Test Drives Mercedes Benz R-Class since 2010 Minivan

Mercedes-Benz R-class. Big original
At the end of the last beginning of this century, Mercedes engaged in the active development of the segment of one-uniforms, which previously did not have before this premium brand. In 1998, a small A-class appeared, in 2005 the B-class was born, and in 2006 was released the largest in the family R-class. But could not ...
Mercedes-Benz R-Class. Vortex hostile
Mercedes-Benz R-Class. Price: from 2 690,000 rubles. On sale: Since 2010, the most composite individual has a threshold, when composure changes him, leaving alone with panic. Someone enters the stupor if a cold blooms in the morning before a date on the lip of the lip, when the airport is at the front desk, they understand that the passport ...

Video Test Drives Mercedes Benz R-Class since 2010