Test Drive Mazda 626 MK5 Sedan 1997 - 2002 Sedan
Mazda 626 (1997-2002 release years)

The GF Series came in 1997 to shift not the most successful in the history of the Mazda GE series. In 2000, 626th subjected to small upgrades. First of all, the cosmopolitan design of the model was adjusted under the overall Japanese measure: the headlights have added, added national motifs in the radiator lattice finish and optics, but the cardinal changes in the design of the car did not occur.
The main achievement - the GF series got rid of the unpleasant tenderness of body parts. Mazda Ge is enough to rely on the hood ... and you can go to body repair. The heir to such anti belongs is painless. In addition, each Vulnerable Detail of Mazda 626 is protected by powerful plastic moldings. Front and rear bumpers, doors, thresholds - everywhere there are plastic lining. Unfortunately, after the modernization of 2000, these linings began to be painted in the body color. It was better not to look like a car, but minor scratches began to appeal much more clearly. It is good that all body parts are easily removed, and bumpers consist of several parts that change separately.
ELECTRIFICATION. The largest of the electrical problems is the generator. Its failure is impossible to predict it, but most often it is associated with an excess of moisture. Therefore, the motor is better not to wash, and on the bottom to install engine branded protection ($ 120). If you are not lucky with the generator, the hands of garage masters do not begin to surrender. The battery charging system is tied to the engine control unit, and the scientific tyk method can end the block replacement. The experiment will cost $ 1200--1500. On the corporate station, you will leave only $ 60 for rewinding the coil. Or about $ 150 for the entire detail assembly.
The second problem is the windows control unit on the driver's door. It comes out of the order too because of the water. Love smoke in the rain with an open window - get ready for replacement ($ 40--50 with work).
And the third trouble is a light bulb of the near light. You need to change them more often than I would like, sometimes every month. The manufacturer found the culprit: a short mass. It is necessary to lengthen the minus wire in the beam, and then the light bulbs will always shine and everywhere. In principle, with this operation you can cope with yourself, and the number two option is to order new branded wires. They cost $ 20--25 on both sides.
Triple Tulup. On Mazda 626, three motors were installed: two gasoline and diesel. The gasoline volume of 1.8 liters developed 90 hp (100 hp after 2000). The more powerful 2-liter produced in two versions: one power of 115 hp, the other - 136 hp Diesel with a capacity of 100 hp Appeared in 1998, a little later, he added another 10 horses. All motors are quite unpretentious, and the fuel consumption compared to competitors is small.
On gasoline engines that were exploited for a long time in Russia, piston rings wear out. At the same time, no matter how paradoxically, the compression does not fall - the oil consumption simply increases significantly. To detect a defect you have to control the candles. As soon as the black bold nagar appeared, start cooking $ 350--400 to replace the rings. A little delay the repair will help regular flushing of the injection system ($ 25--75, depending on the method).
At the turn of 100 thousand km of mileage begins to punch insulating tips of high-voltage wires. In a good way, you need to change the wires. New, branded, cost about $ 100, but many owners come in cunning. They simply remove the tips and go further - nothing terrible at the same time.
Here, in fact, all by gasoline engines. Their operation is not entirely ruined. Replacing the oil, filters every 10 thousand km and ordinary spark plugs (for $ 4 per piece) - that's all that they need from life. Every 100 thousand km is changing the timing belt (up to $ 200 with details and work), and valve is adjustable. With the first replacement of the roller belt, in most cases leave old. They live up to 200 thousand kilometers.
With diesel, as always, more problems. In Russia, due to excess water in the fuel, a plunger pair of the fuel pump is beaten. The possibilities of repairing the TNVD are strongly limited, and in the event of a serious problem, the fuel pump is replaced assembly. It will cost about $ 500.
Do not be surprised if there will be a replacement of shruses on a 4 -5-year-old car. It is possible that they break due to a small radius of reversal. After all, where it is thin - there and rushes. Even with whole anthers, they sometimes begin to crunch. Finding a new corporate Slusion in Moscow is a problem, and quite expensive (about $ 300).
BRAKING DISTANCES. The suspension practically copies the previous generation of 626s, only the moves increased, and the energy intensity increased. Rides the car is rigidly and noisy, but the suspension is just so almost unrealistic. And pleases the reliability of the details. Stabilizer stabilizer sleeves ($ 50 per set) live 40--50 thousand km. Up to 80 thousand km will make the rear longitudinal levers, which is also solved quite cheaply: $ 60--70 for one lever and about $ 20 replacement. Then, after 100 thousand km, the front silent blocks ($ 20 per piece) and hub bearings ($ 80 per piece) will fall into the list of replacements.
The real tragedy is shock absorber anthers ($ 10 per piece). Sometimes it is enough for one frosty winter. And the broken boot is not all noticed on time, and the shock absorber elementary flows. The owner advise periodically look at the anthers - cheaper because the replacement of the shock absorber ($ 150 together with the work).
Steering after 50--70 thousand km starts tapping, but far from all cars. Before replacing the rail, the case does not reach: the knock is eliminated by elementary adjustment ($ 30).
The brakes are the Achilles of all 626s. Troubles lie everywhere. The most common - subfluous calipers. It is enough to stand a month-one and a half, as the pads begin to get tired noisily about the disk. Remkomplekt caliper costs $ 50 and work $ 40--50. Still in the design of the handbrake there is one small bearing ($ 10 and $ 25 work on replacement). He also loves to scream and climb the wheels. Okay, little things in life ...
Much more seriously in a material relationship with ABS sensors. They live for a short time, a year and a half, and cost $ 150--200. Twice cheaper ABS control unit, which does not like moisture. After washing or several wet and salt winters, it comes out of the game, and the pictogram lights up on the panel. The brakes may be the most expensive part of the car!
ЧАСТНОЕ ДЕЛО. Вроде проблем с Mazda 626 немного, и стоят эти проблемы нестрашно. Но мы советуем трижды подумать перед тем, как приобретать подержанную Мазду, несмотря на привлекательные цены. Так сложилось, что фирменная сеть Mazda на территории России находится, мягко говоря, в стадии становления. И ждать квалифицированной помощи в обслуживании устаревших моделей не приходится. Достаточно вспомнить случай, когда один из сотрудников журнала пытался обратиться на фирменный сервис за компьютерной диагностикой своего автомобиля. И помочь ему никто не смог -- дело не в древности аппарата, а в отсутствии на сервисе компьютерного оборудования. Так что со многими проблемами придется идти на поклон к частникам.
Mazda 626 2000 г.в. 1,8 16V 2,0 16V
Длина/ширина/высота 45750/1710/1430
Рабочий объем (куб. см) 1840 1991
Мощность (л.с.) 90 136
Снаряженная масса (кг) 1245 1175
Максимальная скорость (км/ч) 180 208
Разгон с 0 до 100 км/ч (с) 12,6 9,6
Расход топлива, средний (л/100 км) 7,6 8,1
Стоимость ТО для Mazda 626 2,0 2000 г.в.
Пробег Стоимость
Каждые 10 тыс. км $150
Нормо-час на фирменном СТОА $42
Стоимость запчастей и расходников для Mazda 626 2,0 2000 г.в.*
Свеча зажигания $4 ($1,8)
Лямбда-зонд $200
Фильтр воздушный $10 ($15)
Фильтр топливный $25 ($22,6)
Фильтр масляный $12 ($6,8)
Фильтр вентиляции салона $30 ($25)
Колодки тормозные передние $50 ($35,5)
Колодки тормозные задние $55 ($48,5)
Диск тормозной передний $80 ($29)
Амортизатор передний $110 ($80)
Амортизатор задний $110 ($78)
Наконечник рулевой тяги $30
Фара передняя $55
Крыло переднее $180
Капот $240
Задняя часть глушителя $25 ($50)
* В скобках указана стоимость неоригинальных запчастей
Source: "Autopilot"