Test drive Lexus LS 2006 - 2009 sedan

Savings on premium class

Lexus LS600HL. Price: from 4 516 500 rub. On sale: since December 2007
In our country, they are not used to saving on luxurious cars, which are without a doubt the Lexus models also belong. Now, not only classic engines, but also hybrid power units are installed on cars of this brand. The LS version was no exception
We are simply treated with expensive cars. They just have to be, as they emphasize the situation in society, and besides, they give beauty to gray, unsightly streets. Buyers of such products are not particularly worried about the problems of ecology and reduction of fuel reserves. But many states are concerned with this topic that annually tighten the requirements for automakers. It is this circumstance that pushes engineers to the creation of innovative technologies that reduce the emissions of harmful substances. The Japanese, as always, are ahead of all. They were one of the first to install hybrid power units on cars. It is clear that so far this pleasure is not cheap, so at first new developments appear on expensive cars.
The Lexus LS600HL belonging to the hybrid family is easy to determine. It is worth clicking the Start/Stop button, a pretty picture is displayed on the central display. It makes it clear what the car is currently working on an electric motor or internal combustion engine. If the batteries are charged, then an electric motor will go into battle. When electricity is not enough, which is rare, the turn of the accupus occurs. It is clear that in the first case, the launch is not accompanied by any extraneous sounds almost complete silence. But it is worth clicking on the accelerator pedal more intensively, as the gasoline unit enters the work. During the ride, it is difficult to notice its connection, but when working on idle, light vibration is noticeable. Still, under the hood V8, the volume of which is 4969 cm3. At the same time, the total power of gasoline and electric motors is 440 hp. This is enough to disperse a car weighing two and a half tons for 6.3 s to 100 km/h. Quickly, but Lexus LS600HL does it somehow calmly and naturally, as befits a premium car.
The fact that this car is intended for transporting the chef is unequivocally hinted by management. You can move quickly, but the forces of inertia are great. Because of this, it is better to prepare for maneuver in advance. The steering wheel is very light, but not devoid of informativeness. The brakes are upset. Stopping a huge sedan, on board which is a lot of useful cargo in the form of an electric drive, is not so simple. In addition, a sharp press on the brake pedal is accompanied not only by a sufficiently intense decrease in speed, but also by an unpleasant digging. As for the comfort and quality of the finish, in Lexus LS everything is at the highest level. It is convenient to get a job, especially in a long version, everyone will be able to. But the most comfortable will be the passenger sitting on the right in the back seat. He can fully enjoy both listening and managing all multimedia systems. In addition, only this chair has a mass of various adjustments, including the massage function.
Lexus LS600HL is a great option to stand out from the Mercedes-Benz and BMW accumulation. In addition, do not forget about saving gasoline. Of course, a few rubles will not affect the pocket of a person who bought a car for $ 200,000, but you will have to drive less often for the gas station. And this is additional comfort.
Step into the Future
The automotive industry does not stand still. And if some are developing something, then others introduce it. Lexus is one of these examples. This is the transport of tomorrow, which you can ride today. It has a complex aggregate part. The gasoline engine works in tandem with an electric motor. As a result of such a combination, the Lexus LS600HL produces a power of 440 hp, and the total torque is 820 nm. At the same time, the consumption pleasantly surprises 9.3 liters in a mixed cycle. And what about overclocking? Even with a mass of almost two and a half tons of Lexus LS600HL, it gains 100 km/h for 6.3 s. But not only the Lexus premium class from Lexus boasts a unique motor. Power transmission is carried out by a complete drive through a stranded transmission with electronic control (E-CVT). It makes it possible to accelerate smoothly, without jerking, and also contributes to a more economical movement, even with intensive acceleration. In order to cope with the power of the Lexus LS600HL, an integrated car dynamics control system (VDIM) is installed to help the driver. It helps to increase the stability of a powerful machine. All these developments are not the finals, but only the next stage. So in the near future the Japanese will definitely delight us with another novelty.
Lexus LS600HL with a powerful power unit is ready to gain a lot of speed in a matter of minutes, but when performing sharp maneuvers, you should be neat. Because of the large mass, the car is not averse to tilting. Yes, and stopping the heavy Lexus is not so simple.
The salon is distinguished by luxurious decoration materials.
In the long version L, the place is enough for all four passengers, but the most comfortable one will be the one who is in the back law of the seat.
The safety of all passengers is the main principle of Japanese engineers.
The price, in comparison with the cost of other representatives of the premium class, looks quite competitive. But the hybrid option in our country will have a hard time. Manufacturers do not have sufficient arguments to convince potential buyers of the Lexus brand to take just such cars.

Advantages and disadvantages
+ Low fuel consumption, comfortable suspension, spacious interior.
- Large mass, ineffective brakes, light steering wheel.
Mark and model - Lexus LS600HL
Dimensions - 5150/1875/1480 mm
Engine - hybrid, 4969 cm3, 440 hp/ 6400 min -1
Transmission - E -CVT, Besmail, with electrical control
Dynamics - Max 250 km/h; 6.3 s to 100 km/h
Competitors - Mercedes -Benz S500L, BMW 760 Li, Audi A8 L
Our opinion
So far, all the newest and modern can only be seen on the most expensive cars. But time goes on, and hybrid motors are becoming increasingly popular. Lexus LS has not lost status, having received a more economical power unit. At the same time, the power remained at the same high level. The point is small: to explain to people why they need such hybrids, and why it costs more.

Author: Maxim Egorov
Photo: Sergey Krestov

Source: Magazine 5 wheel [May 2008]