Test drive Ford Focus sedan since 2010 sedan

Ford Focus III. Russian tricks

In mid -January, it suddenly became clear that at the Ford Avtomzavod near Peter the production of 3 tricks in the wagon version - in our way of the station wagon. Moreover, this accidentally coincides with the release of a half -million Ford collected in Vsevolozhsk.

The idea to visit the plant immediately interested me. The point is not at all that I have never seen how robots, along with anthropoid robots, they collect cars. Moreover, he himself was a robot on ZIL-E. During the Soviet Union, all, including ralists working at the Likhachev factory, were forced to work hard once a year on the conveyor so as not to be conceived. Plus, I have repeatedly seen, as a journalist, as is done in other worlds. Therefore, the idea to visit the plant was another. Let me immediately confess sinful. YES. A little less than ten years ago, when they only launched the plant in Vsevolozhsk, I refused to go there, maliciously noting that I had no desire to look at another screwdriver. Now I will explain everything. In Kaliningrad, the enterprise with the strange name of the autorot at one time was reverse production of cars. In fact, this is nothing more than a way of bypassing customs. At least it was so 15 years ago. I remember that we, journalists, were brought to Kaliningrad with two charters for a solemn exit from the assembly line of the first BMW treshka. Having proudly demonstrated to us within five minutes of a worker, diligently screwing the bumper to Bahe’s long -gathered in Germany. Then they put out the light and sent to the next room to drink German beer with Bavarian sausages. I, naive, asked the organizers to continue shooting, although it was already clear what assembly it was and what cars it was. Naturally, my whole filming TV group was sent quite far. The guys, ignoring the message, remained in the next room, and I went in the indicated direction. He went to the grave of Emmanuel, you see, Kant. He bowed to the great philosopher and departed. My material was called a hole from a bagel (Thor is the body of rotation in the form of a bagel). They were offended, but they did not kill. Thank you. Since then I hate a screwdriver.

So, my sin is that I initially ranked the plant in Vsevolozhsk to the ill -fated screwdriver. Sorry, brothers! Was wrong. The plant is like a plant. Like most in the world. With modern assembly technologies and, most importantly, modern control systems. This I already concluded after I visited.

And in parallel, I had the idea to reassure the Vsevolozhsk product Ford Focus III. It was also interesting that my good acquaintance drives his Focus to the tail and mane, and he goes and travels. I’ve been waiting for several years when his iron horse will be bent from such operation. But so far I have not waited. So I decided to tie with the tests of all kinds of Ferrari, Lamborgini, Jaguars (temporarily, of course) and ride an ordinary focus.

Thus, in my hands (or rather under me) was Ford Focus III in the Titanium configuration. He has been on sale for more than six months and almost all automobile publications have been tested, but allow me and I have an opinion on this car. The main technical parameters of the skin are, all bauling, engine 1.6 liters, power 125 hp, 6-speed PowerShift automatic box (that is, with the possibility of manual gear shifts). Look more here and here.

The first sensations. It is always very important to me. I sit down. I drive the seats as a glove, that is, it has become part of the car. I look around. My God! Buttons, levers, wheels, screens (they are also displays). The middle between the aircraft and the boombox (I'm not talking about the Boombox group). It looks like a gift of people of the 21st century to people of the 21st century. Cool, youth, but I would like a little more conservative. A very sharp transition from the tastes of the consumer of the older generation to the tastes of youth.

In my opinion, this is too much. True, the situation saves that this whole space set is easily read at an intuitive level and there is no need (or no) to look in the instructions the size of the novel War and Peace in the instructions.

Drive. I call it dense. For me, this term means that the car does not allow the motion of slaughter. Adequately responds to the actions of the driver. Without a tear, it swallows unevenness (ours, Russian irregularities!). The dynamics and power are sufficient. It is as before in the characteristics of Rolls Royce in the engine of the engine that the engine power was written sufficient. Indeed, with any sharp opening of the gas, when you touch the place, the wheelhouse begins. The automatic gearbox is quickly adjusted to the driving style.

I would say even too fast. A couple of times I accelerated dynamically and now, please, a sports algorithm of switching is immediately put under you. Moreover, there is no need to translate the transmission selector into mode S (sports) in the Kik-Dawn (pedal to the floor) acceleration and without this very worthy. The turns holds stably without unexpected breakdowns. With a sharp discharge of gas, the trunk does not strive to get ahead of the hood (within reasonable limits, of course).

What did not like in the movement? Perhaps increased noise. But, I must say that the main noise component is the work of spikes on asphalt. In conclusion, I tried riding in deep snow. If the driver’s head is fine, then Focus will not let you down here. You just need to not forget to turn off the stabilization system.

What else dissonates with a general positive background? I would like not so rough skin on the steering wheel and better plastic in the cabin. But the latter does not catch me. Plastic does not make noise, does not squeak, does not sing. And the fact that he is tough to the touch, so do not feel him, that's all. And further.

The trunk in the sedan is large, but climbing this cave is inconvenient

Yes, it is very important that the creators of the focus managed to make the interior spacious. The feeling that you’re going to Mondeo.


A source: Magazine 5 wheel [February 2012]