Test Drives Ford Explorer since 2010 SUV

Ford Explorer. Legend of the future
Ford Explorer. Price: From 1 799 000 r. On sale: Since the summer of 2011, the legendary American SUV Ford Explorer returns to the expanses of Russia, filled with revolutionary ideas! From the former Explorer there is little here. New Detroit SUV is already a legend of the future, to get acquainted with which we went home to Henry ...
The big crossover is a point where the development of different types of cars converge: minivans, cars and SUVs. What features of these classes are our characters in their DNA? Answer the journey to Rybinsk helped to answer this question. Ford ExploreRery Take One day to use the iPhone to fall in love. It is nice to hold in his hands, and thanks to ...
If the crossover is crossped with a mobile phone, it will turn out for Ford Explorer
If the five-meter crossover is crossed with a mobile phone, it will turn out for Ford Explorer. You will like it if you are a fan of the company Sony ... a week behind the wheel of the Ford Explorer passed somehow particularly empty and emaciated. What was this car? I do not know, I forgot about him at once, as I passed the representative office. An obvious sign that the new ...
Test Drive Ford Explorer: Digital Time
The new Ford Explorer has become the real revolution of the model. The SUV once lost the frame and Motors V8, but added to manageability and seriously increased the arsenal of on-board electronics. In the near-year-old 90s in the plots of films about the future, then the flying machines with automatic control and robots have fought. But here in the yard of 2013, ...
Ford Explorer and Honda Pilot crossovers find out their relationship
Honda Pilot against Ford Explorer. Seimed parquets find out their incoming relationships ... Working on the design of Pilot, Honda sought to create the image of the fortress on the wheels. Outside, more or less, it turned out, but in the interior did not come around. The flashing panel reminded not the cast-iron control panel of the excavator, and the glass female table on which the powder should lie. As a result, Pilot ...