Mazda 2 test drive since 2011 hatchback

Duel test. Teenage years

She is slim and graceful. A little flirty and at the same time modest. Glamorna? There is a little, but without vulgarity, without excess gloss. And yet, in comparison with the parent, heaven and earth. Old values \u200b\u200bin the new shell! Apparently, for that is loved.
He is a harsh guy. Steel and, it seems, a fighter. Born not in obscurity and also went far from the parent, but in order to break up, he will have to add something material to external charm.
And there will be no love between them. However, the struggle, judging by the difference in prices, has not yet been expected. Rather, Mazda Demio will take from Suzuki Swift a profane imposition and b-class viability.
Usually this attitude is deserved by some kind of business class, flashed from a proposal that has not changed for years. And here the segment B, dynamically developing with numerous versions of basic models, in its five-door hatchback-one, ossified the assortment that there is an orthodox. Nissan march, Mazda Demio, Mitsubishi Colt and Toyota Vitz, like conservative cars. Everyone except the latter appeared in 2002 and already violated the original Japanese foundations to turn into history in four years. At the moment, only Mazda and Toyota have been transformed into a new generation, however, the whole four are characterized by the still not fast (in any case, mass) appearance on our Second-Hand market (the last generation that has recently debuted the Vitz does not in account until the price is in the classroom of class ). And Swift is he. It sparkles among faded rows, like faceted diamonds. A bright orange spot, like a hint of the nearest variety of a mothballed class.
Stylish diversity! Without even taking into account the orange hameleon, casting either flame, then terracotta, Swift from the rustic box of the past generation, turned into a design product. You certainly won’t try on a label to it, which is popular among our central colleagues typical Asian appearance. The angularity of deliberately brutal is, and thanks to a powerful belt of thresholds and bumpers and a high window sill with embossed faces along the sides and clearly on the wheels of the drawn arches, Suzuki is perceived as an armored car from fantastic films. Yes, there is no sophistication in it, but he, like a hedgehog, hobs the look of the unity of compactness and dense, knocked out muscles.
And Mazda is a girl. Graceful, graceful, sophisticated. Designers Demio managed to combine unobtrusive roundness and knuckles in it. The latter in lighting equipment, thanks to which Demio is especially effective behind. Japanese alpha!
The inner world of Mazda is also beautiful. Well, or close to this. Of course, in the segment B not get away from the materials simple in places, from cheap plastic. However, the main material of the torpedo is good in texture plastic, which does not repulse on the central console. However, the value of the Demio interior in its bright colors, which, against the background of the traditional gloomy of the Japanese salons, literally lift the mood.
And the style inside Mazda is clearly not sacrificed to the color scheme. The interior of the machine is not a masterpiece, but you get inside and the eye rests on simple, understandable and by no means pretentious forms.
With ergonomics, again, everything is very decent. Only the audio of the audio system glance, but all its keys and lamb climate are absorbed on the subconscious. It is a pity that the designers were exhausted on the combinations of devices. Here Mazda3 (Mazda Axe) wells ... well, yes: class, cost and so on, so on. Having accepted this, you feel that in general, the carrier of that fertile salon device, for which, for example, you can not pay attention to an unpleasant slippery and not lying handle, the handle of the μP lever. In addition, compact from the outside, Demio is ready to accept quite impressive dimensions to the driver’s driver’s place.
The red color of the Suzuki body emphasizes the contrast of the exterior and interior of the machine. Looking around outside and being inside, I want to give one of the few words an elola cereal in the literal, and not figurative sense! Apart from the scattered then, then there are silver strokes that do not distract and do not disperse the darkness, the atmosphere in the Swift salon is certainly not festive. Rather, it’s strict in a businesslike way and ... definitely not wretched. Unless the steering wheel compared to Demio is the rim of a plastic rim. But the rest ...
In fact, Suzuki, like a clever mystifier, until you touch, draws an inconsistent chic-moder in the style of techno, and feel, and class belonging, as they say, is evident. However, he deceives further, since hard plastic is by no means disgusting to the touch and in the segment B is organized, as if dumping furniture in Khrushchev. At the same time, it is not devoid of stylish details, such as matte plastic inserts on the doors and an audio system or a vernier for metal, as in old waists. Is it not enough running along the Suzukovsky orange (under the color of the body?) Family of the vertical arrow. True, the musical design itself from the category of what is found in class Hi-Fi systems. And inscribed in a torpedo, as if built -in furniture in an expensive renovation.
With any Swift interior assessment, the exact opposite of DEMIO. Yes, you know, and not only her. There is no that toy inside Suzuki, which is no more than a scourge of all classmates. If Mazda is pretty, Swift is not in size strict.
And equally convenient. Music at hand, a clock with a clock, a clogging temperature and a fuel flower (almost nonsense for this class) before your eyes, visual arts in the form of a device generously finished with a white combination of devices do not interfere with the perception of information. Cross the climate block with a display, displaying its modes a little higher, and Suzuki would be sinless at all.
Alas, designed for sales and in Europe, he, as a traditional hostage of Japanese ideas about human physiology (in that part of it, as for the large-scale-western parameters of the humo-Sapiens), completely reflects island morphology. In other words, a Russian driver, if he is higher than average height, Swift may seem tight in length. These are the costs of the physiology of the Suzuki automotive, which has grown up in the current generation by only three centimeters, according to this size in its segment the most compact. You can push the platform frames with a lever, which regulates the height of the seat (Mazda does not have the same in the class!). Nevertheless, the driver's miniature here is almost the key to convenient location at the wheel.
And the miniature of the rear passengers in general is a synonym for their placement. The controversial of the flat back and pillow can be understood and accepted by the lack of adjustment on the angle of inclination not to pay attention, but the tightness in the knees vice, with which Suzuki, apparently, decided not to fight. If the owner of Swift is a mother transporting a child, and dad drives something with an adult, then a similar reproach is superfluous here. But if Suzuki is the only family car, then ...
It is better to choose a mazda. In the pictures, its advantage is not indicative, however, unlike Suzuki, when the driver’s seat is pushed to the stop, I reach the pedals with my 182 cm already on tiptoe. Having arrived at the steering wheel, I sit down behind myself with a margin. And the supporting surfaces in Demio are not provided by the principle of an ideal plane. And scanty separate adjustment of the backs by inclination is still able to bring the Spartan sofa closer to his comfortable colleagues.
In general, if you look closely at the cars, like Utility Vehicle (practical vehicle), then Mazda is so out of competition that in this sense we can talk about pronounced antagonism between our subjects. You open her trunk and here it is, household and Holodny happiness. Looking at this volume, not comparable to external dimensions, you begin to think: why, in fact, there are station wagons, probably obliged to die out like a class? Indeed, with a folded sofa, the volume of the compartment is not much smaller than, say, the golf class wagons. Of course, the cargo platform has a step, the wheel arches persistently climb into the salon, and the opening is limited by a small, frankly, width of the model. And yet Demio trunk is a container!
In any case, in comparison with SWIFT. It is paradoxical that in dry numbers the difference in the minimum volume is insignificant. In fact, whether the sofa is brought into a combat position or complicated, the trunk of Suzuki is nothing more than a tribute to the old tradition, which states that each car should have a container for luggage. True, in the first case, the compartment is hardly much more voluminous than the supermarket trolley. In the second in area, a couple of boxes with microwaves will enter it. In addition, the loading height in SWIFT is much higher than that of Mazda, and the opening is already. This circumstance is in some ways also one of the characterizing features.
Both vehicles with 1.3-liter engines, front-wheel drive, with Mcpherson in front and a beam forming a half-dependent scheme behind. But Demio, twice on our tests, was automatic, now came across mechanics. Swift, according to the genre, has automatic transmission. It is logical even taking into account the love of other part of the car owners to the mechanical transmission in the sight of this market sector mostly a beautiful floor. And the machine here as a guarantee of quick sale.
From myself, I will declare that he is also a guarantee of peppy, without failures and jerks, acceleration. Transigns fly so quickly and smoothly, and acceleration so continuously that, distracted from the fluctuations of the tachometer arrow and do not focus on almost invisible shocks, it will appear in terms of efficiency of the operation of the machine gun here are akin to the variator.
In the central press, where Swift has more than once appeared with a robotic box, he was accused of a lack of traction at the moments below the average. Of course, the automatic transmission smoothes this feature. However, M13A loves to spin. Almost to the red zone for 6,400 rpm, to the ringing, to sound hysteria, not quite harmonious, but not repulsive, which becomes an acoustic accompaniment of complete dedication of the motor at high speeds. But when you go down below three thousand, 91 horses are knitted with hooves in the oil of the hydraulic converter and, obviously, in the environmental settings of the engine. It is not very convenient in the city, but on the track just as soon as the tachometer arrow passes the four thousandth line, Suzuki, as if shaking off a couple of hundred kilograms, and you no longer feel the frivolity of volume and power.
With mechanics, everything is different. With the mechanics of Demio, not God the news is in automatic traction, this is a little car into which the demon got involved. 1.3 liters? It seems that two hundred cubes are more willingly, so nimble a machine behind the gas pedal. And so naturally feels along with much more voluminous and powerful neighbors!
But what conquers and falls in love with a completely ordinary ZJ-VE is not that. In the end, both the Suzuki motor and many others are capable of shooting with a phase change system. And the Mazdovskaya four pulls as if there are three liters in it. I have already encountered such a character on a 1.6-liter Mazda3, but here is only 1,300 cubes in a hood.
The third, let it with some stretch, in work already with a thousand. The fifth, although against the background of the convulsions of the motor, stretches from one and a half or even less. Maybe there is a diesel engine, or does Mazda have an official working volume different from the actual one? Perhaps this is the setting of the gas distribution mechanism, which in the topic is already almost idle. It is a pity, the box, whose gear rates willingly support the motor both in acceleration and when moving in the way, has a lever with large moves and cotton inclusions. And still, clicking on the transmission process in Demio is fascinating.
The suspension also has its own nuances. Mazda, often tough on the comb, in places shows a stoic energy intensity, swearing densely, sometimes quite significant potholes. There is no talk of softness, from the B-class, in the vast majority, you do not expect it. However, the Demio suspension does not step over that uncomfortable feature, after which we can talk about an annoying vibrophone.
Swift does it for her. Again, in Moscow publications, the machine was recognized as a smooth, but the settings of the Japanese version, apparently, others. The whole road trifle of Suzuki, like the Morses apparatus, conveys to those sitting inside, and trembles significantly on large irregularities. Outside the city, the car is rehabilitated at speeds above a hundred this orange bun is no longer so repeatedly repeats the profile and at the same time does not respond to the asphalt wave. However, Mazda also behaves.
But from the perspective of acoustic comfort between cars balance. Both are obvious to competent work on aerodynamics and insufficient sound insulation of wheeled arches, which become the main source of noise.
With intensive driving, a slight advantage for Suzuki Swift: if under the wheels is even asphalt, it holds the arc perfectly, straining only the absence of saturated feedback on the steering wheel. Demio is all right with this, but it is more willing to roll in corners. The course stability is not bad in both cases. Like the brakes.
So what about it? Demio once again confirms that Mazda is now a brand that can captivate even with such ordinary machines, which more often suggest just a tedious defile around the city. And Demio with character, with a spark. Cute outside, pleasant inside, with a mechanical transmission, it is not a wretched means of delivery of herself and passengers from one point to another, but a small generator of pleasure, which can turn the trip into pleasure. Add here the cargo capabilities of the cabin, and the folding image of a family car is very attractive.
Swift is not so versatile. In his disadvantages, the lack of space similar to Mazdovsky, a close trunk, more scrupulous informing about our difficult road position. Although he can’t take positive features from him. The appearance is not just stylish, and with a recent debut in the Siberian market, it is also absolutely fresh. And the salon does not repel, and the engine is alive, and for the controllability of Suzuki worthy of a separate praise.
And with all this, the model promises not to be overly expensive. Of course, it is necessary to make an age amendment SWIFT appeared a couple of years later than its competitors and simply physically cannot be estimated at 200-240 thousand rubles, as the rest of the five to six-year-old B-class proposal. However, the first copy of the 2004 sold went over 290 thousand, which is no more expensive than Demio, Nor MARCH, nor Vitz. If other sellers will adhere to the occupied price position, the models can be predicted at least not the worst future. In addition, Swift in its lineup offers a real exclusive version of Sports with a 1.6-liter 125-horsepower engine. Odnoklassniki does not have the like in volume and power.
(manufacturers data)
Car Suzuki Swift Mazda Demio
Length/width/height, mm 3 695/1 690/1 535 3 925/1 680/1 530
Wheel base, mm 2 390 2 490
The track in front/back, mm 1 470/1 480 1 475/1 450
Equipped mass, kg 1 070 1 070
Full mass, kg 1 510 1 440
Working engine volume, cubic meter. see 1 328 1 348
The number and location of the cylinders 4, in a row 4, in a row
Cylinder diameter/piston stroke, mm 78x69 74x78
Power, l. With. at rpm 91/6 000 91/6 000
Torque, NM at rpm 118/4 000 124/3 500
Gearbox 4 -am 5mt
Front suspension McPherson McPherson
Rack suspension half -dependent, spring -dependent, spring
Front brakes disk, ventilated disk, ventilated
Rear drum brakes
Tires 185/65 R15 175/65 R14
Trunk volume, l 213/562 268/1 044
Fuel tank volume, l 40 45
Maximum speed, km/h 175 170
Acceleration to 100 km/h, with 11 10.5
Fuel consumption, l/100 km
City cycle 8.0 8.7
Country cycle 5.2 6.0
Mixed cycle 6.2 7.0

Source: Automarket+sport