are few competitors in an accessible business class, they are strong enough. For three tens of thousands of North American, one can purchase a Thean, no less automatic, by the way, than Galant, or the same NF. Kamri is a little more expensive. But unlike Galant, enemies can offer much more powerful V6 engines. And despite the presence of Mitsubishi of this version, the supply of the flagship with the flagship six to our market is not planned. Due to taxes, the price would turn out to be sky-high.
So if seduced comfort is most important for you, and in itself the presence of strong charisma at the vehicle does not seem so necessary for such a point (enough!) - then why not look at the gallant?
For the sea, life is not tight ...
We are coming cars with a row four of 2.4 liters and a 4 -speed automatic in two levels of configuration - intens ($ 29,900) and installation ($ 33,700). And all. Throw a coin and choose - to make the right decision of the eagle with a decrees, enough for the eyes. But in the States, everything is much tastier. The most affordable galant in its homeland costs from $ 18,899 - for this money, the car, as usual, can be forgiven a lot. And for only $ 23,999, Americans can afford gallants with a 230-horsepower V6-and this will be a car with a more relevant 5-speed automatic transmission. By the way, there is an even more powerful version of the raliart - on 18 -inch wheels and with an even more powerful engine: this is the same V6, but with a system for changing the phase distribution and the height of the MIVEC valves - exactly the same as on the fourth generation Pajero .
Good equipment, high energy intensity of the suspension, spacious interior and stylish interior
Lack of choice of engines and transmission, unimportant controllability in the absence of a stabilization system

A source: Magazine buy a car [20/2006]

Video Test Drive Mitsubishi Galant since 2008