Daewoo Nexia (Kletn) 1995 test drive - NV sedan
At a similar price

Most recently, two new cars appeared in the editorial office - Dau Nexia and Renault Clio Symbol. The reason for the acquisition of these machines is obvious: Nexia has been leading foreign cars in the Russian market for several years, and Clio Symbol, barely appearing in Russia, has already taken the third line in the summary of sales for the 1st quarter of the year. We announced the program of comparative tests of folk foreign cars in the April issue. Meanwhile, their odometers are already counting the fourth thousand kilometers. Although for the sake of the consumer from the instructions, the word is now excluded, to load cars in full from the first days is not our approach. But it's still time to find out what the newcomers are capable of - good, the spring sun has dried the roads of an auto policy.
History with geography

It hardly changed in it, in addition to appearance. In 1997, Lanos replaced Nexia in the country of morning freshness, and the old car a year earlier moved to Sunny Uzbekistan, where it is produced to this day. The selection of configurations is small: the basic GL (the air conditioner and the steering hydraulic power steering can be added to it) and GLE, where only the air conditioner is complemented.
Renault Clio Symbol cannot boast of such a rich biography. This modification of the European hatchback Renault Clio of the third generation appeared in 1999 specifically for the markets of developing countries. The sedan has a reinforced body structure, a special suspension setting, additional engine protection and assemblies. The initial plans for the assembly of a car at the Autoframs enterprise in Moscow have not yet been successful, and now cars from the Turkish factory Renault are being supplied to Russia.
Complexion and design

If the main disadvantages of Nexia are an uncomfortable landing (a low -located steering wheel) and an unsuccessful pedal node (low -located pedals with a large stroke), then the main puncture of Clio is the seat. The low and thin one in it is back and forth, but whoever has something to sit down ... Oh! The head is in the ceiling, the legs are long, the arms are short and not even under the grenadier growth, the seat is shifted until it stops back ... Have you ever seen an embryo of 120 kg weighing? Come, show. If by then we will not change the seat. Did the designers miss? No, of course: just with a short base it was necessary to put five adults. Happened? Yes, two thin tall 1.8 m easily sit down one after another. There are enough places for both the feet and for the knees. And if someone is higher or wider - this is his problem.
Intimate angle

Nexia has something to catch on for bumps - there are brake tubes, fuel lines, and plastic mudguards of the motor compartment. Protection in standard configuration is not provided. Road clearance without load, however, considerable - 155 mm. The fuel level sensor is completely sticking out downwards, just for Moscow salty winters (however, despite such an unsuccessful location, he is surprisingly tenacious at another editorial Nexia: three winters are not a hindrance to him). How and why the rear springs break, you can guess at once - it is hardly a quarter of the smallest turn on the lower cup. In general, in the opinion of the below - an ordinary European car - there are no really bad roads there. You should not hope for the eyes in the back: you want to take someone in tow - either get ready to change the bumper, or put the towbar in advance.
Renault made its symbol without calculating the autobahns. In Turkey, there are different roads, pardon and bumps are enough. And therefore, Clio looks from below as an armored car. Protection of the motor compartment from a thick steel sheet, overlays cover pipelines - it is difficult to tear something off. And the massive bushings of shock absorbers: Interestingly, will Kamazovsky do not work? The lowest point without load is in the reptile stabilizer. Nothing, this scrap will withstand everything, and his mount is powerful. The suspension is almost like Nexia, only a stabilizer is missing. By the way, the springs here are also barrel -shaped, only the cups are correct.
To start, attention ...

But the Uzbek DEU can boast of an accurate speedometer - even at speeds close to maximum, its error is less than 5 km/h. In contrast to him, Renault is inclined to exaggerate his capabilities - with a small fair wind, it is not difficult to put the arrow on the mark of 180.
How are you doing with the brakes? Not bad - by the standards of cheap cars. The requirements of the GOST of the car met with an impressive 10-meter margin, although they did not show special achievements. Against the background of leading models, whose braking distance from 100 km/h is 8-10 meters shorter, their indicators are very modest. Note to the riders: both cars have brakes prone to overheating with multiple triggering. After four to five attempts, the effort on the pedals exceeds reasonable limits, and the braking distance increases noticeably. Moreover, the force grows faster in Nexia, but the efficiency of braking falls more in Clio. With cold brakes, the force for blocking the wheels of both machines is very small: only 130 N at DEU and 160 N - at Renault. At the same time, the Nexia pedal is characterized by low information and an unpleasant viscous sensation.
Subjectively about the objective

Small bumps of Nexia swallows without difficulty, with large ones - noisy, but copes, does not notice the waves on the road. There would have been a larger reserve - there was no price to the car. What's on the turns? Also not bad. In the limit - a tangible insufficient rotation, for the discharge of gas - a smooth, with a noticeable delay in the skid. Everything is predictable and expected - no surprises. Unexpectedly an empty steering wheel requires attention, and the brakes need a habit.
Clio is not afraid of the symbol of bad roads - he does not notice them. Pits, chips, cracks, washing board, potholes. Like an air pillow - quietly, does not talk, does not shake ... And now - quickly. It is also reliable, only all the time you have to steal.

Dau Nexia is a master of compromises. Skillfully masking her shortcomings, she does not claim to be a bright personality - a sort of calm middle peasant. But sales figures show that the affordable price reconciles the consumer with the spinelessness of Nexia.
Renault Clio Symbol does not compromise - he is ready to sacrifice some qualities for the sake of others. The result of this approach: a number of undeniable, even bright advantages alternate with the equally noticeable shortcomings. However, the most obvious is an overstated price. It was because of her that the symbol has not yet compiled a more stringent competition.
P. S. In line - a detailed study of the ergonomics of the workplace in both machines. Our recommendations and operating experience are in the nearest rooms.
We chose Nexia in the GLE configuration without air conditioning. At a price of $ 7,600, the car is well equipped: electric drives of locks, windows, fog lights, steering wheel hydraulic power, a radio with four speakers and a pin antenna (also with electric drive). In the combination of devices
there was a place for a tachometer, and in the molded upholstery of the doors - for fabric inserts. In general, for an inexpensive car, an almost complete gentleman's set, not enough airbags. Only alarm had to be added - without it in the capital, nowhere. It cost 300 evergreen monetary units. Total - $ 7900.

Of the amenities - only the power steering. There is no tachometer, as there is no glove compartment cover. But there is a pillow for the driver; At the same time, the rear head restraints are absent.
We are not talking about fabric upholstery - everywhere hard, although not explosive plastic. Not too pathetic, but practical - it is washed in two counts. The price of such a car is $ 8400. Its pre -equipment, respectively, cost more - in addition to alarm, had to break into the central castle with drives and radio
with a couple of speakers. Total - $ 9050.
What will conquer a Russian motorist: a reputation, proven for years, or originality of the novelty?
Each of the rivals has its own style, but the first round of martial arts did not reveal a clear leader.
Planting in Renault is high, bus, and yet the car does not shine with the space of the cabin. And climbing back to a large person is not at all easy.
The DEU salon is quite capacious, the rear seat is spacious, the boarding back is comfortable. True, the steering wheel is low and the pedal node is not too successful.
Armored belly symbol: to damage something is difficult here.
Open plastic pipe of the Nexia gas tank is one of the atavisms of noble European origin.

Text / Anatoly Fomin, Anatoly Karpenkov
Photo / Vladimir Knyazev
Source: The magazine "Driving"
Daewoo Nexia (Kletn) 1995 - NV Daewoo
Daewoo Nexia (Kletn) 1995 - NV
Daewoo Nexia malfunctions: Detailed informationNexia (Kletn) 1995 - HB | |
Engine | ![]() |
Transmission | ![]() |
Control system and suspension | ![]() |
Brake system | ![]() |
Air heating and air conditioning | ![]() |
Launch and charging system | ![]() |
Electric components and so on | ![]() |
Corrosion body stability | ![]() |