Lexus LX test drive since 2008 SUV

Lexus LX 570 I liked less than Toyota LC 200

There are two reasons to prefer Lexus LX 570 to its collection TLC 200: The engine and suspension. The rest is doubtful. Before us is the first LX in the history of Lexus, which outwardly will not confuse with a cheaper nozzle.
What is proposed in it that which Kruzer does not have? Firstly, an eight-cylinder engine with a volume of 5.7 liters makes Lexus reach a speed of 100 km/h in 7.2 seconds. But where to put all this gas, when after 120 km/h, from due to the growling front, hair on the head begins to move by themselves? Why would such an expensive car noticed in bad behavior? Yeah, the suspension is in Comfort mode! I switch to Sport. It got better, but not enough to enjoy fast driving. I look at Dunlop tires. Change and scouring will disappear completely? maybe
I turn from the road to clay and dirt. There is an extra 75 mm of road clearance in the reserve. I activate the regime of the upper position of the hydraulic supplies and with satisfaction, I note that Lexus has ceased to cut off the tops of the tubercles with the bumper. Only what kind of joy is there? In the homeland, in the sense of Japan, the hydraulic supplies are common for both LX 570 and TLC 200, and in Russia it is put only on Lexus, and our two hundredth go like castrated cats. A ponto Lexus stole a clearance from a real cruiser due to miserable market positioning. What could be more absurd?
The tricks of marketers do not end there. The KDSS system, familiar to us according to Land Cruiser 200, is not available to Lexus 570. Correct, why the leaf -off stabilizer is disconnected. He already has a hydropneum suspension they simply took the best off -road options and divided between two nozzles. About grief! How noble passerships both become, if this division is removed
We quickly go in silence
Let's move on to global issues. Where is more pleasant, better and more convenient in Lexus LX 570 or Toyota Land Cruiser 200? Of course, in TLC. Here, at least easier with the buttons, and in Lexus there are so many of them that it is impossible to find the necessary on the go, they are all the same color and textures. How important is this for the driver of the LX 570, trying to cope with the wild power of the motor and at the same time turn on the desired mode of the stove fan? Japanese designers are silent. I could not find normal control of the radio. He answered my teams only with a chaotic break in the FM band. Therefore, I traveled in silence. Two days. He asked the photographer to help to figure it out. He could not either.
I hardly learned to put the climate. It turned out that its management was scattered in two sections. On the touch screen, the fan strength and the direction of flows. The temperature is on the panel. True, a warning inscription forbade touching the screen on the go, so I traveled not only in silence, but also in the cold-jara alternately.
Maybe it's better SRT?
In such conditions, the brain worked poorly. But there were few thoughts. One of them: if you need power, why not buy a Grand Cherokee SRT8 at a similar price, but accelerating to a hundred in 5 seconds? Another: if you need convenience, then it is more in TLC 200, paradoxically.
Material: Lexus LX 570

Sweet is harmful
The only thing that is clearly felt in LX 570 is the desire to like the Americans. The sink hits over the edge. Uncle Sam's stars-striped boots are linked from the sole to the lower leg. I understand the Japanese, but Russian fans of this brand surprise. If you want authentic Yankees, there is a choice. Why take like an American? For reliability? I beg you with new Tahoe, Expections or Commander will not let you down either.
If we return to comparison with TLC 200, then it was not possible to adequately assess the exchange rate stability and handling of Lexus due to rubber that works on the asphalt. However, all the shortcomings cannot be dumped on wheels, and therefore we evaluate the two hundred and two hundred in these parameters above. According to ergonomics and organization of the workspace Toyota again ahead. Cruiser won even in comfort, because in LX 570 they sent it so that it was closed.
Author: Dmitry Leontyev, photo of Alexander Ortnova-Baranov



Source: Magazine 4x4 [May/2008]