Test drives Mitsubishi Galant 1997 - 2004 sedan

A masterpiece of moderation
Japanese BMW each automobile company has its own methods for the struggle for buyer wallets. Mitsubishi followed the path of creating passenger models located on the border of classes. For example, our today's hero, Galant, looks like his boyfriend in the company of Toyota-Kamri and Nissan-Maxim-solid representatives of the business class. Although in size and, most importantly, at a price, only a few ...
Mitsubishi has always been seriously approached by the unity of the corporate identity style, so in the fall of 1995, when the new Lancer debuted, one could imagine what the new Mitsubishi Galant would look like. Expectations met in September 1996. Mitsubishi Galant is the flagship of the company's family of companies delivering to European markets. The young family left the car ...
Fixed and supplemented
Another update in the Mitsubishi Motors gamut. Galant was subjected to him, which we have the top of the line of the corporation (a higher -class Mitsubishi Sigma does not come to us). What has changed in comparison with the model, which is already two years old - and is not successful - sold in Russia? We have to use the imported word Feyslifting (faces lift somehow ...
Appearances are deceptive
To meet cars on clothing - the case of the ungrally mixed in the automobile world. The modest Mark Audi seriously decided to conquer the Higher Light: each new model is larger and more solid than the previous one. So the next A4 properly supports the higher A6. Against the background of the claims of the four Mitsubishi Galant, it occupies a more modest position. Maybe age affects? Or maybe nationality? Unanimous ...
The eyes of the owner
A foreigner or an old horse is better than two new ones!? You will not surprise the Japanese foreign cars even a preschooler. Any of us without a special mistake, as they say, will list the eastern brands and typical representatives of each of them on Russian roads on the vapid. This car does not hide the family signs of the chariots of the Mitsubishi company, however, at the Moika or gas station I ...
Flight business class
Probably, each of us, leafing through bright pages of autocatalogs, represented ourselves behind the wheel of Ferrari F50 or Mercedes S from Lorinser. However, when the time comes to choose a real car for real life, the vast majority turn their eyes not to the objects of luxury insanely expensive and far from the people, but to much more ...
Three samurai
Good weather came to Moscow, roads in excellent condition. It's time to conduct tests. To the first summer battle, we invited three offspring of the country of the rising sun, asking them in advance not to take more than two liters per soul. So, the test of two -liter Japanese. I don’t want to at all, so it’s a long time to walk around the cars and talk about ...
Three approaches to one concept
But what, by the way, unites our heroes? Dimensions, weight, belonging to one intermediate class located between the segment D, according to the European standard, and the business class. This time, three valiant knights, worthy of the representative of their glorious tribes, gathered in the Ristaliza. One dried and arrogant German warrior, albeit covered by a folk title, ...
Triple car Banzai
Our test was held by three Japanese models. All sedans of the same class of close sizes and with engines of a 2.5 -liter working volume. Two, Galant and Mazda Ksedos-9 front-wheel drive, third, Subaru Legasi, all-wheel drive. The latter fell into this three for a reason: I wanted to identify the advantages of the machine of the 4x4 wheeled formula with an unknown drive, and not abstractly, ...
Mitsubishi Galant (1996--2003)
Mitsubishi Galant is somewhat reminiscent of a Japanese sawmill of an old joke, which easily processes any wood. Until the Russian men treat her with a crowbar. Galant lived a long life - this model with minimal changes has been produced since 1996. But nothing forever under the Moon - the official deliveries of Galant to Russia are stopped ...

Video Test Drive Mitsubishi Galant 1997 - 2004