Daewoo Matiz test drive since 2005 hatchback

Long -term Daewoo Matiz test

Two years ago, it was decided to buy a small car for the editorial office of [email protected]. Moreover, not so much small as cheap. Frankly, at first we looked at the Russian Lada, but then the gaze was stopped at the Korean-Uzbek Daewoo Matiz.
Why did we choose Matiz? Of course, not because of his image of this model is ready to laugh. No, seriously, even the owner of the VAZ classic is sure that he has a real car, and not a misunderstanding on small wheels. And drivers of nine and dozen look at Daewoo Matiz and completely neglect. Frankly, at first we wanted to buy a nine, or rather LADA-2114, which cost (and now it costs) about the same as the miracle of the Korean auto industry. They came, sat in the car, swept on it, remembered their childhood and refused. The glory of the car, which is constantly pouring, firmly stuck to LADA. In addition, many editorial staff (almost everyone) once had a domestic machine. And as soon as a person heard that we would buy new (!) Lada, then his eyes were rounded out of fear, and the phrase in the style of what, what did you fool around? In general, they decided to take a small, not prestigious and frankly female Matiz. At least there was confidence that it would not break in a couple of months of operation.
In September 2005, for the Daewoo Matiz with a 0.8 liter engine, a mechanical gearbox in the configuration with a hydraulic power steering, electric windows, rear wiper and radio gave 218,000 rubles. Moreover, 6100 rubles must be added to these costs. The purchase of new music, as the basic tape recorder was just terrible. In addition, another 21,000 rubles. For some reason they gave for a good alarm with feedback and blocking the gearbox. At the last expenses, I admit, then they regretted it, since everyone, even representatives of insurance companies and traffic cops, are sure that Matiz is one of the most uncouraged cars (unlike, by the way, from the same nine). You also need to add CASCO insurance (20,000 rubles) and winter tires (8000 rubles). We did not do any anticorus, although the seller at the Daewoo Motor Show with all his appearance made it clear that we were complete idiots, and the car would rot after our winter a year later. In general, Daewoo Matiz cost 273 100 rubles as a result.
By the way, we can immediately say about one problem that many owners of Matiz are faced with a very unusual wheel dimension of 145/70 R13 or 155/65 R13. In stores, such winter tires are practically not found, so we had to buy non -standard studded pirelli dimensions 155/70 R13.
How did Matiz showed himself for 20,000 km., Which he had already managed to run? Surprisingly, this machine has not so much negative sides. Take, for example, space in the cabin. From a distance it seems that not a single adult man will fit inside Matiz. However, the driver is about 190 cm tall. He will be able to sit in the chair quite tolerably. Do you think there is no place behind? Nothing like this! We ourselves were in shock when we realized that the spaces in the second row were no less than in the nine. That is, you are not particularly walking around, but the average person will sit there and will not fall apart. But there really is no trunk. What is true is true. Only two packages with products from the supermarket and no more are placed there. Naturally, all the words about comfort and normal location behind the wheel are made with the correction that we have a class A car according to European classification. And comparing it with ten -year -old BMW in this case is pointless.
The design of the salon and the materials of the finish, of course, have not been delighted for a long time. Everything is gray, sad and dull. However, it is more important for us that not a single claim arose to the quality of assembly! For all 20,000 km. Not a single part in the cabin broke, did not hurt or fell off. And a few electrical equipment worked as expected. Although more recently, a cigarette lighter suddenly stopped working on the Russian border. The reason was not that the Korean machine of the Uzbek assembly did not like capitalist countries. Just burned out the fuse of 20 amperes. Spare are in special boxing on the left under the wheel. And to get to him, well, it is just very difficult for the driver to go to the floor, hold a flashlight with one hand, and try to open a box of boxing, which, of course, does not want to open. It took us to take out the fuse for about thirty minutes. Moreover, the customs officers saw how one of the drivers intensively hides something in the hidden cavities of the car. What it ended in guessing it is not difficult to guess when passing the checkpoint from the driver and passenger selected the documents, Matiz forced him to drive away, and the customs officers showed all their knowledge and experience, trying to find something illegal in the car. Even one dog and a whole major participated in the search.
How does Daewoo Matiz behave on the road? There is nothing much proud of our baby. Of course, in the city of a motor with a volume of 0.8 liters. More or less enough, but only up to a speed of 60-70 km/h. But then the machine begins to go reluctantly, although if desired on the highway you can keep 110-120 km/h. But I do not want to move with a similar speed for a long time. And not only because the engine is sorry. The reason is rather different. At high speed in the Matiz salon, it becomes very noisy. Plus, the driver no longer feels confident at the wheel, and the car begins to swim along the road. However, we repeat once again in the city of Matiz very well, allowing you to stay in the general stream and even overtake. As for the smoothness and energy intensity of the suspension of the hole, this machine, which is equipped with 13-inch wheels, does not pass in the best way, and pendants also periodically happen. In general, Matiz has hard on bad roads.
A few words must be said about the safety of Daewoo Matiz, because those who have never drove in this car are sure that this semi -automobile car is a real coffin on wheels. [email protected] does not yet hold his crash tests. Therefore, we will enjoy using the results of crash tests to the author. And they say that Matiz, despite its funny dimensions and the lack of airbags, turned out to be a relatively safe model that preserves life better than all Russian models, including the top ten!
In the first year of operation (the car during this time passed about 10 thousand km.) There was only one claim in winter for some reason died a full-time battery. I had to buy a new one. That's basically it. For 10 thousand km. The car passed two TO-1 for 2 thousand km. and TO-2 for 10 thousand km. Both were inexpensive (about 2000 rubles. Each). But TO-3 by 20,000 km. It has already cost much more than 5752 rubles. It turns out that 20 thousand km. In Matiz, not only oil in the engine is changed, but also candles, fuel filter, brake liquid. In addition, at the latest service, we forced the masters to fix the rear seat belt under the guarantee, which suddenly stopped working (the employees were sincerely surprised when we learned that passengers in our car were fastened even on the second row of seats).
Well, since it was about breakdowns it is worth noting another malfunction. 18 thousand km. Matiz suddenly began to twitch when driving, and the engine began to work with interruptions. It turned out that one of the high -voltage wires died. I had to buy a new set, which, by the way, cost a lot of 980 rubles.
It is also worth saying about fuel consumption. Contrary to the predictions that the car will spend 4 liters. per 100 km., We went about 6 liters, and in winter the consumption grew up to 7.5-8 liters. 100 km. Although, perhaps, this is that very often men-male drivers while driving Matiz behave on the road very aggressively and constantly promote the motor.
How can we draw a conclusion? Daewoo Matiz, despite all the initial skepticism, proved himself to be a rather decent machine on which you can drive around the city. Of course, he has disadvantages, but there are advantages. Among the latter, it should be noted, of course, the low cost of both the machine itself and the subsequent operation (insurance, gasoline pr.). In addition, this car is completely not interested not only in the hijackers, but our Matiz has never stopped the traffic cops for all two years! Therefore, if you need an inexpensive model, you can safely buy this baby. Well, our long Daewoo Matiz test continues. The next report will be when the car passes 30,000 km.
Expenses for 20,000 km:
- Car: 218 000 rub.
- Musical system: 6100 rubles.
- alarm + lock lock on the hood: 21,000 rubles.
- Winter rubber: 8,000 rubles.
- CASCO: 20,000 rubles. + 16,000 rubles. \u003d 36 000 rub.
- OSAGO (for 2 years): 4989 rub.
- then: 2000 + 2000 + 5752 \u003d 9752 rub.
- gasoline (1300 l.): 26,000 rubles.
Unscheduled expenses:
Battery 2300 rub. (replacement independently)
High -voltage wires 980 rubles. (replacement independently)
Near light bulbs (2 pcs.) 40 rub. (replacement independently)
Total for 20 thousand km: 333 161 rubles.

Source: Auto.mail.ru

Video Daewoo Matiz test drive since 2005

Daewoo Matiz faults since 2005

Daewoo Matiz: Detailed Information
Matiz since 2005
Control system and suspension
Brake system
Air heating and air conditioning
Launch and charging system
Electric components and so on
Corrosion body stability