Test drive Ford Ranger 2 doors since 2010 pickup

Ford finally brought Ranger to Russia with a single cabin

Ford finally brought Ranger with a single cab. The dream of quad and motorcyclists, as well as owners of snowmobiles and other balloons ... The double pickup is not at all simple, contrary to the sensations of an outside observer who has never been sitting behind his wheel.

This car lays a hand on the elbow into the clouds and tickles the gods by the heels. If he wants, he will blow up your life and give a completely new one, using the most unexpected and incredible scenarios. Suppose you worked in an insurance company, lived in a twelve -story panel house and never thought of performing in the circus arena and spend the night on the Pickup farm will correct this.
He will teach you how to drive tours of secret underground bunkers. Make radio transmitters from a matchbox, a broken player and two batteries. Fry sausages on two zippo lighters.
Picaps with a half -time or double cabin are not capable of this. They tease a bunch of friends to you, make you marry and bring all this Codlu to the country on weekends. The single one will not leave a single chance to light up.

Cowboy Berlog.
1. Grotto for small objects. Before quitting smoking, Eastwood kept tobacco there
2. Are you warm, clap? Diesel can be heated, like a seat
3. Entrance. The doorway is wide, the salon is spacious
4. Robber trunk. A first -aid kit, emergency stop and hard drive will fit here
5. The digitization of the speedometer up to 180 km/h is very flattering this car
6. Five programs in the manual transmission plus the reduced row everything that is needed for life

You will eat hands
Firstly, you buy yourself a bandana, pants with voluminous pockets on your knees, a large knife and a rope. Secondly, you will become extremely careful. After all, there is only one place next to you, and anyone will choose a single fellow traveler with a special addiction. In practice, this means that you will never find this at all. No normal person will come to you for a kilometer, given that at your disposal a knife, a rope and a spacious body. Thirdly, your diet will change a lot. You will eat with your hands, shredding with a tesak of ham and shanks that have not always been thermal processing. Well, fourthly, the pickup will teach you to wash under the streams of a waterfall, using a glass of glass to a glass of a glass of a glass of a glass instead of a shower. Perhaps everything. After a year of such a life, you will acquire the smell and appearance of Clint Eastwood. Women will catch up with you to smell your armpits. Films offer their business cards. All this happened to me (if I exaggerated, it is a little), and all this will happen to you. Think before getting the money: maybe a cozy chair and warm socks are closer?
I did not change and did not play
Be that as it may, and Ford Ranger with a single cab is absolutely not like a truck with two rows of seats. Perhaps due to the smaller weight of the entire structure as a whole and other weighting between the axles in particular. Well, of course, due to the size of the body. The first day of the test I was engaged in cleaning it with a shovel of snow. You will have to start the same shovel, because with an ordinary scoop for garbage to wield dreary. The second day I continuously traveled along the highway from Moscow and back in magical mode: 60 km/h, 1,500 crankshaft revolutions and the fourth gear. I did not change the row and did not play with the accelerator. Apparently, this driver's trance is available to all truckers. We in the city, snooping between the rows, are deprived of it. Even on a one and a half pickup, it cannot be achieved. Here we need a real truck, not a deputy jeep. Starting from a traffic light, you can rush along with everyone, but meditatively observe how the avalanche of the motorists who hate each other, swearing, falling off the place, and then with a screech is inverting at the next intersection, eliminating along the losers who broke the bumpers on each other. You drive up to the same traffic light, without losing time in time, but with ancient Greek dignity and a laurel wreath on a person. On this day, I decided that my dream car was found. Imaginal ideal is no longer necessary, it remains to collect money.
For what purpose do you have a bag and shovel with you?
Then I took up the transportation of goods and understood another truth. This truck is completely not intended for petty tasks. To fix several bags in his body, you will first have to go for bags and ropes, then bandage the bags of cross, along and across and somehow tie them to board. Arriving at the destination, repeat this procedure in the reverse order. Naturally, no one wants to patiently unravel the nodes in the cold with bare hands. It's easier to cut. This means that the next time before the next transportation of goods you need to purchase the rigging again. In short, the normal owner with smallness will quickly tie. Sofas and cabinets are another matter, but they will also have to tinker with them.
Transportation of items is not the greatest pleasure for the owner of the pickupa. But there is also off -road. A single truck drives over rough terrain, noticeably jumping on the bumps, so that you can hit your head on the ceiling of the cab. When the turn of diagonal hanging occurs, it is uselessly slipping, since it is deprived of electronic patterns of locks. Otherwise, everything is wonderful. He weighs practically nothing and therefore plays obstacles to the move. The front bumper is quite high, and the road clearance is not dwarf. In addition, in the back you can comfortably accommodate on an inflatable double mattress ...
In any case, the decision to buy a pickup with a single cabin does not depend on the convenience of loading and the off-rock capabilities of the truck. The main thing is how quickly you get tired of explaining to friends and policemen, for what purpose do you have a bag and shovel with you.
Caution, technical details
Ford Ranger is a classic frame pickup with a single cab. The modern 2.5-liter diesel engine Duratorq TDC, aggregated with a six-speed gearbox, reduces the cost of fuel, reducing its consumption to 67 liters outside the city. Connected front -wheel drive and lowering gear in the handout of the signs of this SUV. Dependent rear suspension and drum brakes will allow you to go painlessly in a clay rut, and ABS will help not only in winter. Such a car will easily be slightly cast, and then from a truck for transporting vegetables to the market, a pickupian will turn into a serious help of an active lifestyle lover. The length of the car body with a single cab allows you to load two off -road motorcycles into it and close the rear side. Or put one ATV, and then capture the trailer and for one trip, Ford Ranger will take a whole team, the benefit of the motor traction of 330 nm is enough.

Author: Dmitry Leontyev, photo of Alexander Ortnova-Baranov

Source: Magazine 4x4 [May /2012]

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Krassh Test: Detailed Information
Driver and passengers
Active security system