Test Drive Mazda 626 MK5 Sedan 1997 - 2002 Sedan

New Mazda 626- Friends We will

There is a theory according to which things passing through human hands take special energy properties. Items become not just a set of chemical elements, but acquire, if you can put it, your own face. It seems that this assumption is true; For it largely determines the popularity of the Japanese Mazda brand in the Belarusian market. Without competent promotion, neither three times reliable, neither the technically perfect car with the most beautiful design of a little chance to get out of the market leaders, especially in our competitive time. Well, any campaign is first of all those people who spend it. Even during the presentation of the new Mazda 626, I remember, perplexed: was it worth it to arrange such a show in honor of the car?. I did not appear with my answer to this question and now, but after the test I understood exactly that the dealers who promote Mazda to the Belarusian market simply could not. They really love cars and believe that the cars they sell are capable not only to ride, but also to unite people.

For all the rules, the material about the new six or two to six should be started with the description of its differences from the previous generation of the model. But I intentionally did not do this because I immediately decided to perceive the car as an independent being, to which the comparison of those surrounding with his parents. I had my trump card in the sleeve. It so happened that on the previous 626th, the ride failed, and therefore it was possible to resist the car as intimidated as possible, without care for the material passed.

I think that lovers search ten or a hundred ten differences managers will not refuse either in information or in providing the opportunity to compare cars. One does not cause doubts: 626th really changed. And if restyling less well-known cars can pass almost unnoticed, then the new appearance of Mazda will certainly become the subject of discussions. Love our citizens to suit about such seemingly prosaic things like Facelifting. Whether it is a pop star or a new six hundred twenty-sixth. We were more interested in internal processes: it was interesting to check what the intriguing phrases from the advertising booklet were in practice, generously arrested adjective.

A pair of dealer, a white car enthusiast, which is located near the office, did not cause. A modern sedan with the right shapes once again tries to find its own style without violating aerodynamics all within the current automotive fashion. But call the car with a ugly language does not turn: it's not why. The lines are turned well, the look is quite dynamic, there is a glaze for what to hook. Finally, it is noticeable that this is a new (in all respects) six or two to six, and such, you will agree, pleases the owners. The only (purely personal) comment: It seemed to me that cars painted with dark enamels look more interesting. And some more suddenly remembered the playful Mazda 626 MPs, which was demonstrated on the Geneva Motor Show. To transfer it to aggression on the serial car, in terms of expressiveness, the car would have won definitely.

Landing into the car does not present any surprises: doors do not try to hurt with passengers with sharp edges, and the width and height of the openings allow you to silently get inside the car. I confess to look into the directories to find out how valid the convincing dealers about the most spacious cabin in the classroom, I have been lazy. And why? If the car wins the competitors a couple of centimeters there, and-here, and it's inconvenient to sit in it, then what is the sense of his records? Fortunately, Mazda 626 was really spacious. If you hold down the front passenger, you feel almost like in the rear sofa. And in a situation where the actor of the Liliput Theater is sitting ahead, you can also feel comfortable. The stock between the knees of the rear passengers and the backs of the front seats remains almost always. But the unnecessary space above the head seems to have stolen on aerodynamics, in any case, once again I was glad to my average growth. Ahead is also free. Is that legs sometimes want to stretch away, and once again to move the chair back too lazy how not to reproach manufacturers, whether they were not to blame for a hundred times? Best of all, of course, on the driver's seat. Here and the adjustments are the most, and the playground under the left foot is available, and in addition you can transform the back of the right chair to the functional table with cup holders. Particularly liked separate adjustments of the height and angle of tilt the pillows, which complement the changeable tilt of the steering column. By the way, the seats themselves, despite the plush species, are least reminded by Japanese products. By stiffness, they are much more similar to German counterparts. Similar and sensations: the more you sit, the more convenient. Fine. We remember with gratitude to the front and rear armrests when you need to put some trifle so that it does not interfere, but always at hand.

Finishing materials presented a surprise. I understand perfectly by manufacturers who are trying to make the skin and tree from recycled plastic bottles is profitable. And on Mazda, it can be seen, gathered large originals: the ordinary, at first glance, the plastic turned out to be a fitful to the touch and caused associations with a decoration of much more expensive models. The central console of the real car, in contrast to the advertising photo, was without a pseudo-shaped edging and from it seemed to have won only. But the lever of the PPC could be done more than. The instrument shield pleased with a pleasant eye-salad backlight. But the appearance of a multitude of small rice on the speedometer scales and the tachometer is unreasonable: without them readings would be read better. Ahead of the ahead complaints does not cause, but the rear view mirrors are not too convenient. We look at the salon and you see there the rear headrests, the willy-unilles are involved in the side. By the way, apparently, such a situation becomes natural on most modern cars. Not the last role is played by the top line of the trunk, raised in favor of the capacity.

Motor gamma remained virtually unchanged. Only a 1.8-liter engine instead of the previous 90 began to develop 100 hp And on the tested car stood a two-liter sixteenthly gauge with a capacity of 115 hp Material standards, the motor forced very moderately. But it conquers a line. We, for example, managed, not a touch of the accelerator pedal, switch up up to the fourth transmission, on which the car drove at a speed of about 20 km / h, and the tachometer arrow showed some extensively low revs. Mazda 626 However, without jerks and twitching moved forward, and the motor protestingly shuddered only in the first moments after the transition to direct transmission. The engine character at the engine is very smooth: without bursts and pickups, it spins up to 6700 rpm, while it is rather unceremonious does not break off the electronic limiter. The dynamics of acceleration on paper looks better than in reality. Not in the sense that the car does not go to the passport characteristics, but because comfort in the cabin and the phlegmatic engine is being built with a drinking charm from acceleration. Mazda 626 reaches 100 km / h for the same 9.9 s, as BMW 320i. But what are the different these without a small 10 s! Translations are quite long. For example, you can unscrew somewhere to 110-115 km / h, the reserve of the third will translate one and a half hundred. So for driving without violations of traffic rules, the potential of the second transmission is enough. At speeds of about 160-180 km / h Mazda 626 still remains a solid and quiet car. Aerodynamic are beginning to manifest after 100-110 km / h, but their level should be recognized quite acceptable. It would still have a motor voice more interesting.

The behavior of the car on the road is designed to improve electronic assistants (TCS, ABS and EDB) and the original design of the rear suspension. So, in order. The anti-test system, in theory, must prevent the useless rotation of the wheels, ensuring the maximum possible speed in these road conditions. The reverse side of this process is the early electronics intervention in the actions of the driver. Practices were convinced that the Trekshn control on Mazda 626 does not stroke the engine at the slightest hint of slip, but it allows you to quickly accelerate on the coating with low coupling properties. With the TCS disconnected, the machine polishes asphalt longer, with which it is possible, in principle, to put up, rejecting from the straight trajectory, which is much more unpleasant. Brake properties were at the height. If the driver is able to firmly hold the roll hand, the car remains under control in the most difficult situations. Even frank provocations like braking on the asphalt-sand mixture (and in the longitudinal, and in the transverse version) are unable to knock Mazda 626 with a straight line. When the coupling properties of the tire are selected to the limit, the ABS and EDB are entering into business, providing reliable and, most importantly, the predicted slowdown. True, once I had to get frightened a little. With a sharp braking somewhere from 140 km / h on the dry asphalt, the car suddenly led a little to the side. We repeatedly repeated this experiment, but nothing likely did not happen. Apparently, there was an oil stain on the road or something else. Not less, despite the high speed, the car clearly listened to the steering wheel, which cannot but rejoice.

The rear suspension kinematics of the new Mazda 626 was developed taking into account the possibility of infringement in turns. This, in principle, should improve handling. On the other hand, all the elements of the suspension (shock absorbers, springs, silent blocks) were refined in order to adapt to our conditions. This, as a rule, forces developers to search for a compromise between reliability and handling. The first kilometers of the test route were puzzled. The new suspension is associated with rigid seats seemed too elastic for the middle class sedan. We are in the buzz, but what will Mazda customers say? After the test, I can assume that most buyers are more than once or two will remember the kind word of designers who stitched such an energy intensity in the suspension that it pays for a possible decrease in comfort three times. Seams, joints, twin with a new six or two or sixth Tryn-grass. It seems that the suspension is impossible to pierce the suspension: it will or work off, or simply be hounded, for which, however, you will have to jump at least from a meter springboard.

The passage of the snake did not like it especially. The car practically does not roll, Michelin Pilot drives into the asphalt, but there is no pleasure. All correctly characteristics of the hydraulic liner and the decent dimensions of the machine itself unobtrusively hint that for such exercises, small cars with a sharp steering wheel and short-step suspensions are more suitable. But how we came down in turns! Here I am not only voting with two hands for a new suspension, but also leave your head for loyalty. The right risk of the canvas of the road rushes as a mixture of sand, leaves and the year of the news of what. Speed \u200b\u200bof about 60. Rotate the steering wheel, but even a magnificent Michelin will leave on such a coating, and drives the car to the outside edge of the road. We are finished with the steering wheel and add gas. Moving almost sideways, 626th passes along the arc so that a group of passers-by up to 10 people freezes in place, trying to understand: what was it?. True, in slides, unique kinematics manifests itself not particularly. In order to find out the possibilities of the car, it is better to choose a rotation with a clean asphalt. And then, literally supporting the surface you begin to feel like the feed of the machine clearly follows the virtual trajectory, drawn in the consciousness of the driver before entering the turn. Upon reaching the limit of coupling properties of the tires, the expected demolition travelers begins, which is easily corrected by the gas discharge. Personally it seemed to me that the car was able more than it was required of it. But in such cases they usually say: the supply of trouble does not earn. In relation to manageability reserves, I share this opinion for all a hundred. Finally, we tried to make a rearrangement at urban speeds. In principle, it is not bad, but again the sluggish steering is reminded. However, it should be recognized that for the safe tramp of the car, the car's capabilities is enough.

In terms of noise and vibration capacity of the 626th is at the level of modern middle-class machines. Select any source of unpleasant sounds or vibrations is difficult, everything is very balanced and is at a high level. The clarity of the inclusions of the checkpoint, efforts on pedals, the instrument control algorithm do not deliver unpleasant surprises. Separately, I would like to note the filter in the ventilation system. His work we perfectly felt, forcedly moving behind the kamaz: indeed, with the recirculation mode, the diesel SMRArad is practically not felt. Believe me, in our city this thing is useful.

New Mazda 626 is immediately offered in options: sedan, hatchback and wagon, and prices for basic modifications do not depend on the type of body. In addition to the mentioned motors, there are still two-liter gasoline (136 hp) ITISBODISEL (100 hp) engines. The manufacturer gives a 12-year anti-corrosion guarantee on the body. The list of standard equipment is very extensive, and in it in any case there will be air conditioning or climate control. But this is not the main thing. In the end, there is no superradiative in the car. But by purchasing the new 626th you automatically get into the Mazda lovers club and you can find out what Mazda's friend is hidden. With modern equality of technical characteristics and approximate parity, the attitude towards the client and the level of service overlook the leading positions in the list of consumer priorities.

Alexey Belousov

A source: Autogase / N 14 (273) dated 19.04.00

Test drives Mazda 626 MK5 Sedan 1997 - 2002