Test Drive Citroen C5 Tourer Since 2008 Universal

Test Drive Citroen C5 Tourer: Sarai in French

As you know, in Russia they love sedans. Therefore, cars with the body wagon received in the people not quite respectful nickname shed. What is the Shed in French - the new Citroen C5 Tourer?
The most weakens in the press park of the Russian representation of Citroen with a two-liter engine with a capacity of 143 hp were specially selected for the test drive. Consciously, a manual gearbox was also selected. Still Tourer car for long-range roads. And on the track, the manual gearbox still has an advantage over automatic, since it provides better dynamics. Yes, and fuel consumption is smaller.
Shed with all amenities
Citroen C5 was just a stuffed with all sorts of options. Moreover, many of them are far from all the highest price class machines.
For example, the meeting was very pleasant. In the absence of the driver, his chair moved back back, which facilitates landing. When the ignition is turned on, the chair crashes forward, occupying the position specified during adjustment. Upon completion of the trip (this system learns on the drunk engine and opening the driver's door).
From the chair you need to get out, because it has a developed side support is not an excess detail for dynamic driving lovers. A large number of seats and backrest adjustments in combination with a steering wheel moving in two planes allows you to select the optimal position to the driver of any physique. We will add to this the heated seats (three levels of intensity) and the built-in massager - and we get the best chair for moving distance trips, including in the context of the Russian winter.
If you continue the conversation about the winter (although it has not come yet), the two-zone climate control works very clearly and warms the interior quickly. Separate reference mode of windshield is generally excellent. Taking the car from the morning, I used it and fogging the glass disappeared literally for three to four seconds.
Pleased and the opening / closing system of the rear door. It can not only open it using a separate button on the key chain of the remote lock. It closes using the button in the door of the door, and after all, and on more expensive machines it is necessary to do, pulling behind the belt loop.
With swivel xenon headlights, providing side illumination, I met by chance. Learning early in the morning with tightly forced parking, I turned the steering wheel and the headlight immediately readily lit the zone to the left of the car, for which I told her thank you - it's really comfortable. In addition to turning the steering wheel, the headlights react and on the turning on the signal signal.
The electric parking brake at first plunges me into a slight bewilderment. The main question is how to use it when touching on the lift? It turned out that it is even easier to use it than the traditional poker. The parking brake is easily overwhelmed with the engine, but has a time delay that allows you to safely move the leg with the brake pedal on the gas pedal and without fuss to touch.
The combination of instruments are read well and, despite the large amount of information displayed, does not look overloaded. The only remark of the tachometer would be good to move to the left, where the fuel meter pointer is now. Behind the engine turnover, you are constantly (marzing about the favorite engineers Citroen cut-off engine speed to it is better not to reach), and the right zone of the tachometer (high revs) overlaps the rim. On the critical fuel residue, the system warns the sound signal, and the multifunctional indicator (it is located in the center of the speedometer) data are displayed on how much you can drive on a gasoline tank. Therefore, the visibility of the fuel meter scale is not critical.
Pleased wiper brushes who go from the center. As a result, the dead angle on the right above disappeared, at which at times you have to look, waiting for the switching of the traffic light. The algorithm of the washer is thought out: it first throws a portion of the liquid on the glass (the nozzles are very effective due to a wide vein jets), then pauses, and the second portion is served simultaneously with the start of the movement of the brushes. As a result, the brush does not scrape the glass dry, which has a beneficial effect on their condition. The test car to the beginning of the run went about 5800 km, but no rice on the windshield was not observed during the operation of the wiper.
It is impossible not to say good words about the rain sensor. On other cars, it was necessary to face the fact that the windshield is already flooded, and the machine still does not give commands to turn on the wiper. Here the brushes began to move in a second before the appearance in the head of the thought, that it would be time for and clean the glass.
However, Citroen C5 splashes for surprise little. For three days I drove for the non-gloomy purity of domestic roads about a thousand eight hundred kilometers (including in the rain). And after that, the car would not cause special complaints from the traffic police even during the period of action a pure car.
Salon's silence also does not cause complaints. Only on one section of the road resembling the washing board was given a voice compartment cover for the smallest, located on the left of the steering wheel. And then the light cotton palm pressed is disgrace.
The element of the corporate style of the Citroen Steering wheel with a fixed hub did not cause any complaints. Yes, when you turn the steering wheel at times, you touch the hub with the base of the palm (unfamiliar sensation), but this is a matter of habit. As for the reach of the management bodies on the hub, it is unlikely that someone will be in a cool turn to configure the receiver to another station or other similar actions. The only exception of the sound signal key that may be needed at any time. However, these small keys are duplicated by pressing the hub in general, so it is generally incomprehensible, why are they needed.
List a pleasant little things that are characteristic of Citroen C5, you can still long. The shadowing salon mirror of the rear view, very adequate lateral mirrors (which, by the way, are folded when locking the doors using a keychain), a well-thought out of the interior lighting system (including the bottom zone backlight during landing), automatic headlights from the far light to the closeness when the oncoming car appears, A well-working parking sensor with a good picture and with an algorithm for assessing the sufficiency of the place, the tire pressure control system ... In general, the Ergonomics of C5 is thought out by the engineers are good that is generally characteristic of the French.
The only exception to the filling neck of the gas tank. It opens manually, and the plug is locked with the key, which is not removed from the open plug. The instruction recommends that you leave a plug in a special bracket of the cover of the neck, but in our country it can do this only that is not quite a mentally normal person. Therefore, it is necessary to go to the gas station gasoline operator with a gasoline tube. For the level on which is declared (and which generally corresponds to) Citroen C5 is unallowable. It would be relevant here that would be blocked (simultaneously with the doors), the lid of the neck and a simple plug.
But this is a trifle, and overall the saturation of the car with additional systems and the quality of the interior performance leave a pleasant impression.
We are going, we go, we go ...
From the description of amenities it is time to go to the ride qualities. At first, the car seems unusual bulky (its width is 186 cm). However, the dimensions quickly get used to the dimensions, and you begin to pull the Citroen C5 through the narrower very confident.
Characteristic for vehicles with a body wagon reaction to transverse air flows inherent and Citroen C5. However, it is very moderate, and the driver who knows about this feature does not create problems. By the way, the C5 reacts poorly to the oncoming trucks. The reaction to the side wind, rather, can manifest itself when leaving the wind shadow of the hill to an open area.
About the corporate active hydraulic suspension Citroen did not write only lazy. Therefore, I will not talk about the convenience of increased clearance at the entrance to the borders and the unsuitability of the sport regime for Russian roads. But about the routine work Hydractive 3+ to say that.
First, C5 is not subject to the change in the horizontal corners of the body position in almost any maneuvers. And with a sharp braking, and with an energetic turn, the car remains in the horizon. Secondly, for the entire mileage of the shock absorber's breakdown, it did not happen (and the roads and modes of movement were still those) so you are asked a question: is it possible at all?
The suspension is good extinguishing the vibration of different frequencies and amplitudes from moving through a lying policeman and moving on repaired (we have it called this) urban streets before the driving road at a speed of 150-160 km / h. Yes, there are areas with which the smart suspension C5 does not cope with them, it is unlikely to handle something serially produced.
Stability / handling and brakes were also at the height. I am not a lover to check them specifically, but circumstances are all sorts of. So now, in the early morning, when it was still dark, plus a haze, to meet me on a fairly decent speed, flew the retarder to the trace of the repaired road. As it often happens, we have no warning signs in advance, so all the hope was on rolling quality C5. He did not let the braking was completely controlled, driving and demolitions did not arise (thanks to ESP). The speed dropped smoothly so that quickly - but not frighteningly quickly - to pass the S-shaped curve, and again it was possible to press gas. The knees slightly fit but then ...
Engine in 143 hp It is enough even for such a not too light car. Up to 3.8-4 thousand rpm. The engine is almost not heard, but at a higher speed, he already gives a voice. However, this voice does not have scalded notes, and not even devoid of some kind of pleasantness. If we talk about noise in the cabin, then you need to note the good sound insulation of the wheeled niches. Even on domestic roads, the music is audible without a noticeable increase in volume.
A manual gearbox allows you to accelerate vigorously (spinning the engine up to five thousand revolutions per minute or slightly higher), so that inferiority in the city stream and when starting the traffic lights do not feel. In motion along the highway, the speed of 140 km / h on the fifth gear is supported at ~ 4000 rpm. At the same time, the engine remains still a sufficient stock of torque, so sometimes you complain about the absence of the 6th transmission.
It is necessary to go on overtaking yet on the fourth there traction is enough (in contrast to the 5th transmission). Before passporting two hundred and kilometers per hour, I did not reach the limited to 180 km / h. Above to accelerate no longer wanting for this power is still not enough.
The steering wheel has some backlash (naturally, compared with sports cars with their acute control). However, for the average driver, it is rather dignity than the deficiency. If the machine for such a driver will vil up when trying to look at the side of the road, it will be superfluous. As the speed grows, the management is correctly delayed.
The brake drive has a nonlinear characteristic (first braking is weak, then it increases). But you quickly get used to, and there are no problems with brakes. Gas pedals and adhesion informative, but not too tough. It saves from fatigue feet in the far road. Theoretically, on the track, you can use cruise control (on C5 it is regular), but the condition of the roads and the nature of the movement makes it a class, in general, vigorous. Too often you have to change the speed in the one or the other side.
Question price
In mileage, Citroen C5 has demonstrated very high fuel efficiency. Consumption did not exceed 10 l / 100 km and this is despite the fact that the movement was mainly carried out quite quickly. On the mileage of a length of a more seven hundred kilometers, the average speed (with refueling, smokers and snack) was about 80 km / h.
Now about the price of Citroen C5 Tourer. The test car had the weakest engine and manual transmission, but at the same time - a practically a complete set of options (excluding a glass panoramic roof and a metallic color). Its price is 1080500 rubles. For a machine with such a set of options, more than acceptable. No need to forget that this price also includes a smart suspension, which costs a lot.
In the basic configuration, the Citrea price of Citroen C5 Tourer This version is 871 thousand rubles. The most expensive car family with a 2.7 liter engine. And AKPP-6 will cost the buyer from 1.47 million rubles.
Citroen engineers managed to create a very nice car. He is not bad in the city, but its main elemental distance trails. Here its capacity is especially valuable.
If the designer was, then the corrections that I would make are reduced to the rejection of the dashboard (change the fuel meter and the tachometer in places), removal from the wheel of the sound signal buttons (they are simply not needed) and the design of the cover and plugging of the fuel tank.
The car is economical enough. With an impressive set of options (and options are really useful) its price does not roll. From his fellow 407 (PSA Peugeot Citroen's leadership in this case, it came to unification very seriously) is beneficial to the presence of Hydractive 3+ suspension.
It seems that when continuing the weighted price and credit policy, which the Russian office of Citroen demonstrates from the beginning of the crisis, the chances of success at C5 Tourer will be. Not too much in the business class car market, on the equipment not inferior to representatives of the premium segment.
As for the barn, in Europe, it has long been appreciated the advantages of this type of body. Evaluate it and with us.

A source: Business Autoclub

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