Test Drives Dodge Durango 1997 - 2003 SUV

New car Corporation Chrysler de Yura is a compact SUV, de facto it is almost full of size. Durango on average for 300-400 mm longer, slightly wider than classmates, and the older brothers do not reach the length of 200-300 mm. To the conclusion that the machines of this - intermediate - the size will be in demand, the corporation ...
Lessons economy
Nissan Patrol GR & Dodge Durango economy should be economical. Especially during the period of patient defaults, bankruptcies and high activity of the Communists. It is time to refuse the phrase of the delivery is not necessary and habits to have two or three cars for every fire case. From now on, we will check the account in the cafeteria with a calculator, and when buying a car before ...
Dynamic heavyweight
Dodge Durango is an impressive appearance, impressive sizes, impressive capacity and impressive thrust of an impressive motor. The question is how impressive price will seem. Fashion for large American SUVs we seem to have passed. What was quite logical influenced the perception of their society: suddenly it came out that they were not at all for ...

Video crash tests Dodge Durango 1997 - 2003