Test drive Ford Focus 5 doors since 2010 hatchback


We say Ford, we mean Focus 1.6, bought on credit, for all occasions. Well, or, at worst, Fusion. So it happened to us. Who will remember Mustang or GT? But someone must pay tribute to the sports traditions of the brand. And this is Focus, however, far from 1.6
But before, there were more cars with ST ST ST in our market. More recently, a cheerful Fiesta ST lighter of the previous generation was sold, even earlier there was a Mondeo sedan with a similar abbreviation and an excellent chassis. After the appearance of the new generation, Mondeo has passed two years, and we have not yet waited for a full -fledged charged version. Well, the new Fiesta just appeared on the shelves. For other modifications of ST modifications, Ford is not provided. It so coincided that Focus St turned out to be an apostate from the modern civilian values \u200b\u200bof Ford. He and keep an exam.
And he is not afraid, does not hide the cheat sheets in his pockets, does not expect concessions from the teacher, but on the contrary he walks Gogol in his magnificent snow -white suit, trimmed with a completely modest body kit. And this whiteness is successfully shaded by the branded Ford 18-inch snowflakes, however, not white, but black. If you look at the face, you can notice the strong -willed jaw of the front bumper. This is not a lean physiognomy of ordinary tricks! By the way, on the lapels of a jacket, or rather on the front wings, ST wears almost real medals. They indicate that the namesake of Focus WRC in 2006 and 2007, thanks to the efforts of pilots, Mikko Hirvonen and Marcus Gronholm won the Cup of designers for the team.
But you won’t be fed alone with costumes and regalia. The list of models of the ST restyling and the WRC special version did not change. First of all, this is an excellent engine steam craving in the entire speed range, 225 forces, the absence of at least some tangible lag. One poorly flat shelf of the moment makes it a little boring. But, it is worth noting that the configured graduation system with juicy bass and shootings during gas discharge significantly dilutes this boredom.
A hundred car reaches only in second gear and in less than 7 seconds! But there are four more. On the fifth, ST is able to reach the maximum 240 km/h and feel great. Focus stands on a straight line, like a glove. Undetered and more rigid suspension does not allow excessive course vibrations. True, the steering wheel does not have a very clear zero, and noise insulation leaves much to be desired, but this does not interfere with absolute control over the car. In addition, in corners, the steering has good feedback, and the suspension paired with wide tires is held to the last. To the juicy sound of the Focus exhaust, it strines the turns on one another, while almost without reacting to the pits and bumps. Sport for every day!
ST rotation in staff is close to neutral. In the Volya mode for all money, Focus at the entrance to the turn, diligently rests with the front wheels on the asphalt, and as soon as the demolition begins, it is sharply dumped with a simultaneous ruff of the steering wheel and shift the balance in the direction of excessive rotation. Inexperienced ST will not frighten, and a professional will deliver many pleasant moments.
The impression of powerful ST WRC brakes was slightly spoiled by the information content of the drive, and ABS could work a little later (perhaps this is the effect of riding on summer tires at a fairly low temperature). Focus ST Sportsman of everyday use. Perhaps his greatest inconvenience is a three -door body and a salon, on the back of which it became frankly inconvenient to climb after installing the fluffy seats of Recaro. But, in the end, who prevents the order of a five -door modification? And the suspension does not cause an excellent compromise. Well, powerful brakes and the motor are always only good, if you forget about the consumption of gasoline is inhumane for Focus, but quite acceptable for ST with such dynamic indicators.


Source: Motor magazine [January 2009]

Video Crash tests Ford Focus 5 doors since 2010

Ford Focus crash test 5 doors since 2010

Krassh Test: Detailed Information
Driver and passengers
Active security system