Test Drives Ford Taurus 1995 - 1999 Sedan

Two Worlds, two sedans
In the last issue, we wrote about the presentation dedicated to the start of sales in our Ford Taurus market, and promised to tell about this car in more detail. The word must be kept, and here that Ford Taurus golden color got into our hands, which during the presentation proudly rummaged on an improvised podium in the framing of spruce ...
Universal Soldier
The ten-year American continues to carry the service in Russia. Mercury-Secl debut in the US market in February 1985. And at the same time, a four-door sedan and a station wagon were born - Steakhn Wagon, which were equipped with three-liter V-shaped six-cylinder gasoline engines and automatic transmissions. In 1988, these front-wheel drive vehicles began to recruit and workers ...
Highway wagons
Today, the test of the magazine cars is dedicated to large universal. These machines in our market are not so much. And we stayed at Ford Taurus, which turned out to be our only American universal sector, and Audi A6 Avant is the most young car of this class from German manufacturers. Audi A6 Avant Aestheticapri Transition to New ...
Sausage with ketchup
We often talk about the characteristic differences inherent in the cars of the American Design School. But are they always so great? Indeed, recently, Americans are increasingly more active with their models to the European market. One of the latest examples is the new Ford Taurus, which is actively offered in Russia. It would be nice ...
Calf joy
Most recently, the car of my friend famously cut some kind of twinge and sharply slowed down. After a second, he already regretted about the deed: the bumper of his nines went under the bottom, and on the roof there was a neat such folding. And the buddy, having shook from the bumper fragments of the rear lights and the clustered plastic frame of his license plate, calmly ...