Test drives Mercedes Benz C-class w203 2000-2004 sedan

The fullness of feelings
In Russia, they love Mercedes and all -wheel drive. Now they can be loved at the same time. The autopilot tested the first Mercedes-Benz C 240 4MATIC and S 430 4MATIC in Russia. The oldest car manufacturer should already be conservative in status. But here it is useful to know the limits of the permissible - as you know, one of the most powerful advantages of his competitor ...
We measure prestige
What the modest cars of famous Moroccam are capable of saying that the peak of popularity in these cars ahead: after all, they will be produced for at least another five years. Nevertheless, for the BMW, the company has already outlined a small facelifting. The rest to engage in lifting early had nothing to become obsolete yet. Let's remember the prestige. Marketers have long been ...
Even the small Mercedes is Mercedes. And when choosing attention to yourself, it will require a lot, for nothing that the compact is C-Klasse. The 202nd body (W202), it is also in the colloquial of the chain, replaced the 190th 190th very popular and released by almost a million circulation and became, in fact, the official ancestor of the S. series was released since 1993 ...
Major boys
With the worldwide climate warming, the attitude of Daimler-Benz towards young people immediately warmed up. The fruits of new love were Mercedes S-Klasse Sports Coupe and Estate. For the time being, Mercedes-Benz was quite satisfied with the fact that the main age of customers of these cars is from 40 and older. They ride uncles on comfortable ...
Symphony Si-Major
For this case, Vanessa May was specially invited with her new processing of classical music and champion in Formula 1 Rounds Miku Khakkinen: the public was represented by the new Mercedes C-Klasse. When the celebrations spilled out of the VIP halls on the streets, there was even more excitement. We stop on a narrow street to change the wheel with a colleague. Out of respect for German Ordnings ...
Mercedes on ice
The 4Matic system is able to turn the driver into a master of figure skating: until recently, I believed that luxurious cars from Stuttgart are still not for me, a lover of true Drivers Car. After a tight acquaintance with Mercedes-Benz C240 \u200b\u200b4Matic, I was forced to admit to myself that I was mistaken. Because I experienced ...
The third publication, improved and supplemented
Almost twenty years ago, a memorable event occurred - the Daimler -Benz Konerne made an unexpected and, as it seemed, unnatural move, releasing a small class car. Prior to this, the concern has been engaged in many years, and very successfully, extremely large cars. In 1979, for example, a fantastic debut of the then S-class revolutionary then took place. And so…
Heirs of "Karl"
AEMGash versions of the latest Mercedes reminded us of a frantic Karl of three comrades of Remarque. Behind the standard appearance of cars, as it turned out, are hiding new hurricane characters, ready to manifest at the first request of the owner. These three cars, modified in the Mercedes-AMG GmbH tuning studio, sedan and station wagon C 32 AMG (estimated release plan 3500 ...
The first Mercedes of the new era
In recent years, the image of the Mercedes -Benz brand changes literally before our eyes. The best or in the worst is a matter of personal preferences; It can only be argued that these changes are due to the evolutionary development of the German company. By and large, it all started back in the late seventies with the birth of a station wagon with a body W123, which soon ...
Velvet revolution
The Mercedes-Benz of the Class is still the most prestigious and expensive medium-sized sedan. But there is little left of the past Mercedes. The third car in the family -automobiles with a three -beam star on the hood has always been a symbol of prestige and well -being. However, the C-class in Europe is quite democratic. If the chic C320 is a car of a wealthy burgher who does not need ...