Test drives Mercedes Benz in class W245 2005 - 2008 Minivan

I don't look down
Benz. Mercedes Benz. Serious. Real. Flesh from the flesh of the immigrants from Stuttgart. Does not delight, does not cause desire to take a look. At the form of the B-class at the tip of the tongue, somehow it says to English (it is not clear, by the way, why exactly English?) The word respect. Despite the letter index, B-Mercedes will definitely won't call Bayibi-Benz. He is just Benz. Mercedes-Benz. Weighing so. Emko. Seven…
And so that no one guessed
Argued who he is actually compacting, high hatchback or mysterious sport turner, you can long. But the main thing is undoubtedly a real Mercedes-Benz. Perrostok from the youth team Where is the most compactness? It was my first thought when I saw this punch newcomer. Won, he, in good couple tens of centimeters ...

Video crash tests Mercedes Benz in class W245 2005 - 2008