Test drives Fiat 500 since 2007 Hatchback

FIAT 500.
The main question that arises at the form of Fiat 500: how is it, so small and ridiculous, managed to become a 2007 car? First of all, let's resolutely throwing sentimental ahi and oh, which crophes the two-eye weighs about the appearance of this car. Yes, the machine is pretty, but called Fiat 500 irresistible, as one reputable ...
Child's world
All wrong! Test, landfill, even joyfully jumping units in red jackets, pledged Sergey Voskresensky, looking at mini and Fiat-500. Photo: Alexander Batyr.mini Cooper S 1.6 L, 175 hp, 6-speed mechanics, basic equipment, options, 1 010 700 rub.FIAT 500 1.2 l, 69 hp, 5-speed Mechanics, equipment Lounge, options, 597,500 ...
New "Mouse"
But the first Fiat 500, which appeared on the light 72 years ago, cost about 5000 lire. Or 300 dollars at the rate of that time. It is this car that the Italians called Topolino (Momens), transplanted a nation from two wheels to four. It all started with the fact that the chief designer is still pre-war Fiat Antonio Fessey ...
Fiat 500: Retro Style Party
Cinqueceno has a soul. After a couple of hours I already want to talk about him, we want to say all night long, having driven to friends, to cause them a constant smile with charming impracticality, boastfully slow down on traffic lights, giving an enthusiastic public to see us from all sides. We all have long as the convenience and utility. WITH…
What is our life? ..
Sea of \u200b\u200bpositive and quite a bit of the story of the Fiat 500 on the shelf in the children's and on the city asphalt. Yesh, why is childhood goes irretrievably?! About 15 years ago I could not think about another birthday gift, rather than a new five hundred. And let it be a copy of 1:24, she necessarily stood ...
With amendment for a while
- Oh, what cutie! Oh, what a pretty! Oh, what a face! Is this yours? - Yes, thank you, I also like it. - No, well, you look, what is the beauty! What is the name? - Fiat 500- Fiat? Well, it is necessary! And how much does it cost? - 670 thousand rubles! - Wow! And what is so expensive? - You see, glamor now the roads! Similar dialogs to me ...

Video crash tests Fiat 500 since 2007