Test Drive Land Rover Defender 110 since 2007 SUV

Test Drive Land Rover Defender: Born Creeping ...

Crawling on the mud, in the mountains, in the forests in all those places and landscapes that others are circled by the party.
Diversity for the sake of, or inner voice suggested that this car was unique and leaves for himself indelible impressions, but the updated Defender fell to me. The design of this model has become the legend and personification of practicality. The appearance of the defender bribes its simplicity and functionality.
To make a job through Moscow turned out to be a matter of not simple. Adapted to the absence of roads, the deforender does not really like city hype. No, shakes in it not very much. Yes, and the speed on it can be developed by desire. Only on off-road rubber on asphalt will not drive. Yes, and look at this serious car with surprise. Nevertheless, there are fans who like to go to defams and on the roads.
He delivers the true pleasure to the owner where there is no roads, and it is unlikely that there will be. Feeling the line between handling and tipping, overcoming, it would seem, a drinking slope or, getting out of the mop, you begin to understand why Defender is eternal. This car will always be in demand.
Outside passability
Thanks to the durable design and thoughtful geometry, Land Rover Defender can boast by the permeability, inaccessible to competitors. The maximum angle of lifting English SUV 45 degrees. Side roll 35 degrees. Road clearance 32 cm. Depth of the overcomes of the brod 50 cm.
On this feature of the LR Defender do not end. In the car, everything speaks of his fitness in mud and rock climbing. Planting the driver, visibility, the location of the controls - everything is functionally, easy and accessible. The salon of this SUV became more comfortable. If you wish, you can accommodate up to four people. Access to the second row of seats is carried out through the rear gate.
There are external elements that are immediately issued in the proceduder. For example, anterior beam that calmly replaces the bumper. No kenguryatnik is needed. Optionally, the Defender can be installed winch. Many owners refuse it. It is said that the lack of winch is the only limiter who can stop them.
To confess, I believe it. Personally experienced the possibilities of Defa at the Land Rover Experience polygon, having passed the 45-degree lift, 30-degree side arc, Brod and Bolthorn (diagonal hanging), there was a desire to expose it to more serious tests, although these comic do not call. Huge ruts, mud swamps, slippery and blurred slopes found in the suburbs you can anyone, anything and affordable to the defineer. Make it even easier than finding roads.
That the defineer inside
The driving force of Land Rover Defender provides a diesel engine with a 2,4 liter working volume and a 360 nm torque, designed with the participation of Ford Motor Co. Manages a new GFT MT 82 manual gearbox, which has a wide range of gear ratios.
Managing the deforender has become easier than previous versions. Changes are noticeable and on the off-road to allocate efforts the box helps, and when attaching a hill, a system is turned on to keep the car from roll. On the track, the character of the box is changing (the length of the stroke of the gas pedal is reduced).
Describe the possibilities of LR Defender is difficult. Having traveled on it for three days, the feeling was that the possibilities of the car were revealed, God for ten percent. In the case of a defender, I can say that he left the most pleasant emotions. I want more.

A source: Business Autoclub

Video Test Drives Land Rover Defender 110 since 2007