Test drive Honda Civic sedan 2000 - 2003 sedan

Poetic prose

Judging by the assortment of cars on the roads, our compatriots finally have a taste for hatchbacks. Today, Russians can evaluate another new product: after the sedan, the super -violent five -door hatchback Honda Civic of the last, seventh, generation arrived.

For its long life, and Honda Civic has been produced for almost thirty years, the model has gained honor and respect among millions of buyers in different countries and de facto confirmed its own status of folk (more precisely, civilian, as follows from its name Civic). Perhaps that is why the developers of Civic VII listened to the voice of the masses, who wanted to get as much as possible as possible in the same weight category.

The Japanese created a car whose spatial efficiency is just right to express a hundred percent. A sedan, familiar to readers of the fifth wheel for a recent publication, is worthy of praise for cubic meter and layout, but a double-baking 5-door hatchback is an order of magnitude more effective.

It is curious that, in comparison with the predecessor, Civic has almost not changed in length and width. But he significantly grew up and significantly increased the wheelbase: before between the axes it was 2620 mm, and now 2680 (by the way, this indicator has not changed for the sedan). Add here the minimization of the size of the suspension and the windshield that is characteristic of all new siviks is a minimization of the size of the suspension, and you will understand why the cabin is so spacious. Especially behind, where in cars of other brands passengers are often forced to squeeze their legs and pull their heads into the shoulders. Due to the significant height of the ceiling, you can sit without removing the headgear, and the leg on the leg. Domestic conditions of the Center passenger, when three are adjacent to the back, significantly improves the absolutely even floor.

Planting in the car is light. Placement of baggage is not a question, because quite acceptable 370 liters are allotted for bags and suitcases. If the cargo is an oversized, folded rear seat turns Civic into a roomy van. The former favorite of citizens did not dream of such abilities.

Cars packaged on a grand scale are delivered to Russia. Like the Civic sedan who had previously been in our hands, the hatchback provides climate control users, electric windows, front and side airbags, electric lover, immobilizer, central locking cavity, alarm, front seats with heating, electrified external mirrors, etc. .

Like external body panels, segments of the interior decoration are associated with one by millimeter accuracy. No wonder the fathers of the new Civic solemnly swore to the admirers of their products significantly (10 times!) To increase its quality.

The front panel is the face of the cabin is fundamentally similar to the torpedo installed in the sedan. But in the details of the hatchback is individual. Above the glove box there is a wide niche for trifles. The number of rounds on the dashboard, like spokes on the steering wheel, is expressed by the number three (against four at the sedan).

However, all this is lyrics compared to the location and shape of the gearbox lever sticking out directly from the beard of the central console. How much such a layout is viable in a passenger car is easiest to know in business

It is possible to determine the moment of transition of the launched Civic engine from the state of animation to the phase of wakefulness at idle speed only by the sound of a striking starter 110-horsepower 1.6 in Khonda is perfectly soundproof.

The efficiency of the power unit is expressed by a practical person’s cute heart: fuel consumption in the city is 8.6 liters, on the highway 5.8.

Due to the change in the traction characteristic and a decrease in the number of revolutions corresponding to the peak of torque (152 nm at 4300 min-1, the best, by the way, the characteristic for machines of this class), the hatchback during acceleration demonstrates activity and constancy. After a light start, it is cheerful and even, without obvious bursts, accelerates to a hundred in ten with a penny of seconds. This behavior goes beyond the ideas about sports cars of the Honda brand, but it contributes to the mutual understanding of the average driver and car.

The correct gear ratio of a five -speed mechanical KP also operates on the elasticity of the engine. In terms of clarity of inclusions and moves, the box lever is magnificent. As for its location: the hand has to be extended to the entire length; It’s not scary, but I would like to leave my right hand on the lever and steer only the left (the benefit of the steering wheel power power easily facilitates maneuvering).

In these circumstances, there is a lack of a central armrest. The developers most likely abandoned him consciously in the name of unhindered access from the first row of seats to the second (recall that the floor throughout the cabin is even). By the way, there is a armrest behind.

On the go, Civic holds well as well as well. His superiority over the road is especially felt in corners, where, even with a great desire, it is not easy to knock down a car with a pantalyk. The extension of the wheelbase and the modernization of the suspension in the most favorable way affected the course stability.

But the hatchback still does not like the bumps. Loyal to the background flaws of the road surface, he with dislike perceives the drops of millimeters of 70. True, even the most significant potholes suspects the suspension without breakdown.

The Stop Machine Command! Civic performs diligently, but without excessive zeal. Therefore, the inhibition process is quite effective, informative and fully controlled by sitting at the wheel.

After some 20-30 minutes, an understanding comes how Civic is thought out and comfortable. Wide, for any complexion, chairs; visual and affordable governing bodies; low noise level; flexible motor display; The already mentioned scope inside the car does all this hatchback well adapted to everyday life.

Practicality was reflected even on the appearance of the car. From a long -minute squat car, it turned into a kind of minivan. A similar trend is now in fashion, and nothing human is alien to a civilian car.

The question of price remained open. Twenty -one thousand dollars, even taking into account the rich configuration, is expensive. However, the cost of similarly equipped competitors is at about the same level. In addition, the glory of the Honda brand is such that even the prosaic Civic, which has become in many ways, would like to talk poetry. Yes. And folk cars are elitist.

Source: Magazine 5 wheel [10/2001]

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