Test drives Honda Pilot since 2009 SUV

The big crossover is a point where the development of different types of cars converge: minivans, cars and SUVs. What features of these classes are our characters in their DNA? Answer the journey to Rybinsk helped to answer this question. Ford ExploreRery Take One day to use the iPhone to fall in love. It is nice to hold in his hands, and thanks to ...
Ford Explorer and Honda Pilot crossovers find out their relationship
Honda Pilot against Ford Explorer. Seimed parquets find out their incoming relationships ... Working on the design of Pilot, Honda sought to create the image of the fortress on the wheels. Outside, more or less, it turned out, but in the interior did not come around. The flashing panel reminded not the cast-iron control panel of the excavator, and the glass female table on which the powder should lie. As a result, Pilot ...
Open question
Honda worked for a new light: released for the local market powerful and comfortable Pilot, the Japanese accompanied it with the title of UAFAV the best American family car for adventures ... The Pilot technical parameters, produced in Canada, is quite similar to the popular Acura MDX, but is intended to satisfy requests Wider consumer layers. Of course, a car for ...
Honda Pilot Higher Pilotiazh
Actually, Honda Pilot, the largest SUV from Honda, was originally intended only for the American market. But the model turned out so lucky that Honda dealers gradually began to sell it in other markets, including on the expanses of the former CIS. Now this car can be bought from us - with an annual dealer ...
SUVs have long been no longer fit into the framework of the same class, the abbreviation SUV is the numerous car tribe with its classes and groups, from miniature to huge, from parcktails to serious passing, from quite budget to real Luxury. And for what Honda suggested, it is unlikely to fit the better definition than off-road ...
Test Drive Honda Pilot
In January, when the Honda Pilot 2009 model year appeared on the Detroit Auto Show in the form of a concept, many observers were clearly discouraged. Unlike many currently produced crossovers, among which the bright sample is GM Lambda, Honda decided to give the second generation Pilot is clearly utilitarian appearance. As explained official ...
Giant's Crossover, First Test Drive Honda Pilot
The car market is developing, customers are becoming tempted, forcing marketers to invent more and more sophisticated moves. So Honda has discovered the new segment of the D-class crossover. The first buyers of King-Size crossovers from Honda became Americans. If it were not for them, do not see our osstodnikov larger than CR-V. Pilot was developed in the Californian design studio. The appearance turned out ...
From that light
The European Premier Machine in Karelia is not a fairy tale about New Vasyuki. Just a new one, traditionally American Pilot on our continent will be sold only in Ukraine and in Russia. With you, engineers from Alabama brought a lot of America and there is very little Honda. Well this or bad - the autopilot found out for the singing of mosquitoes in ...
Honda Pilot.
Honda Pilot Crossover, which looks like SUV and at the same time encroaches the market segment where minivans reign. Give a piece of road authentic to squeeze more than one hundred forty! I asked for local forest perfume. Give a piece of road authentic to squeeze more than one hundred forty! I asked for local forests, ...
Japanese rebus
He appeared unexpectedly, like a thunder among a clear sky, but quietly, like a balloon. Few who could have thought that one of the largest crossovers would quite officially appear in Russia. After all, the analogues of this car, according to which you can at least predict the demand, as it turned out, and the little animal why the pilot is still insensited? I AM…