Test Drives Kia Sorento 2006 - 2009 SUV

Rate on diesel
If desired, any changing numerical value can be called a parameter. But the target parameter is only at rackets it is the distance to perpendicular between the launcher and the trajectory of the target. Sometimes she is close, but shooting without any sense. To accurately hit a certain group of potential buyers is also not so simple Kia-Sorento ...
Miracles of subordination
No matter how cool, and Korean SUVs remain the most affordable. And we will not be about Chinese cars. The lack of elementary security equipment like an anti-lock system and pillows does not allow them to perceive them seriously. Let it sound trite, but his own health is too expensive in order to save on it. So, Koreans. In their mill recently ...
Breeding Korean Cowboy
Mark Kia continues to be strengthened in Russia. This is largely due to the assembly of three Korean models in the capital of Udmurtia Izhevsk. Following Spectra and Rio, the Sorento SUPTO SUV, which we decided to experience in the Dmitrov Auto Polygona. In the Kia Sorento car dealerships offer in seven grades. Oddly enough, five of ...
Kia Sorento.
Late evening in Sorrento Weather do not pamper. So the summer ended to Svidanya, Italy, this Alexei Glousin's hat could be good to beat when promoting Kia Sorento in Russia. About the weather hint is clear: they say, even in a storm, shower, degrees and a dissolve, a solid frame SUV will not let down. Now him ...
SUV in the big city
Four eastern joy-eyed American proverb, God created people different, but Colonel Colt equalized the chances. The SUV class did the same he equalized the chances of owners of real SUVs with those who just look like terrible. Today we have four SUV Chevrolet Captiva, Hyundai Santa Fe, Mitsubishi Santa Fe, Mitsubishi Outlander XL and ...
Last Mogic
The buyer of a good SUV of foreign production of general purpose worth up to a million rubles is quite difficult today, because it is necessary to choose among old models like Pajero Sport or a slightly smooth Rexston II or go to a bow to the manufacturers of parkerchiefs. There are practically no such models. Already the third Pajero became independent, having lost the spar frame. However, not ...
Expedition in Tumutarakan
Sokia with a group of enthusiasts from sixteen journalists conducted research work on the search for Tmutarakan Principality. To do this, it was necessary to overcome the route a thousand kilometers along the Black Sea coast from Adler to Anapa. Moved for a difficult route on Kia SorentOkolonna SUVs from the Seven Kia Sorento, Adler left the airport towards Anapa, ...
Kia Sorento has new engines - gasoline and diesel
A rapidly developing Russian automotive market forces a potential buyer to suffer from not only the brand, but also versions. Kia Sorento has undergone its last restyling in 2006. External changes were small, and about constructive somehow they were not too loudly reported, so many, including us, modernization did not give due value: they say, restyling and restyling. ...
Korean syndrome
Korean cars are becoming better from the model to the model, from generation to generation, while maintaining their initial dignity of the low price. What succeeds also due to production in our country. Kia Sorento is harvested in Izhevsk at the IL-car factory, and SsangYong Rexton (already with welding and color body) ...
Kia Sorento. Inflatable hippo
Kia Sorento. Price: not defined. On sale: From Autumn 2009, the present dimensions, ice in the eyes and suddenly amazing airiness! With its off-road sizes, the new Kia Sorento weighs, as some D-class sedan: a little more than one and a half tons. The refusal of the frame turned to the crossover loss of two vest centurners! Such a serious diet in ...