Test Drive Gas 31105 2004 - 2008 Sedan


VAZ 2110, IZH 2126, GAZ 31105: Two thousand kilometers
It would seem that the newer car, the better it is. The more fully corresponds to its parameters specified in the passport. Whoever argues bought a new Toyota and ride, until you get bored. And no one comes to run down, for example, washing machine, refrigerator or vacuum cleaner. Another thing is fresh Russian cars. Hold your ear in Egor. The initial period of their operation reveals what was hidden from the eyes during the purchase. To the first maintenance, carried out, as a rule, to 2000 km, becomes clear, lucky with a purchase or not. Our brands (see SM, 2004, No. 5) showed the following results.
GAZ 31105.
After the run of two thousand kilometers, the Volga is still as new. The only fresh remark plastic tubes that protect the wires between doors and racks threateningly bold and laughed. There are no new defects, but also the old have not disappeared anywhere. A pleasant surprise average fuel consumption at moderate driving dynamics is 12.1 l / 100 km.
The ride itself is also somewhat different from what is familiar to the GAZ 3110 predecessor. The rear transverse roll stabilizer performs its work on conscience in sharp turns less than. The car at least did not become a sample of controllability, but now, if there is a barge, then quite high-speed.
It is possible that the tires of the Taganka are not the best on the backdrop of world leaders in the riding character, the tires are far from the top of the world leaders, but after all, in Senka and the hat, modern models are more expensive, and their ability to remain unused will not allow the design of the chassis, although updated, but essentially a very archaic .
VAZ 2110.
Apparently, with a dozen we were lucky, she had not yet delivered. If you do not count the heater: the control algorithm has not yet been fastened. From the stove silent with heat in any position of the temperature switch other than zero. But after installation on zero, it starts only in the red zone. It's not so easy to choose a degreus.
But for the car paid $ 7,200 considerable money for the product of our car industry. Yes, Lada is faster than OD, perhaps, more comfortable, but not in two times! For a seven, you can look after a six-year-old Japanese or younger Korean with a very good perspective.
And what do I care about what these cars are twice as expensive than the Lada (favorite argument of the Vazovian leadership) they are old on the head above. However, quite soon put our trinity for sale in Vladivostok then and let's see what their price is compared with competitors.
IZH 2126.
The sheets of noise insulation from the roof were finally dug and lay on the upholstery of the ceiling. The upholstery, naturally, under their severity saved and slightly concerns the head of the driver and the front passenger.
Under the Trokhan in the transmission, clicks are clearly audible, characteristic of the screwdriver of the cardan shaft. Once refused alarm. In fairness, we note that the installer (Motor Show Rostokino-Lada) After two-hour telephone talks and forwarding to their services, it was fixed. There are only interruptions in the work of the door of the doors there are no-no Yes and swap.
Pleasant news gradually disappears of the rear axle. With this rapidness speed, according to our calculations, it will become indistinguishable to seven-eight thousands. Wouldn't smooth! However, the sacred place is not empty all the louder howls an Omsk gearbox, no matter how it fell apart. The busy is the balance.
The rest of the lack of beds are knocking one valve in the engine and the carburetor without supplying the motor will stall, and otherwise the average operational fuel consumption is 13.2 l / 100 km.
Nevertheless, the car showed itself quite viable. Easy in control, quite dynamic, compact outside and quite spacious inside. If you do not require an honed control of Porsche, the comfort of Mercedes and the image of Bentley, and, comparing with others, to keep the price of $ 4,000 in the mind, then the purchase will be quite successful.
In proportionate, let's say, with dozen maintenance costs, the resource, similar consumer qualities, the owner of ODD will leave $ 3,000 bonus in their pocket. In other words, will receive seven tons of gasoline as a gift! Stop almost the entire resource of the machine. Of course, it would be nice to make cheap cars with proper quality, but we are not accepted. Rather, they will collect something expensive.
It is almost impossible to identify the capabilities of machines in everyday use, it does not break and as if everything is in order. Another thing is instrumental measurements. If rides, how fast how effective it slows down, etc. While we are interested only for applied parameters that somehow influence the consumer qualities of the car, those for which the buyer pays money.
The maximum rise overcoming the IZH 2126 car must be at least 36%. For the Volga and Dozens, this parameter in the passport is not specified.
Our nearest to declared on the Dmitrovsky polygon us is only 30%, on it and check the capabilities of our cars. IZH 2126 was never able to touch this mountain, the engine was growl, it was characteristic of the clutch, and Izh was calm. Wait until the linings burn the duck, there was no sense. Did not pass! VAZ 2110. Once the 30 percent lifting will overcome the guaranteed. A bit of the slave disk is a bit, it's a tens of meters. There is enough powder for several extremes, they did not find out and without clutch, long to stay.
GAZ 31105. 30% for the Volga trifberry. The car rather confidently started uphill, but the other no hope of the slave disk was glued to the flywheel so that some time Volga was driving unimpressive ...
The dynamic quality of the machines are shown in the table. As we see, the desired and valid are quite close, but still the difference is not in favor of the buyer. Or this disadvantage of consumer qualities is already laid in the price?


A source: Journal "Behind the wheel"