Test Drive Daewoo Matiz since 2005 Hatchback

SPARK of the Orthi Period

As you, I hope, remember, in the last issue we gathered with strength and spirit and looked into the mysterious female soul with her concealed desires. And they found in it BMW X5, Mercedes-Benz CLS, Porsche 911 and other great-wide automotive bonds - in general, all that we were than having fallen on male short-sightedness to the very anniversary of movement. Accordingly, all those vehicles that we for some reason were taken for purely female cars turned out to be disappointed unclaimed. Do I need to say that small city automobiles did not cause the joy of the joy of potential possession among girls, and the list of foreign cars led Daewoo Matiz?


Yes - it is necessary! Because reality, as usual, is far from the world of dreams. And often our nidraznostable young ladies have to sigh of X-fifth, standing in a crowded metro car surrounded by the same pedestrian dreamers. If, of course, someone is a generous and loving, but perhaps not too rich will not be presented as a gift at least a tiny matizik. Or something else is better - a newly new Chevrolet Spar, for example. Yes, it, as we found out - Antisex. But after all, freedom of movement above ambitions, isn't it?


However, why wait for the gift? You can buy yourself, the benefit currently these machines are among the most lifting foreign cars. Matiz is more accessible, and Spark is newer. But is how SPARK is the newer how much matiz is more accessible?


Chevrolet not only sounds weighty than Daewoo, but also looks much more attractive. But Matiz is good): He still has where to get old - in contrast to drafts of aunt of Nexia. The appearance of the matzik is rather concise, rather than simple. Property But Spark is still much fresh. Inaction of the headlights and complex for the car of such a class of plastic sidewall make the machine very expressive! At the same time, the overall layout of the body refers to the opportunity, who was sitting on the photo nearby, and immediately it becomes clear: despite the fact that these automobile users have no one about the dinakov body detail, it is essentially his own, the same car. The way it is. Curious life fact: the design of both machines - the brushes of artists Atelier ItalDesign. The history of Matiz is more interesting: Initially, in 1993, the car was represented as a concept of Fiat Lucciola, but the fiatovets themselves did not need for various reasons. But the pretty project survived - Daewoo was carried out, and in 1997, the car again appeared to the world in the form of a prototype d`rts. It remains only to run into production and change the name on Matiz, which is shortness and happened. As for Spark, then, given the place in 2000, Faislifting Matiza, we actually have the happiness to watch the matiz of the third generation. And, by the way, in different markets can be found and not too familiar to us phrases - Chevrolet Matiz and Daewoo Spark.


As you can see, they have a lot in common. But those conceptual differences, which, shop deeper, can be burned between these anti-axes, are breeding machines at different angles of the ring.


The most important thing is Sparkova Security. In the sleeve of Chevrolet there are two trump cards for three letters that the Matiz will fail to beat anywhere: ABS and SRS. Moreover, the airbag for the driver in spark is even in the basic configuration. The second Irbug appears a little later - with an increase in the price of the car. And it is worth it.


Americans were greatly colred to Daewoo from the inside: the interior here is not at all that at the Uzbek car. It is better: both design, and quality, and materials, and upholstery. Everything! Inexpensive, but a pleasant eye of its texture plastic and the motley fabric on the seats and doors plus the high quality of the spark assembly is sent to Matiz to Nokdown. And here there is a mandatory for all inexpensive cars finishing with metallized plastic and even something more glamorous - air ducts of the ventilation system, like Alfa Romeo. Overcome!


Of course, Daewoo is also not bad, but it seems too much utilitarian after Chevy. Yes, and the materials in Uzbek are not a foreign one - Soviet. Not much better than on the Vazovskaya Tent. Only collected more and more delicately. But here, the buildings of the assembly are visible: the seals will displeasure it inappropriate, and in some plastic details, the burrs get out of sores.


The only doubt in the design of the SPARK interior causes the central location of the instruments. It seems uncomfortable. Requires habits. But, they say, the habit comes. But not at once. And only today - once!


Today I want to ride! Spark has turned out to be with a small three-cylinder engine a work capacity of a little more than bottle of champagne - 0.8 liters. But Matiz is an expressive energy, here is a real engine of four cylinders. A whole liter! Plus a bunch of advanced equipment that implies the most expensive equipment Best - and here the little Daewoo fell beyond ten thousand dollars. However, our Spark, for nothing, with a non-dilated motor, is even more expensive - there are not fast ABS and pillows. And the ability to compare two engines.


Matiz - he also started! It is worth only to adapt to the clutch (it is strange here: the long-term pedal is literally the centimeter of the working stroke, and everything else is a free move), as the car begins to burn: Daewoo is a grasshopper jumps from the place and vividly picks up. The liter is great pulling from the bottom, pink pushing the car forward from the lowest revolutions. And if you do not perceive yourself, such a serious, driving a sort of playful krakomanship as a mixture, then very soon you begin to feel that you are the winner: by and large, there are no equal in this car in this car. Her weakness with interest compensates for horseposyl modesty. Perhaps very large people will feel in the Matiz Cinderella, which instead of the carriage laid it turned out to be in a pumpkin


But the likelihood of getting pleasure from driving is much higher! In general, if you do not take passengers and do not include condo, then Matiz in the city cadets the trunk a lot to whom.


As for Spark, the shortage of two hundred grams and one cylinder is very noticeable. The sound of the motor is clearly non-standard - thai-taut, ungreasing. But there is a Spark to promote as a trace - and now an unhealthy anger appears in his voice: it's like if the guinea pig suddenly flies to heat up. And you will have to turn the bottle of champagne in any way: it will not be possible to confidently touch without a good podgezka. By the way, and the clutch from Chevy works at all like the Daewoo: the pedal is also long-time and albeit a light, but some kind of cotton, but the moment of grabbing without a proper workout immediately and accurately catch it.


Both cars are very perfectly running in a straight line - surprisingly right. But the steering wheel is better not to tear - the center of gravity is high. And if from the side to observe how the machines are laid in the turn, it becomes scary: the tires on the tonny wheels are closed so that it seems like a little more - and they are unfolded. Not for the faint of heart!


But the fear passes, and joy remains. But the cars will have to give dealers back. Sorry - they are cool! Especially Spark. Yes, it is more expensive. But every dollar over the price of Matiz is doubly justified here. In the case of a writer, it makes sense to overpay for the options, and with the matiz - on the contrary: the machine will be more relevant in the configuration close to the base. And then everything will fall into place: one car is obtained modern, and the second is cheap. In any case, they are both fully accessible. And both are cute to an eye! Pleasant in all respects.



Chevrolet Spark.

More famous as Chevrolet Matiz, Daewoo Matiz, Daewoo Spark

Predecessor Daewoo Matiz (1998)

Daewoo Matiz platform

Premiere May 2005

Body Hatchback

Engines 0.8-1.0 l (52-66 liters.)

Production of Korea

Expected replacement 2010.



Daewoo Matiz II.

Still known as Chevrolet Spark

Predecessor Daewoo Tico (1990)

Prototype FIAT CINQUECENTO Lucciola (1993)

Daewoo Tico platform

Premiere March 1998.

Modernization Summer 2000.

Body Hatchback

Engines 0.8-1.0 l (51-63 liters.)

Production of Uzbekistan

The expected replacement is not provided


Text: Kirill Brevdo



Source: Magazine "Wheels" [№98 / 2005]

Video test drives Daewoo Matiz since 2005

Daewoo Matiz faults since 2005

Daewoo Matiz fault: details
Matiz since 2005
Control system and suspension
Brake system
Heated air and air conditioning
Start and Charging System
Electrical components and other
Body stability to corrosion