Test drive Mitsubishi Galant 1997 - 2004 sedan


Japanese cars are reliable, comfortable and simply pleasant, but complex and road roads. So you have to pay for pleasure. An example of this is Mitsubishi Galant.
The penultimate generation of Mitsubishi Galant, which will be discussed, appeared in May 1992. It lasted on the conveyor until the beginning of 1997. Choosing Galant in the secondary market in Russia (we will leave the Far East beyond brackets, because there the situation with Japanese cars is very different from the Central Russian), we must immediately find out for which market this car was originally produced. We advise you to choose only from cars made for the European market. Moreover, the choice of modifications of European galants is very large-from a 1.8-liter four to a 2.5-liter V-shaped six, with front or all-wheel drive, as well as with controlled rear wheels (4WS system).
Who is hu. How to determine who the seller meets you? First of all, keep in mind that versions with 2.4-liter engines, 1.8 V6 and 2-liter 241-horsepower six with turbocharged to Europe have never been supplied to Europe. By an abbreviated model code, you can easily determine who is in front of you. On the nameplate after the word Model is the abbreviation Exxa (xx are two certain numbers). For example, E52A, E55A is a front -wheel drive and a gasoline four 1.8 or 2.0 liters, respectively; E54A, E64A - the same type of drive, but the engine V6 2 l, and E64A has all the controlled wheels. The diesel version has only front -wheel drive, and its index is E57A. Full-wheel drive were indicated by the E75A indices (2 liters, 4 cylinders) and E88A-a top model with a 2.5-liter engine, all-wheel drive and 4WS system. Here, in essence, is the whole list of models that were supplied to Europe. If you saw other numbers - think for yourself, how it threatens you.
The problem is that Mitsubishi had and have many modifications that differ in configuration and design, they are tied to specific markets. And an attempt to find a small expenditure part on the Arab or American Galant often turns into a large loss of time and severe headache. And one more problem: motors can have the same indices, but differ constructively, depending on what cars they were installed on. That is, the engine can be one- or two-sized, with or without balancing shafts, have pulleys of different sizes, etc. And therefore, the timing belt tensioner or a 4G93 belt found in a disassembly, for example, may not approach your Galant. With the same like a motor. If there were doubts, contact the competent technical center, where, according to the so -called option code, you will be helped to find out even the country of the first supply of the car.
The heart is samurai. The most optimal from the point of view of the price-quality of the capacity is considered machines equipped with 1.8 (4G63) and 2-liter (4G93) gasoline injection engines with distributed injection (MPI). Only a one version of 4-cylinder 16-valve engines was installed on cars for Europe for Europe. At the same time, a 6G73 6-cylinder 2.5-liter engine is also not bad, but keep in mind that the maintenance of this motor is very complex and roads-one replacement of candles costs $ 100-150.
The Samurai heart should beat evenly and quietly: no twitching and knocks. Galant disease - wear of the step electric motor of idle. Most often, only its replacement helps ($ 300 or more). Hydracks make themselves felt with light clicking. In principle, this should not be scared, but a shock knock means inevitability of an ambulance. One hydraulic compensator will cost from $ 32 to $ 55, and it is incorrectly inappropriate to change. Plus work: on 4-cylinder-$ 22, on 6-cylinder-$ 75. The ignition control unit is very important: the switch, coil and distributor are combined into one whole, it is impossible to find components separately. If a well -heated car suddenly stalls and does not want to start up until it cools down, it is it! The price reaches $ 600. Carefully inspect the radiator - after a couple of winters in Russia, it tends to gradual destruction (from $ 200, depending on the type of motor and checkpoint). The timing belt is very relevant (walks 70--90 thousand km). The cliff will entail the bulkhead of the head. And this despite the fact that one valve costs at least $ 50 (and there are 16 of them, remember?), And a set of gaskets - only $ 250.
The rattle of non -body. A normal seller should not refuse a small test drive. Do not believe that the noise, it seems like from rolling steel balls, is not terrible on a mechanical checkpoint - the bearings are most likely worn out, and this pleasure is very sensitive to a personal budget - $ 400 (details) + $ 250 (bulkhead). Be sure to check how the 5th gear sounds and how the 5th gear sounds. This is one of the problems of the Galant’s of this generation. We advise you to dodge and inspect the bottom for the presence of leaks from the seals of drives and a rod of selection of gears. Their presence should be a formidable hint of the aforementioned amount.
We add two subtleties to the traditional automatic transmission: when the engine is running, transfer the selector from position R to position D. You will hear the slide of the solenoid, which should last a few seconds and then stop. If this chatter does not stop, then options are possible. Until the replacement of the solenoid with a small repair of the box - about $ 400. A flashing icon with a transmission designation on the dashboard will report the presence of a malfunction in the electronic control system. The bulkhead of a ruined automatic transmission is already completely different money, on average from $ 1000.
The very first knocks and noises in the suspension will say that the weak stabilizers' racks ordered to live long - from $ 25 per little. Knocking in shock absorber racks and characteristic oils of oil on them will indicate the upcoming replacement - from $ 400 per set. Not to mention the characteristic knocks in them. It is also nice to check the condition of ball supports, because they only change assembly with levers ($ 120 apiece). Blows and crunching during sharp touch and swinging on gentle irregularities, as well as a characteristic crunch at the bend, will give out a dying state of the internal and external shus. $ 500 for the original drive assembly or $ 100 for each non -original grenade. Rarely, but the Galant copies with all -wheel drive and/or the rear wheel steering system (4WS) come across. The all -wheel drive is very reliable and, as a rule, does not conceal any dangers in itself, and the performance of the steering system can only be checked on a special stand for very knowledgeable specialists. Alas, there are not very many. And so the bulkhead or replacement of the rail on the rear axle will cost $ 500 or $ 1000.
This time we moved away from the usual scheme, where the inspection of the car begins with the body. There is nothing special and specific in Galant, except that many experts say that more than 90% of used cars were restored after accidents and have body defects. By the way, the shield-ward with the installation data of the machine should be roded normally in the right front of the hood, from the inside. So if the nameplate is located on the motor shield, the hood is unequivocally changed. Therefore, it is better to go to the service for the body. And the last - check the presence and condition of the number on the engine. It often rusts and becomes unreadable, and this is at least a month and a half of ordeals when registering.
So, since you decided to purchase a used Galant, then it is hardly appropriate to talk about gallantry in relation to the seller. This car largely confirms the common opinion about the high price of operation, problems with the extraction of spare parts, and so on. So the meticulousness when examining a sucked sample is directly proportional to its gallantry in relation to you and your wallet.
Text Andrey Timofeev, photo Alexey Ilyin
We thank for consultations of the Tech Centers Diamant, (095) 785-1976, and ring-Motors, (095) 482-5420.
Mitsubishi Galant 1.8/2.0/2.0 V6/2.5 V6/2.0 TDI
Working volume (cubic meter) 1834/1997/199/2497/1998
Power (L.S.) 126/137/150/170/90 ???
Maximum speed (km/h) 190/205/215/225/175
Acceleration to 100 km/h (sec.) 10/9.7/9.2/9/13.9
Fuel consumption (city*highway, l per 100 km) 10*6.1/11.4*6.5/11.7*6.9/13.9*7.5/7.6*5.2
Prices for Mitsubishi Galant A/M (for May 2001)
Year of release price
1993 $ 4800-6000
1994 $ 5200-8300
1995 $ 6000-9000
1996 $6900--9600
Prices for spare parts and some consumables
Oil filter $ 11
Air filter $ 17-21
Fuel filter $ 17-27.5
Spark plugs (pcs.) $ 4-5
High-voltage wires (K-T) $ 30-40
Brake pads, per./Ass. $ 40-120
Brake discs, per./Ass. $ 100/90


Source: "Autopilot"

Video Test Drive Mitsubishi Galant 1997 - 2004

Test drives Mitsubishi Galant 1997 - 2004

Malfunctions Mitsubishi Galant 1997 - 2004

Mitsubishi Galant malfunctions: Detailed information
Galant 1997 - 2004
Control system and suspension
Brake system
Air heating and air conditioning
Launch and charging system
Electric components and so on
Corrosion body stability