Citroen Xsara Picasso 1999 test drives - 2004 minivan

The art of transformation ...
... or the next embodiment of Citroen Xsara Picasso, official biographers call Pablo Picasso the most famous artist of the twentieth century, whose art carrier lasted 80 years. He transformed art, they say, like no one else in this century. In addition to paintings, thousands of sculptures, graphic works, ceramic products, lithographs and crafts from a wide variety of ... came out from under his hands ...
Family quartet
The European and world boom of demand for mini-wen continues. This is not to say that he overwhelmed Russia, but here these functional cars are increasingly finding their customers. Moreover, the choice became wider - the one once the class shared several subclasses, from micro -sized Van. The middle of this row is occupied by compact mini-wen ...
And yet they are together
The choice of cars for our duel column may seem strange to someone. Well, it would seem, the Peugeot 307 and the Citroen-Csara-Picasso, except for the parent, the PSA concern in common? Peugeot is a beginner, Citroen has been produced for two years. 307th - a classic representative of a golf class, Picasso - a neophyte from the newly emerged clan compactwenes. Even the price of two ...
Family gazebo
A person strives to simplify the form, wanting to maintain the content. In addition to shampoo and air conditioning in one bottle, he invented Nissan Almera Tino and Citroen Xcara Picasso. The European history of single -combatants or, as they are also called, compactwen begins its countdown in 1984, when Renault has launched an Espace model on the market. ...
Girl on the Ball
Want to be known as aesthet? Buy a Picasso picture. Want to follow automotive fashion? Buy Citroen Xsara Picasso the first appearance of the Citroen single -coat was held in 1998 at the Paris Motor Show. The automobile world was just starting to think about what the 21st century car would be, and Picasso was the first machine that really had a chance of mass production ...
Citroen, Picasso and Diesel: In the company of originals
Have you ever seen the works of the famous artist Pablo Picasso? Strange, sometimes simply incomprehensible, amazing paintings, in which even a banal naked model looks unusual ... to say that the minivan Citroeon Xsara, which is also named after the artist is also named Picasso, is extremely original ... No, the car is like a car. It can be seen that French. It can be seen that Citroen. But it is also noticeable ...

Citroen Xsara Picasso 1999 - 2004