Test Drives Kia Optima (Magentis) 2006 - 2008 Sedan

Translation of the word Madzhentis you will not find in any dictionary. However, in English-Russian, having a certain journey, still you can find a couple of similar words: one of them means the magnificent, the second majestic. The taste of how it seems to me, this car is much more important than another name under which it is sold on that Ocean side: ...
Laws of small businesses
Much comfort for small money The cherished dream of any motorist. Hyundai-NF and newcomers of Kia Madzhentis and Chevrolet Epic (Both Kaliningrad Assembly) compare Mikhail Gzzovsky already known in our market. KIA Magent International Generation The model is represented at the Detroit Auto Show in January 2005 under the name of Optima. In Russia, under license, produce ...
Korean Revelations
Machines of the largest South Korean manufacturers, until recently, were produced in Russia: Kia Magentis - in Kaliningrad, Hyundai Sonata V - in Taganrog. The latter and now is going there. Accordingly, both cars had at least one advantage over European and Japanese competitors: they could be offered noticeably cheaper. But now…

Video crash tests Kia Optima (Magentis) 2006 - 2008