Honda Accord 4 doors 2006 - 2008 sedan

Test drive Honda Accord Diesel, 2006
It is time for the Japanese to reconsider their attitude to Tokyo diesels and its environs, oddly enough, cars with diesel engines are prohibited due to a black exhaust. Today we can observe how in Japan the restrictions regarding the diesel engine are increasingly tougher. Compared to the exhaust of the gasoline engine, the diesel exhaust contains a very small amount of carbon dioxide, so ...
BMW 320 VS Honda Accord duel
Oh, these low -profile tire addictions. Sometimes it seems that manufacturers who are preoccupied with worthy handling of their products simply save in this way on the refinement of suspension. Why wind up thousands of kilometers at the training ground? Why wise with the intake of levers and select the optimal rigidity of shock absorbers, springs and hinges? When you can exclude the cornerstone component of the bad with one blow ...