Test Drives FIAT UNO 5 Doors 1989 - 1994 Hatchback

Fiat Uno. Polish sauce
At all times the Fiat was best of all, it was small cars. And although the history of the concern knows successful products of large sizes, the name of the company, and in the post-war time and the main money, they made small masters. Europeans have the word FIAT caused the same associations: Fiat 500, 850, 126, 127, in our time ...
New car for the "old" Russian
Most of our non-compatriots have a new foreign car have so far caused purely academic interest. We got used to the top five and copied to nine. However, the times have changed in the price range, previously occupied by domestic cars, their import competitors began to break through. True, mostly some international-cosmopolitan, but nevertheless new. ...
"Momento" from the life of "UNO"
He remembered the owner - Nomudren, but the discovered end of 1999, I did not unfortunately parted with the Fiat-Uno Polish assembly driver (see SM, 2000, No. 2). The time flew unnoticed, the next car - the VAZ 2111 raided 50 thousand km (though, in the first couple of weeks the service managed to ask me more ...