Hyundai Sonata NF 2004 test drive - 2008 sedan

Laws of small business

A lot of comfort for small money is the cherished dream of any motorist. The Hyundai-NF and newcomers of Kia-Magentis and Chevrolet Epik (both Kaliningrad assembly) is already known in our market is compared by Mikhail Gzovsky.
Kia Magentis
The second generation of the model is presented at the Detroit car dealership in January 2005 under the name of Optima. In Russia, a license has been made from the end of 2006.
Engines: gasoline 2.0 and 2.7 liters (144 and 188 hp).
Gearboxes: 5-speed mechanical, 4- and 5-speed machines.
Configuration: 6 options.
Price: 680 120840 000 rub. ($ 26 10032 300).

Hyundai NF
The model made their debut at the Seoul Motor Show in 2004 under the name of Sonata. Our car is known as NF.
Engines: gasoline 2.4 and 3.3 liters (160 and 233 hp).
Gearboxes: 5-speed mechanical, 4- and 5-speed machines.
Configuration: 7 options.
Price: $ 28 99039 490.

Chevrolet Epica
The joint development of General Motors and Daewah, who replaced the Chevrolet Evang, has been leaving the assembly line in Korea since mid-2006. In Russia, a large-sized assembly was established in early 2007.
Engines: gasoline 2.0 and 2.5 liters (144 and 156 hp).
Gearboxes: 5-speed mechanical, 5-speed automatic.
Configuration: 5 options.
Price in Russia: $ 22 99030 430.

When we prepared this test, I suddenly remembered the very curious laws of small business, formulated by economist Andrei Orlov, which accidentally stumbled up somewhere in the wilds of the Internet. I wonder if they will work in relation to cars?

The law of the radius
The farther from the metropolitan metropolis, the higher the possibilities and less risk. On the periphery, people are more modest.

Less than a hundred kilometers from Moscow is a completely different life. Here, in the vicinity of Serpukhov, there is no screaming metropolitan gloss, but cars are very expensive. Paradox? Not at all: many work in Moscow, and therefore the issue of a comfortable transfigure Domofis is very acute. The night before, I was convinced of this from my own experience.

Having taken Kia from the car dealership in the center of the pioneer exactly at the peak hour, he moved to the southern border of the city. The first kilometers revealed the features of the suspension of the new Magentis: it is tougher than that of the predecessor. Perhaps the outcome temperature, which fell to minus 20 degrees, also affected. At the first opportunity, I turned from a narrow street with tram tracks in the middle. The potholes and joints of the asphalt with the rails not only caused a fair shake, but also echoed in the cabin with a booming. Of course, there is no need to talk about serious discomfort, but you still expect a more careful attitude towards riders from a large car.

On an even coating, Magentis is trying to recoup. The noise of the studded tires almost does not penetrate the salon, only the engine makes itself felt with intense acceleration. More precisely, when trying to accelerate sharply. A two-liter 144-horsepower engine is capable of more, but not paired with an old 4-speed automatic. Its slowness eats the advantages of less powerful streaming neighbors honestly earned by the engine.

Having jumped out onto the highway and gaining cruising speed, Magentis began to pedantically recount the entire road trifle and transfer it to the steering wheel, there was noise from the rolling of tires. But much worse horizontal swing: after half an hour endless amazements were pretty tired and forced to drop the pace, especially since it does not bother to refuel.

It is good to hide again from the darkness and frost in a warm brand new salon! Soon I begin to pay attention to the little things: it is from them that the impression of the car is formed. Someone will appeal to a strict discreet appearance or beautiful blue-white LED backlight of Magentis, and he will buy a car only for beautiful eyes. But the picky buyer will be upset without finding the adjustment of the steering wheel by departure. In a test machine, instead of climate control, an ordinary air conditioner, the audio system refused to play mp3, and the seat with a short pillow and without a hint of side support did not like any of our experts. The car is estimated at 28 thousand dollars, but will buyers forgive its modesty?

The law is superpowered
In Russia, for a positive result in small business, 2025 attempts for one successful one must make.

I think this statement in the Hyundai company will be confirmed without hesitation. Remember how they treated Korean cars in the early 1990s? And now Hyundai is one of the market leaders! Koreans know that the Russian is good

Hyundai-nf you perceive as a soft car. Unlike Magentis, he does not try to hold on to the road too much and quickly slides out the turn with front wheels. The automatic transmission here is exactly the same as that of Magentis, which is generally not surprising: the cars are built on the general platform of the MG concern Hyundai. But the extra 400 cubes of volume and 16 hp Allow less often to push the pedal to the floor.

On the route, Moskvaserpukhov NF also demonstrated horizontal buildup, however, not so pronounced. But the steering with low sensitivity attracted attention. Of course, excessive nervousness at high speed the car is useless. But in this case, she simply began to swim along the road, forcing to strain. And as soon as a small ice appeared, the trembling immediately came to the steering wheel, which made the control even less clear.

In the design of Hyundai there are no fresh ideas, from the cabin you perceive the car as a typical American ten years ago. It is not very comfortable for large people: adjusting the driver's seat in length could be more generous. Vibration at idle, a soft shapeless seat cools a little. Although compared to the sonata, which was replaced by NF, the car was much more advanced: a hydraulic wrap with variable performance, a modern rear suspension, silence in the cabin, rich equipment and space behind ... Despite all this, nf Buy neither shaky nor a mud. Did not put the supervisor?

The law of pink glasses
The sooner you remove them, the faster you will stand on your feet. Look at the world with your own eyes.

Longing is not the mood with which I got behind the wheel of Chevrolet the next morning. It’s just that in some markets this name is epic stress on the first syllable. Frankly, I did not expect revelations from the next Korean with the American Schildik. As it turned out, in vain! Epica is not the modernization of the predecessor of Evanda. This is a completely new car, developed by the joint center, General Motors and Dau in Korea with an eye on the European market. Magentis made by Koreans for Europe and Koreans, but for America NF are others. The Union of Americans and Koreans was more productive.

Chevrolet in the most expensive configuration, with a 6-cylinder engine. The difference with Hyundai is only 5 hp. In favor of NF! Nevertheless, Epica accelerates faster not only a larger torque helps, but also a quick machine, which has one step more. There is also a manual mode, and the real one: turned on the second, and you go on it until the tachometer shooter depends on the speed limit.

Epica is not as soft and waxy as Hyundai, and not noisy on the highway, like Kia; It stands perfectly on the road without reacting to gusts of wind. At the speed at which two opponents sweat, Epica confidently holds the trajectory, and informative brakes inspire additional confidence in the forces of his own and the car. But be on the alert: a serious drawback of the absence of stabilization system options in the list.

Epica has the best of the three driver's seat, worthy of the quality of the finish and materials. Do not discount an effective appearance! Passers -by

The one who will be able to observe all the laws of the market wins. Individuality, sober assessment of their strengths and, of course, an acceptable price. The laws of small business and automotive industry are close. Earlier, to be honest, I didn't notice this ..

Mikhail Gzovsky: Belonging to the business class must be confirmed not only by high
at the cost and impressive dimensions, but also an attentive attitude to the little things. For several hundredths of a score, the chevrolet epic was better.

Kia Magentis step forward compared to its predecessor. Nevertheless, not everyone will accept the modesty of sled qualities and decorations in this class.
General assessment 7.5
+ Spaciousness in the rear seat, modern appearance, a good interior design.
- modest decoration materials, mediocre dynamics, delays in the operation of the machine, not the best driver's seat profile, noise and tagging at high speeds.

Hyundai NF a large and soft car, in which it will be comfortable primarily to the rear passengers.
General assessment 8.1
+ Good smoothness on decent roads, acoustic comfort, space for the rear passengers.
- insufficient adjustment of the driver's seat in length, low steering sensitivity, idle vibration.

Chevrolet Epica The most balanced spacious sedan for a reasonable price, confident in Russian open spaces.
General assessment 8.1
+ Confident behavior on the highway, good decoration materials, an acceptable engine, a modern machine, a rich equipment.
- Small road clearance, not a very spacious rear sofa, the lack of a full -sized spare wheel and protect the motor compartment.

Mikhail Gzovsky

A source: The magazine "Driving"

Hyundai Sonata NF 2004 Video Video - 2008

Hyundai Sonata NF 2004 test drives - 2008

Hyundai Sonata NF 2004 Krash Test - 2008

Krassh Test: Detailed Information
Driver and passengers