Test Drive Daihatsu Move 1999 - 2002 Hatchback

Car Review Daihatsu Move

So, the overwhelming domination of one model in the micro-car market market, which has been established after the sale of the Suzuki Wagon R car and the last year, seems to be coming to an end. It was especially difficult to leader in the past few months, when, on the one hand, it was time for his low modernization, and on the other hand, one by one cars were going on: Honda Life, Mitsubishi Ek-Wagon Sport, Daihatsu Move, Suzuki Lapin and etc. The next impact of the occupied positions was the full modernization of the Daihatsu Move model.
Although the appearance of the car and has undergone significant changes, the model range still consists of two modifications: the basic Normal and has an obviously sporty slope Custom. In addition, the rear door of the swing type, which is considered the main option, in some cases it can be changed to the door opening upwards. This innovation has become a pleasant news. The machine can be equipped with a three varieties engine, namely, a 3-cylinder engine without chance, a 3-cylinder with a superior and 4-cylinder turbo. The simple engine received a class of ultra low content of harmful emissions (3 stars), and both motors with a superposition of such stars only two. The merge of the new Move car should also include its incomprehensible stability for microlo. The front, lateral, as well as the rear top airbags, retractable head restraints of the front armchairs, the front armchairs, which are returned by the headsets of the front armchairs, to prevent brake pedal return mechanism. And this is all not only to make the car to meet the European Security Standard in case of a collision of cars. No, the security question really became for the developers one of the main. In this regard, the Move model can be recognized by the real flagship of Daihatsu, in which everything is done so that, as they say, it seems to be nowhere.
Armchairs without prejudice to the convenience of the driver
Externally modifications Custom and Normal differ not only to the outlines of their face, but also the form of the rear lights with the top layout of the stop signal. In addition, the opening of the back door in the Custom car looks as if it is located almost vertically, and in general, this modification seems more flattened by style. The subject of pride is the doors that swallow 90 degrees, which is not so strong, it would seem that distinguishes them from competitors. But in reality, believe me, the open door of the CUSTOM car looks very impressive - what is called, the door is a lap.
In addition, in the modification of the CUSTOM R, the tilted steering column and the rising driver's seat are elements of standard equipment (in the modification R it is proposed by the manufacturer as an option). So the driver, cargo control, can set up in his chair much more convenient than in other cheap and price of microllaps, where they often neglect this convenience. All in the cabin of the car, starting with the dashboard, looks high quality, as well as in Max or Copen models, and is largely more attractive than in the cars of competing companies. As you know, for microlitric cars, it is very important how freely the driver feels when the passenger sits next to him. In this regard, the model under consideration is one of the best in its class. Attention and rear armchairs, which are not worse than a competitor WAGON R. The left and right part of the seating are moving back and forth along the guide rails independently of each other. If you need to seats, conjugate with the backs, one move go down to make room for luggage. And if you consider that the seats can be moved to a distance of 205 mm (remind you that the chair in the SUZUKI WAGON R is 105 mm), and the fact that a suitcase is fits in a niche of the floor, the difference between these two cars is made quite Tangible. It can be argued that everything is done in this regard so that there is nowhere else.
Skill layout, going beyond the frame of the microllera
The operation of the renewed Move still has a carefully verified equilibrium between comfort and control. This is an equilibrium and plus to this wonderful even by the standards of a liter class car, a subjective feeling of manageability delivers the driver of the same pleasure as in the MAX machine, that is, the level adopted in relation to the level microchk. The body of the machine has a rather high degree of hardness for micro. At the same time, the salon, increasing its width of 80 mm, retained resistance to side shocks at the same level. The constancy of this kind is quite worthy of the most flatter estimates. As for the engine without boosting, its power can be characterized as sufficient for riding in the city with a low speed. In this, he is nothing special from the engines standing on similar cars of competing companies. If there is a need for a speed car, then the 3-cylinder turbo engine should be chosen. But relative to the turbo video Turbo with four cylinders, which is placed exclusively on the Custom category RS machines, I dare to note that in smoothness in the range of low and medium speeds or silent, it, of course, exceeds its 3-cylinder fellow. However, in the overwhelming majority situations that may arise on roads, for example, if necessary, increase the course for overtaking, the variant with three cylinders seems to me preferable.
If we were talking about the speed version of the machine, I would personally stop my choice on the Custom R modification that most fully meets the requirements of the style. Yes, it will cost 130 thousand yen more expensive. Yes, the back door can only be a swing type. And yet, to equip it with a tilted steering column, put the driver's seat adjustable in height, and here you are Move in all its glory! Anyway, objectively appreciating the new version of the car Move, it should be done a clear conclusion: this machine definitely stands in a number of the best models in its class. Of course, the question is, to take Move or not take, this is a matter of taste and financial opportunities. Undoubtedly Other: After reaching the updated model Move, the redistribution of roles in the micro-car market has become inevitable. How it will happen - time will show.


A source: CarView.co.jp.