Test drives Fiat Punto 5 Doors 1994 - 1999 Hatchback

11 to 12
Collection was announced at Khodynka. When all eleven have already been in place, I drove a black Tahoe. The driver got out, walked between the cars. And he said: So, you guys. I won the one for the wife. To give money? If a citizen buys any goods in general and in particular car, he is entitled to expect, at least, to the fact that ...
Economy in all respects
Big city, heat about 35 degrees. Focus on something or anything, including on driving difficult. But a small, absolutely obedient and non-burdensome city car designed to, under any circumstances, not to complicate the owner lives quietly carries us through the streets. Its operation has nothing to do with the struggle for selected ...
La Capitale Della Punto
I read in La Stampa, the special tab to the Turin Motor Show that drive a bestseller. Fiat Punto in the lead in the list of best selling cars in Italy with excellent results 115,628 units for the first quarter of the year, having gone to the almost threefold lead over the nearest competitor, Lancia Y. Italian lessons in my heart I was hoping ...
slaughter marathon
50,000 kilometers to the Fiat-PuntoA that - really foreign car is much better than ours? If we talk about comfort, interior decoration, design - definitely. But even the sun has spots - occurs, their cars break down, too. And often there are defects, the familiar and the Russian drivers. Not to be unfounded, we offer the attention of ...
Size matters
Even those who have never been abroad, knows that Europe is full of small, compact cars. In Russia, all the way around. On the streets of the capital there are almost no children, and among the sold foreign cars in the car class, that is 3.5-3.9 m long, constitute a negligible dolyu.ChTO MENTALITY IS? People rumor does not recognize the full foreign car, ...
spot bombing
The update of the most popular and sold model is an event for the company. No wonder the new items were led to the anniversary of Fiat - the event of an all-life scale. Although ... I will allow myself clarification. The Italian industrial giant has long stepped over the borders of the historic homeland and the anniversary celebrations gathered a lot of any little - three thousand guests from around the world. Swipe inherent ...
Punto 1.2i and Punto 1.2i Sporting
The punctuation marks differ in the degree of categoricality. Point (Punto, Ial.) Does not allow interpretation. A other business of the colon, followed by clarification, the development of the thought contained at the beginning of the proposal. Taking two Punto second-generation Punto for the test (5-door Punto 1.2 in the basic configuration and 3-door version of Sporting with a 16-valve engine of the same volume), we and ...

Video crash tests Fiat Punto 5 doors 1994 - 1999