Test drives Ford Focus 4 doors 2008 - 2010 sedan

Ford Focus 1.8 TDCI. Torque
Ford Focus 1.8 TDCI. Price: from 489,000 rubles. On sale: since March 2008, the Auto -Auto has been provided by Ford Russia Ford Focus already on a long test in our editorial office, now it has come to check in the case of the updated modification of this model of restyling of the Motors line -available Russian customers Ford Focus. Therefore, how ...
Our good old new friend
The bestseller of the Russian market, who changed his face, received a number of options and several percent, modestly flattened by a still attractive price, all the same, they somehow got used to thinking, rather, Ford in six years of all accustomed us to the idea that Focus is a modern European car assembled in Russia and ...
Ford Focus 1.8 TDCI. From 489,000 rubles.
Ford Focus 1.8 TDCI. From 489,000 rubles. Having taken a car with a mileage of 2500 km, in a couple of months we increased this number two and a half times. All this time, the Focus turbodiesella was exclusively flexible: we looked under the hood only out of curiosity, it was caused by the desire to check if our focus has ...
Test drive in Russia: Ford Focus Cabrio
On the street, the first days of October, on the street + 10 and on the street froze in anticipation of the bluish Ford Focus Cabrio. A rare day of autumn, when it is not quite oak and not quite the heat. It's time to ride with the breeze left in oblivion for only a couple of hours, now Ford Focus Cabrio seemed to us some kind ...
Operation "Trust"
I think you will agree with me that Ford Focus is gradually acquiring the status of a folk car. And the presence of a plant of a blue oval near St. Petersburg makes a car almost domestic. Is it surprising that corporate customers of dealerships often choose this modeling manner from a reservation: the choice of a workhorse is dictated not only by the popularity of that ...
We lead to the focus
Ford focus at prices came close to competitors, but the demand for this model is still high. What to focus on when buying, Maxim Sachkov will tell. Photo: Alexander Batyr. Glazes are scattered, there are mass models offering such a rich choice. Four bodies, not counting the Cabiolet compartment and the charged version of ST, six engines with mechanical and automatic boxes, ...
The kitchen is tall and not very
What do you prefer: sharp carrots, foie grades or smoked sausages? What is in the kitchen, that in the engineering bureau, the method of preparation and tastes vary greatly depending on which school adheres to and where the cook.hyundai i30 new dish of Korean auto -KULINARY comes from. We are trying to figure out what they eat with, simultaneously tasting Ford Focus ...
Test drive Ford Focus: To be impudent sometimes excusable
If you look closely at cars running along the roads of our vast Motherland, focuses are most often found from all foreign cars. Here the first -generation Ford Focus sedan drove with faded paint, here is his younger brother of the second generation, but a sparkling restyled version of the Ford Focus II hatchback rushed. I was lucky to try one -year -old ...
Airborne atmospheric against a turbocharged motor with a hand gearbox for what is the choice for the test? Cars are obviously different: calm, family Skoda Octavia and almost youth Ford Focus. Belonging to the same class, but to different social groups, the models of the Russian assembly could not cross the battlefield for ...
Ford Focus 2.0 AT. From 569,000 rubles.
Not so long ago, the Ford Focus II list has been replenished with another model. Glovy, complaining that a car with a 1.6 -liter engine and an automatic machine does not drive a box. Now with an automatic transmission there is and there is no two -liter Focus career, this equipment will be popular. The car added in dynamics and became a little more status, but ...

Video crash tests Ford Focus 4 doors 2008 - 2010