Daewoo Espero 1990 test drives - 1997 Sedan

New Russians - Machines
Cobly passion to all that is associated with Russia, abroad has declined. The attractive demand for matryoshki and balalaiki disappeared, do not create more famous couture models based on Pavlovo-Posheskykeys, even the paintings market and icons completely civilized and left the Arbat in the quiet auction halls. But once abandoned the abroad left ...
Wind from the East
Undoubtedly, in the title of the model Daewoo of the middle class there is a raisin: Espero translated from Italian means West or wind from the West. It is quite well invented, considering that European development is taken as the basis of the car, and the body of the body is drawn by Italian masters from Atelier Bertone. But consumer and running quality, and most importantly, the price, they say ...
Korean from Don.
As promised in the past issue, we spent the Daewoo Espero test of the middle class, collected in the Russian city of Rostov-on-Don. Officially, only such people are sold, no purely Korean and will not be. So Daewoo solved, without using the rare opportunity to rename the car from DEU to Rodeu, ...