Test Drive Daewoo Nexia (Kletn) 1995 - NV Sedan

"Symbol" - "Nexia": First Round

Is it cheap in service inexpensive foreign cars?
A little more than a year lasts peace-loving duel of our couple, day after the day of winding kilometers. We compared the features of each of the cars in a detail, made all sorts of measurements, and simply pretty smashed (SP, 2001, No. 4, 6, 9; 2002, No. 3). Time to bring some results, especially since the odometers of the machines crossed the first anniversary digit of 50,000 km. According to tradition, they went to a small mileage. This time on Pskov lands, and not difficulties for the sake of. A simple tourist route served as a picturesque background for photography and helped express points over I in determining the operational costs of fuel.
The motto is trouble-free!
Do not shove the soul, saying that last year they did not come across serious faults or breakdowns. Unlike the products of the native car industry, these two copies helped to forget about the stores of spare parts and to this day do not require interference with the work of the main systems. There are never traditional road sets, as a rule, from all sorts of belts, coils, candles and wires. The natural fee for this is a visit by no means cheap branded service, where even the most elementary operations. We deliberately went to expenses, judging that the consumer would hardly have bought a new car and the manufacturer's warranty will serve it on their own. By the way, the dealer guarantee on Clio and Nexia is the same - three years or 70,000 km. During this period, once every 10,000 km should come to the planned, which are essentially divided into small and large. The second, held every 20,000 km, has a mandatory replacement of all filters, spark plugs and more picky control of the car systems.
What happened to Daewoo and Reno last time?
Figures and kilometers
Fifty thousand kilometers past - and exactly half of this, only already rubles, spent on small repair and maintenance Renault Clio symbol. Is there a lot or a little? A colleague riding on nonsense is somewhat simpler. The car is sold long ago, therefore information is abound. Wherever we come, there is immediately the owner of the same DEU, with which the characteristic sores of the model are discussed in detail. The clio symbol is fresh, modern and technically perfect - but with him you spend your pioneer.
The fact that Renault turns out to be cheaper in service, has become noticeably about 40,000 km. Once at once, he passed the picky diagnosis, without requiring special measures. Of course, the bumps already appeared on the body, the front bumper, leaned over long-distance trips, lost the former gloss, on the windshield a small crack, born in cracking frosts from an almost imperceptible point from stone impact. In some way in the salon, I unobtrusively cracks the upholstery began to breathe, and in the graduation system, a cricket was swinging, whose rattling voice breaks into the salon at certain frequencies of the engine.
Oddly enough, a non-standard system of alarm has caused most of the appeals to the station. It was denied siren, then rubber tubes were pulled, insulating the wiring in the door, then suddenly the fuses burned one by one. In general, Renault unbelievable the foreign security complex. However, all cases are recognized as warranty and problems are eliminated for free. Interestingly Other: The same system on non-specified works without complaints ...
The rest of the clio is still flawless. Engine RED, dynamic and is very stable at fuel consumption. Do not fall over to transmission, suspension, the rest of the chassis items. The front brake pads easily passed the fifty-year-old (!) Rubb, and we will only change them with the following then. The Turkish tires are GT2 and the Turkish tires of Chud. Their, of course, had to be changed in places, having rearranged the front wheels back, but there are enough tires for another ten-fifteen.
The old woman Nexia is also kept by a young man, only attention requires more. At first, the driver was drifting about the increased consumption of oil. On 10,000 km run, the engine regularly eaten a liter-half-quality synthetics. To the current final figure, this lack was able to defeat, experimenting with varieties and viscosity of oil. Now even with rather hard high-speed modes, the nexian engine pleases with reliable operation and stable indicators.
The next door is the continental tires from the Czech Republic. They were not only slippery on wet coatings and prone to aquaplaning, but also quickly wear out. Approximately half of the final path the front tires were confused 2/3 of the tread depth, demanding immediate permutation, and by the current summer season we were breaking up with them, the tongue of Nexia to Pirelli R-3000 tires. It should be noted that the car without loss of dynamics and fuel efficiency adopted a new tire dimension - 175/65R14, permissible, by the way, the manufacturer.
The death of the front pads at a 40 thousandth mark we counted a good result. But then the replacement was sprinkled as out of the horns of abundance, having increased dramatically expenses. The dirt in the fuel tank, who deceased in the winter antenna and even a crack in the windscreen, in a few seconds, we broke it up in all directions, we, in general, accepted with understanding - no one is insured. But the rear brakes were surprised by the briefness. Already later, in private conversations, it turned out that it was one of the children's diseases of the Uzbek car. Result - the amount is almost doubled big than Reno: Agree, quite a few. Nevertheless, despite the increased cash spending, Daewoo looks like a flaw. In the good condition of the car body, suspension, steering. There is no doubt - will still ride and ride.
We deliberately divided the cost of work and consumables in the final tables. Even when a quick acquaintance with numbers, the high cost of precisely qualified workers hands is noticeable, quite comparable, and sometimes superior to the price of spare parts. After analyzing the situation, the owner of an inexpensive foreign car certainly thinks seriously, where and how to serve it at the end of the warranty. Most likely, he will try to save on simple and elementary operations, leaving the brand service those that require a special snap. Probably, this way will go and we, in order to feel, in which the service costs on their own.

Costs for repair and maintenance (rates LLC Jensel Service)
Renault Clio Symbol of Daewoo Nexia
Type of work Cost price Amount type of work Cost value Amount
materials, works, costs, materials, works, costs,
rub. rub. rub. rub. rub. rub.
Then 10 000 km
Planned Works 1189 1311 Planned Works 1490 1748
Replacing the Relay Adjustment of the Hub
turns under the guarantee of rear wheels 276
Wheel repair
and balancing 181 276
TOTAL 2500 1671 2300 3971
Then 20 000 km
Planned Works 2717 3614 Planned Works 2906 2124
Installing rear sleeve installation
mudguards 885 516 steering shaft 266
Total 3602 4130 7732 2906 2390 5296
Then 30 000 km
Planned Works 1231 1614 Planned Works 2108 3540 5648
Rear replacement
guarantee shock absorbers
Checking corners
wheel installations 1041.
TOTAL 1231 2655 3886 5648
Then 40 000 km
Planned work 2819 3374 Planned work 3470 2880
Replacement of brushes replacement front
wiper 560 109 Pads 712 900
Replacing lamp lamp lamp
stop signal 22 109 dimensions 31 180
Rear replacement
guarantee shock absorbers
Installation of protection 700 800
Total 3401 3592 6993 4913 4760 9673
Then 50 000 km
Planned Works 1278 2191 Planned Works 2048 2418
Engine car wash 383 replacement rear
pads 843 1116.
Rear replacement
drums 2359.
Window replacement
glasses 5945 2325.
Replacing Kontsevikov
front guarantee doors
Replacing antenna under warranty
Fuel cleaning
tank 1860.
Engine washing 465.
TOTAL 1278 2574 3852 11 195 8184 19 379
TOTAL 24 963 43 967
Middle fuel consumption for mileage Moscow-Pskov-Moscow, l / 100 km
7,2 7,0
Text / Sergey Voskresensky, Anatoly Karpenkov
Photo / George Sadkov

A source: Journal "Behind the wheel"

Test Drives Daewoo Nexia (Kletn) 1995 - NV

Daewoo Nexia malfunctions (Kletn) 1995 - NV

Daewoo Nexia malfunctions: details
Nexia (Kletn) 1995 - NV
Management and suspension system
Brake system
Heated air and air conditioning
Start and Charging System
Electrical components and other
Body resistance to corrosion