Test Drives Kia Optima (Magentis) 2003 - 2006 Sedan

Power of argument
The premiere of Kia Magentis took place 5 years ago. Soon the car began to produce in Russia, on the Kaliningrad auto. Two seasons later, there were barely noticeable changes in the appearance, and now a completely new car comes to the market, produced in South Korea. The appearance of the first Magentis relating to the European segment E can be considered a software statement ...
Family similarity
Kia Magentis2,0 L, 136 liters. s., 4-speed automatic, equipment of the entry level, $ 20 850. Hyundai Sonata2.0 L, 133 hp, 4-speed automatic, GLS equipment, $ 20 250.Hyundai Sonata Hyunda Sonata of the fifth generation debuted in the summer of 2001 in the evening Sedan is unified with Kia Madzhentis. In the spring of 2004, the assembly was mastered on the TagAZ. Lifers: gasoline 2.0 l (133 l.) And 2.7 ...
Moderation in me
The goods are uncomfortable: so that the buyer does not lose interest in the model, it needs to be constantly lured with something new to keep in a tone. For this purpose, all means are good new body or extended gamma motors, an updated interior or light restyling. In full compliance with this principle a long-known readers of Kia Madzhentis, produced ...
Two is better than one
He suffered a serious eye operation, but it was hardly better to see. Then why? Plastic surgery? Permanent makeup? Exactly! New appearance What was needed by Madzhentis to get an important status of the next generation model. Meet: Kia Magentis II! The nose of the car has changed radically. Strict rectangular headlights were divided into two sectors, in ...

Video Test Drives Kia Optima (Magentis) 2003 - 2006