Land Rover Defender 110 test drive since 2007 SUV

When fitting the Land Rover Defender engine, only the image was affected by Euro-5

The update of the Land Rover Defender engine looks a little suspicious: the current power unit has the same characteristics as the previous one. Shilo on soap? The rejection of everything superfluous in the name of the main idea is the concept of Land Rover Defender, which has been successfully working for many decades.

Transmission? Only mechanical. Gamma of engines? Missing. The engine has long been offered only one diesel, relatively small volume. Rare exceptions like Lara Croft Edition, a limited series with a 4-liter engine and automatic gasoline, look like a miracle and almost inaccessible.

The simplicity of Defender is still impressive: the hood can be thrown back on the glass or even removed with a light movement

And here is the change of power unit. Instead of the Fordovsky 2.4-liter old man, Def receives a 2.2-liter diesel of a new series relative of what is installed on Frelander. True, his characteristics are more modest than the modification for crossovers, the thrust is 360 nm against 420, but there is nothing to complain about. Everything remained at the same level as the previous power unit, including a breathtaking acceleration of up to hundreds in 14.7 seconds. Maybe the British all -terrain vehicle has become easier? On the contrary, I scored 5070 kilograms, depending on the version.

Need for Speed.
Oddly enough, Defender increased maximum speed from 132 to 145 km/h

What was the point of introducing a new engine then? As engineer Jerry Taylor, who is responsible for Defender, told me, all this is solely for the sake of ecology. Now the old warrior meets the requirements of Euro-5b, which has come into force since September of this year, and may not blow up until 2014. Wait, I was surprised. But what about the conceptual Land Rover DC100, which was declared as an ambulance of Defender? Oh, forget it. This is nothing more than a show mobile, and he could not replace Defender. What we have now is a workhorse, and very durable. While competitors are quietly rusty, Defender retains both its original appearance and the margin of safety in it. Thanks to this, it can be sold in the secondary market with a minimum loss of cost or continue to work in your family. Honestly, the last statement is somewhat different from inspired speeches by employees of the Land Rover marketing department. But very similar to the truth.

The permitted depth of the ford is 500 mm, but in reality, the British all -terrain vehicle and meter do not care

In fairness, I must say that something very important has changed and except the purity of the exhaust. For example, if Dzhigurda sang Baskov's voice, a wave of suicide would ride among the fans of his charisma. In the same way, the tractor clicking of the old motor was music for the fans of Defender and now we have a quite modern quiet engine here, also surrounded by additional sound insulation. On any other car, such progress could only be welcomed, but the cultivated Defender definitely loses part of its individuality. For an adult man, a sudden change in the timbre of voice is an alarming sign. It is all the more funny that on the course of serious changes is not noticeable. We strongly overtook agricultural equipment on narrow Scottish roads to show that our tractor is faster! And without problems they crawled along the rut, kneaded dirt, climbed onto the slopes of the hills. All off-road, of course, was performed in a reduced series of gears. By the way, the transmission did not undergo any changes to all the transfer numbers remained the same. And no one reconfigured the anti -circulation system, as before, diligently grunts, but does not even try to think for the driver.

The simplicity of Defender is still impressive: the hood can be thrown back on the glass or even removed with a light movement

Defender off -road abilities to extol it is pointless, they are obvious. But what is really impressive is his ability to overcome the fords. Here you have a picture of oil: a late evening, a steep, almost steep congress into the river, our Defender dives into the water, stands at the bottom with four wheels and we plunge into the darkness, focusing only on the fire of the instructor on the other side. Where did the light disappear? And just the headlights disappeared under water. And at the same time, after going to land, no problems with the car. The instructions allowed by the depth of the ford only 0.5 m. In fact, its capabilities are limited as if not a whole meter. So the cultivated Defender did not change its essence and with a new motor it moves the same course.

Caution, technical details
Since the main and most obvious change in the operation of the LR Defender engine is reduced the level of noise and vibrations, let's stop in more detail on this. The measures were made extremely simple: the engine was covered with a plastic lid, which is extinguishing noise from the work of piezoelectric nozzles and the combustion process itself, the quality of the soundproofing of the body and seals increased and that’s all! The result is fantastic, the motor became an order of magnitude quieter. The second important point is ecology, for which everything was started. To achieve the Euro-5B norms, the car was equipped with a filter of suspended particles (soot filter), as close as possible to the exhaust collector of the engine. This allows you to quickly achieve the temperature regime necessary for the correct operation of the filter and support it. Thus, the regeneration of the filter occurs naturally even at low speeds of the crankshaft and does not require additional fuel injection into the exhaust manifold. In addition, the fuel system that injects the combustible mixture with an increased pressure increased to 1800 bar is struggling for the purity of the exhaust, and the compression degree of compression was reduced in the name of the same purpose.

Author: Savva Safonov, photo Nikablby

Source: Magazine 4x4 [February /2012]

Video test drives Land Rover Defender 110 since 2007