Test Drive Honda Pilot since 2009 SUV

Goose hunting

Lived at babous
Two happy geese,
One gray, other white,
Two happy geese.
Russian folk song
Mazda really looks like a goose. In a fatty left goose, who in his youth, when followed the figure, most likely called CX-7. The pilot was also fed not bad. On a dry soldering, it would be difficult to hear. But then the poor fellow as if he fell under the press: BMS-Bums-Buma and now there was a new goose breed with a square beak and flat wings.
To get to Russia, our geese swans have done a long way. Having a courage, sailed (or flew) from behind the ocean. Pilot sailed through the Atlantic. The purebred American and invented was for the United States, and produce there, at the factory in Alabama. CX-9 At the time of the start of sales, our homeland has been sold in the States for more than a year, but flew from the east. They collect Mazda under Hiroshima.
Well, not like our goose in America? As you know, the fish is looking for, where it is deeper, and goose where it is better to fed. At the time when decisions were made on future sales of these cars in Russia, the market was rapidly rated, and at the same time we had never had a lack of people who love to size or more more. And if he is also cheaper, then in theory it was necessary to build a line. But the global economy has won all the plans of Mazdovets and Hondovtsev. Agree, to call the five-meter giants with anti-crisis machines the language does not turn. Nevertheless, Russia has always been a unique country where to whom the war, and who is a mother of relatives, so they won't be surprised if the sales of these huden will not fall much. But what is guided by a person, choosing herself a half-minute half-minute half-fader as a car, we will try to figure out today.
I know for sure: the same person can not like and Pilot, and CX-9 at the same time. For they are absolutely different. They differ as much as the German Tiger differed from the Soviet T-34. Just like the sands of the Sahara differ from the ice of Antarctica. Just like winding roads of Europe are not similar to direct American highways. Despite the fact that at the beginning of the article I called the Mazda's Goose Fat, the form of it is still much more elegant than the Kubature of Honda. A distinctive feature of CX-9 smoothness of lines both outside and inside. When finding out the pilot, as if you hit his forehead about him. More precisely, about almost vertical dumping a huge radiator lattice. Further another blow of the front racks, dumped clearly not as much as the nine. Absolutely flat roof, and behind it a drink of the rear door of the trunk. Batz The stump ended with a cliff, but on the way he managed to notice frowning vertical lanterns.
Inside a similar situation. In the CX-9 salon, I get tired less for two reasons. First, the landing here is more easily. Secondly, the design is not as sharp and faceted as on Pilot. And thirdly, I do not have to look for my belongings: Standard Central Boxing Yes Pockets in the Door Here are all the storage containers that Mazda boast. Although in fact it is, of course, minus. In Honda all sorts of compartments, boxes and niche how much you want. And in all three rows. So sclerotics seems to me, I would suggest to refrain from buying a pilot at the above reason. Well, if with the memory of order, then in Honda you can live, spreading everything from the toothpick to the iron in places.
Sitting behind the wheel, realize that the landing is comfortable and there, and there. The chairs are rather soft, in the side will not twitch, do not hise. Not for racing s srates! But rudded both succeeded on glory. Take the ram in the hands nice. That's just turning it on the pilot, as follows. Four turns from the stop until the stop. Steering is identical to the American versions. Eh, America! From here the lack of information, and a tangible emptiness when moving in a straight line. At the CX-9, the tool is more accurate, although it does not shine special transparency.
On the road from the parking lot at once I have some difficulties. I looked back, but there is neither a newaaf \u200b\u200bcave. Do not see the end-edge. The light at the end of the tunnel barely hampers both machines for medium racks toned. Let's try to go on devices. And then I amced me a terrible blow: there is no parking sensors on CX-9! And this is on the car more than five meters long! But dealers an additional workman. At Honda, this is a device whose favor I may have realized the first time in my life, fortunately attended.
Today I am Niels, I will fly on the geese. First on this strange, angular. Acceleration on Honda was remembered by peculiar digging, characteristic of the front-wheel drive. There is no beast in a six-cylinder motor, it takes calmly, without failures and pickups. The five-speed gearbox switches smoothly and without special brakes. The number of gears can be limited to one or two using the KP lever located on a convenient bunch, and by clicking on its left, the special button is left in the game only three overdrive. On overtaking useful thing.
But I need to fear. Pilot knocks on its short-spent legs and, despite the high profile of tires, shakes the saddles threateningly. Goose Bird Waterfowl. Maybe, so Pilot likes to show on the waves? Leaving on off-road tests, we found that this goose off-road does not like. Vibration is strong on the primer, the VTM-4 full drive system is an absolutely parquet version. Only on the snowdrifts in the courtyards. Now fly to CX-9. Feelings are similar. Engine is not fire. But still Mazda is more responsive to the actions of the driver. In short and informatively, the steering wheel, a slightly unfortunate box (by the way, with an honest manual mode), less rolls. Nuances, of course, but ride the Mazda is easier and more pleasant. And how she flies in a straight line! Forget about the size, and about a huge mass. But not for long. Shakes, sharp edges of chosel, seams CX-9 collects everything from the road. Payback for sports bias and 19-inch discs.
On the off-road the same story. Wheels are hanging on innocent bumps, forced pseudo-blocking, like Honda, there is no, and the stabilization system is not turned off and helps, as can, shocking the desired wheel. Again, you can go out of the courtyard, to the lake on the sand too. Well, what did you want? None neither other automakers have these cars for SUVs and did not issue. Won in America there is a front-wheel drive Pilot. But again, as I go around these cars, what only false arguments in the justification of their purchase in do not come up, the main one always remains one size. I seem to live with giantaans on different planets. Therefore, I understand them bad and I can not realize why they are engaged in this goose hunt. Why is a city resident need a five-meter durandule, even if he has three full-fledged seats? Ask, whether he often uses them? But the country is, remember, special. And people in it like more like more, even though you are crazy. And when else and just a half of the lemon, how don't you take?
Dmitry Krotov



A source: Motor magazine [March 2009]