Test Drive Citroen C5 Tourer Since 2008 Universal


Parallel dimension? Judging by the appearance of Black C5, it has all the rights to exist. What an intriguing, what an ambiguous object! You begin to study it in detail - it seems to be all ordinary, but a provocative appearance is born from their magic mixture. Extreme degree of individualism with a minimum of damage to feeling beautiful!


The perception of this car is in full dependence on the angle from which you look at it: C5 may seem like elegant and clumsy, both attractive and repulsive. What about the idea itself to disguise the hatchback under the sedan? And Hydractive III suspension playing with clearance in the range from 90 to 230 mm? Yes, this is a real chameleon, a transformer car! Switch more cubic meters of cargo, drive along a ride after the SUV? No problem! Well, today C5 will turn on the title of sportsman: he brought with him a 210-strong V6 in a pair with mechanics. Intelligent in the form of a militant? Let's see!


The level of equipment is shocking. Such a set can be found only on German cars with a doubled digit on the price tag! Impressive security complex: ESP, emergency braking systems, anti-blocking and anti-poles, eight pillows. Hydropneumatics and xenon. Leather interior with wood trim, complete electrification front armchairs, including heated. Separate climate control, CD receiver with changer and JBL acoustics. Cruise control, tire pressure sensors, parking, rain. Plus folding mirrors automatically reconfiguring with reverse moves. The dashboard is littered with arrows and indicators, there are displays everywhere, and at the wheel of the four switches! High technologies, however. Twenty first century! And it is surprising, at this level of technological saturation C5, it is managed to be very friendly, homely and cozy.


Now - the question of the day. Is the Citroennee Chevron really dwelled harpoon, ready to hit rivals? By car with a two-liter engine, we know that C5 is a delicate and graceful car. In all - in dynamics, in handling, in smoothness. This is already a generic sign: even the aggression of the charged XSARA VTS there is not a drop of malice, solid style and elegance! As soft, the most energy-made Citroen, or is it not alien to primitive instincts?


At first glance, branded traditions are observed. Long pedals and long transmissions endow the reaction of the machine smoothness. The engine with the gas distribution phase change system and index ignition coils for each cylinder is not impressive with a torque on the bottoms, but fun and mischievously spinning, infecting enthusiasm when leaving the border of 4500 rpm. As a result, the car does not tear off the place, imprinting passengers in the chair, - Azart wave covers later when the car begins with an incredible desire to respond to each movement of the gas pedal. And the sound of the engine is good!


At high speed, his hoarse baritone causes a famous episode from Ronin's film, in which a six-cylinder XM desperately beat off Audi S8 attacks. But the controllability, which so pleased on the two-liter machine, does not correspond to the temperament of the motor. The steering with an alternating action by a sharply progressive returning force (the steering wheel is as if spinning the spring), no longer ensures the desired accuracy of reactions. Yes, and the rolls of the car hinders. However, the Sitrocks would not be Citrons, do not prepare them countermeasures - this time in the form of the Sport button on the suspension control unit. With her pressing, a fair share of the smoothness of the progress is destroyed, and instead there appears to appear muscles and collens. Rolls decrease, the responses become clearer, the confidence in the car is growing, and it becomes much more comfortable to control it in stress modes.


In steep turns of C5, it is defiantly stable, its turning is close to neutral. In many ways, this is the merit of ESP, the work of which is completely imperceptible, for, turning it off, I immediately received a pretty share of insufficient turning in the form of a decent demolition of the front axle. We only emphasize that all these nuances are manifested with a rigid driving manner, and in more calmer modes of particular benefits from the Sport button there is not observed. And to the controllability of the car claims are difficult to prevent. Damn it, he knows everything!


It is beautiful to speak, beautifully move, beautifully care for guests. But it is unlikely that C5, even with a six-hood, can be called a Sports Sedan of Pardon, Hatchback. With all his skills and skills, he does not work to be shootingly sharp. The refinement and courteside are characterized by much more than the rough power. Therefore, it seems to me that there is no particular need for mechanics here. Moreover, the proposed automatic has a manual switching mode. So, just in case, if suddenly wanted a rough power.


A source: Magazine "Wheels" [№66 / 2003]

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