Ford fiesta tests 5 doors since 2008 hatchback

Ford Fiesta and Seat Ibiza ahead of Mazda2 and Peugeot 207 in the consumer test drive of gentlemen of Europeans
City speeds of small -leafing become perfect companions if it comes to cramped in urban space. But it seems that the new Ford Fiesta is able to bypass Mazda2, Peugeot 207 and Seat Ibiza not only in urban conditions. In one other segment of cars, manufacturers do not show so much zeal in the struggle for the location of customers, as in the segment ...
Comprehensive test: Ford Fiesta, Peugeot 207
Camping. Outwardly, the similarity is obvious. Both are alien to rural flavor, well, poured citizens. They even cost approximately the same ... The new Ford Fiesta makes glasses against the background of the Corifei Peugeot 207, to create a small car that can like millions of people of different ages, gender and religion is not so simple. One and a half of the largest world car concerts have everything necessary for ...
Below the waist
So it's time to save on gasoline, on square meters of parking, on insurance, after all. But is everything so monstrously bad to save on the image? After all, a thirst for nothing. Let this year be generous with novelties in a small grade, in which a couple of good old people lying around. The question, however, is not in ...

Video Crash tests Ford Fiesta 5 doors since 2008