Hardware Lexus Ls.

Data on basic and optional LEXUS LS settings: specific information about installed equipment and other characteristics.

Prices for Lexus LS, on average, in Russia (updated April 22, 2016)

Year of issue Total cars for sale (in the Russian Federation) Average price,
The average price of S.
Automatic transmission, rubles
Total for sale with automatic transmission The average price of S.
MCPP, rubles
Total for sale with manual transmission
1990 6 226 411 226 411 6 - 6
1991 7 221 628 221 628 7 - 6
1992 8 228 550 228 550 8 - 6
1993 10 289 902 286 058 10 - 6
1994 10 270 182 270 182 10 - 6
1995 9 315 526 315 526 9 - 6
1996 8 319 423 319 423 8 - 6
1997 7 420 620 420 620 7 - 6
1998 8 396 368 396 283 7 397 649 6
1999 8 517 624 515 495 7 551 575 6
2000 7 552 498 552 498 7 - 6
2001 20 657 842 657 842 20 - 6
2002 20 692 504 692 504 20 - 6
2003 16 796 633 796 633 16 - 6
2004 25 840 935 841 669 25 769 651 6
2005 22 945 599 945 394 22 960 781 6
2006 30 1 333 814 1 326 782 30 1 584 195 6
2007 88 1 597 752 1 594 370 87 1 944 380 6
2008 82 1 988 272 1 976 989 80 2 171 550 7
2009 20 2 259 993 2 283 054 20 1 738 106 6
2010 33 3 065 535 3 109 831 31 1 699 630 6
2011 9 4 133 326 4 109 804 8 - 6
2012 8 6 016 856 6 016 856 8 - 6
2013 30 6 159 129 6 179 210 30 - 6